Wednesday 4 November 2015

[cobirds] El Paso county --- Black-bellied Plover, 11/4/15


I made a quick trip out to Ramah SWA this morning in hopes of finding a late Black-bellied Plover or maybe a Dunlin and somewhat to my surprise there actually was a BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER.  It was just out from the southern parking lot.  Also in the area were 21 KILLDEER and 1 LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER.  I also walked the woods and found virtually no birds.  There were three AMERICAN TREE SPARROWs, two AMERICAN ROBINs and 1 DOWNY WOODPECKER and that was it.  There were still good numbers of AMERICAN PIPITs with 31 along the south shore of the reservoir.

If you are considering a visit to Ramah please consider wearing some blaze orange (hunter orange) as there is hunting here and it is a relatively small area.  Also, not for the faint of heart, there is/was a decapitated White-tailed buck along the shoreline.  Colorado Parks and Wildlife has been notified so hopefully it will be removed or at least moved out of sight.
Mark Peterson
Colorado Springs

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