Thursday, 19 September 2013

[cobirds] RMBO at CBR, El Paso Co, Thursday Philly V

Hi COBirders,

The wind brought in a turnover of birds at Chico Basin Ranch, but it also kept us from opening about 1/3 of the nets. Where it was sheltered, we did great and had a steady arrival all morning.   About 90 new birds were banded today, mostly warblers again, with 40+ Wilson's, several Orange-crowned, MacGillivray's, and Yellow Warblers (which seem really late), and we added our FOS Com Yellowthroat and FOS Audubon's Yellow-rumped.  Also W Tanagers, Gray Catbirds, Lazuli Bunting, an FOS Indigo Bunting female, a few sparrows, and LOTS of flycatchers: a couple W W Pewees, and several Dusky, Hammond's, Least,  and Western Flycatchers.

The Bird-of-the-Day came in a net I was just about to close at midday - a bright PHILADELPHIA VIREO, aged as hatch-year. We think this might be only the 4th we've had in the fall in the last decade. Photos available.

Watching the cold front and almost-full moon to see what they bring us tonight!

Happy Migration,

Steve Brown
Colorado Springs,
Biologist, RMBO Volunteer

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