Monday 16 September 2013

[cobirds] RMBO Banding at Chico Basin Ranch, El Paso Co.

Last Thursday was our first slow day of the season, following the rain day on Wednesday.  We banded only 21 birds on Thursday, then were closed again on Friday due to weather.   On Saturday we were back over 100.  Having missed two days last week, we decided to open on Sunday, and banded a respectable 44 birds.  Species and totals for the three days follow.  We have banded 853 birds of 28 species in eight days.


Thursday 9/12:  Total 21

Western Wood-Pewee – 2

Western Flycatcher – 2

Willow Flycatcher – 1

House Wren – 3

Swainson's Thrush - 3

Wilson's Warbler – 9

Blue Grosbeak - 1


Saturday 9/14:  Total 162

Western Wood-Pewee – 4

Least Flycatcher - 2

Dusky Flycatcher – 1

Red-eyed Vireo - 1

Cassin's Vireo - 2

House Wren – 1

Ruby-crowned Kinglet – 2

American Robin – 3

Swainson's Thrush – 3

Hermit Thrush – 11

Gray Catbird – 2

Brown Thrasher – 1

Orange-crowned Warbler – 5

Tennessee Warbler - 1

Yellow Warbler – 3

Ovenbird – 1

MacGillivray's Warbler - 5

Wilson's Warbler – 91

Western Tanager – 1

Brewer's Sparrow – 4

Clay-colored Sparrow – 2

Chipping Sparrow – 9

Mountain White-crowned Sparrow – 1

Lincoln's Sparrow - 6


Sunday, 9/15:  Total 44

Western Wood-Pewee – 1

Western Flycatcher – 1

Cassin's Vireo - 1

White-breasted Nuthatch - 1

American Robin – 1

Hermit Thrush – 4

Gray Catbird – 1

Orange-crowned Warbler – 1

Yellow Warbler – 1

MacGillivray's Warbler - 1

Wilson's Warbler – 23

Yellow-breasted Chat – 1

Lazuli Bunting – 3

Clay-colored Sparrow – 2

Lincoln's Sparrow - 2



Nancy Gobris

Steve Brown, Susan Craig

Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory

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