Saturday, 2 February 2013

[cobirds] Dillon, Summit County

Steller's Jays - 7 for sure; perhaps 8 (could have counted 1 of them twice)   in front yard @ nut feeder
The above might not seem like a big deal but . . . .  you had to be there.
The activity was all-consuming, i.e.,
one of the Steller's, almond in beak, fed another;   I've not witnessed such behavior in the past. (from :Steller's that is)
all were flitting from branch to branch, barely landing and then taking-off again;  so fast!
Squawking; chirping; chrrrrr-ing; clucking; gutter-al sounds; chipping likened to the sound of a pine squirrel; just lots of communication taking place at once.
Are they pairing-up for the breeding season?  Or is all of the above same-o-same-o for Jays?
It matters not; I totally enjoy their presence always.
Bonnie Boex

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