Friday 1 September 2017

[cobirds] Red-eyed Vireo, Hammond's FL, Spizella Sparrows, CSR, El Paso Co, Friday

Hey COBirders.

Finally a good assortment and numbers of banded birds at Clear Spring Ranch today (first "very good" day in 2 weeks). I had 2 Wilson's Warblers at opening - then dead. But at 830 a wave of mixed passerines arrived, and things actually got busy for half an hour . 36 banded birds today.

ad Red-eyed Vireo (FOS)
ad fem Hammond's Flycatcher (FOS)
6 Wilson's Warblers
ad Clay-colored Sparrow
ad Brewer's Sparrow
13 Chipping Sparrows (1 ad fem)
ad Savannah Sparrow (#2 this season)

and a few others.

Have a safe weekend,
Steve Brown
Colo Spgs

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