Sunday 15 September 2013

[cobirds] 9/12,Loloff, Weld County

During a rainy day, which turned out to be super wet, I birded Loloff Reservoir in Weld County, on Sept. 12th. Birds seen were quite different [number wise], than what had been posted previously.
The highlights include : at least 34 Black terns, 2, Greater Yellowlegs, 2, Lesser Yellowlegs, 2, Red-necked Phalaropes, 14 Wilson's Phalaropes, 4, Black-necked Stilts, at least 52, American Avocets, 2 Least Sandpiper, 3, Long-billed Dowitcher, 3, Stilt Sandpiper, 8, Wilson's Snipe, 2 Franklin's Gull, 5, Ring-billed Gull, 3, Pied-billed Grebe, 30, Blue-winged Teal, 2 Cinnamon Teal, 8, Gadwall, and 31 Northern Shoveler
Loloff is on county rd. 57 just north of county road 50.
While driving on other back roads I saw many Swainson's Hawks sitting on top of wooden poles looking very wet, with no Grasshoppers to be found in the wet meadows.
Happy Birding !
Tina Jones
Littleton, Jefferson County, CO.

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