Tuesday 17 September 2013

[cobirds] Beautiful Moon Wonderful Migration/Dispersal (Boulder County)

Good looking radar echoes out there right now (Tuesday night at 9:42pm) for montane migrants/dispersers.  All the action is coming off of the mountains and moving eastward.  Anomalously, there is a pulse of seemingly biological targets coming out of the mountains west of Colorado Springs and going northeast.  Get out and take a listen if you have the time.  The moon is also looking really nice right now.  Especially nice after so many cloudy nights recently.

Check out the radar here:
(This is an active link that updates real-time, so you may miss the migrant pulse if you don't get this Tuesday night). 

Heard a few spizella-type sparrows out there already, headed back out in a minute to listen more. 
Bryan Guarente
Instructional Designer
The COMET Program
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Boulder, CO

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