Tuesday, 3 September 2013

[cobirds] Prewitt SWA - Washington Co


I went looking for the Connecticut Warbler today w/o any luck on it.   There are some other birds to report however.  I didn't get there until 9:10 am (my fault of course) and walked the inlet canal for several hours until there wasn't any action at all at about noon.  The birds were few and far between.

I then went up to the dam and though I was pooped from the heat, it looked interesting enough to take a walk out into the desert that remains of the lakebed. 


Inlet Canal:

Cassin's Vireo

Red-eyed Vireo (at least 2)

Warbling Vireo (at least 2 acting as if they are on territory)

Blackburnian Warbler (near the east end of the inlet)

Wilson's Warbler


Red-breasted Nuthatch

Downy Woodpecker

Hammond's Flyc (when I first got there near the tree laying across the inlet)

Great-crested Flyc (same place)

Western Wood-Pewee (1 was very yellow and even had a yellow chin but no yellow eye-ring and too big for Yellow-bellied Flyc)

Lincoln's Sparrow

Savannah Sparrow

Chipping Sparrow

Clay-colored Sparrow



I first scoped from above the parking lot by the dam and saw only what was big enough to be obvious:

Long-billed Curlew -2

Whimbrel - 1 (good size comparison w/Long-billed as they were near each other)

I could not see these when I was in the lakebed.


With those 2 making me think there could be something good in the masses of shorebirds too far out to ID from the dam, I took a walk from the parking area west of where I had scoped from:

Marbled Godwit - 2

BN Stilt


Baird's ( lots and lots)


Semi Sandpiper


Stilt Sandpiper

Pectoral Sandpiper (lots)

Red-necked Phalarope

Wilson's Phalarope

There were many more shorebirds farther out but it was too hot and I was too pooped.


Ira Sanders

Golden, CO

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