Tuesday, 12 February 2013

[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Tuesday, February 12, 2013.

Compiler:       Joyce Takamine
Date:             February 12, 2013
email:            rba AT cfobirds.org
phone:           303-659-8750

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Tuesday, February 12, sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.  If you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording by pressing the star key (*) on your phone at any time.  Please leave your name, phone number, detailed directions, including county and dates for each sighting.  It would be helpful if you would spell your last name. 

Highlight species include: (* denotes that there is new information on this species in this report) 

Trumpeter Swan (Larimer)

Greater Scaup (Arapahoe)
Long-tailed Duck (Arapahoe*)

Barrow's Goldeneye (Adams)

Thayer's Gull (Boulder, Arapahoe*)

Iceland Gull (Arapahoe)

Lesser Black-backed Gull (Boulder, Arapahoe*)
Glaucous Gull (Arapahoe)

Sapsucker sp? (Larimer)

American Three-toed Woodpecker (Boulder)

Say's Phoebe (Jefferson)

Bohemian Waxwing (El Paso*, Larimer*)
Rusty Blackbird (Adams*)
Rosy-Finches (Grand, Jackson, Jefferson*)
Common Redpoll (Jefferson, Grand, Jackson, Larimer, San Juan)
HOARY REDPOLL (Grand, Jackson, Larimer)


-- On February 4 the small flock of Rusty Blackbirds continues on the South Platte River, reported by Gilbert, near the mouth of Sand Creek, just south of where C-470 crosses the river. Barrow's Goldeneyes (both male and female) continue to be seen on the S. Platte between 78th and 88th (opposite the green & white water tank); per Gilbert.  On Feb 11, Shade reported 5 Rusty Blackbirds at the east end of the pedestrian bridge just N of I-76 on the S Platte River.  


--Two Long-tailed Ducks (Henwood, Feb 11) were still present on South Platte Reservoir (signed entrance is on Platte Canyon Rd. north of C-470).  A dozen Greater Scaup continue on the small lake ("Blackrock Lake") between South Platte Reservoir and the Platte River in South Platte Park, as well as 2 more on Red Tail Lake, which is just north of of Blackrock Lake, updated by Gillian, then by Walbek.   

Walbek reports a Lesser Black-backed Gull (the rare, intermedius race) from South Platte Reservoir on Feb 8, as well as a first-cycle Iceland Gull. They were seen again on Feb 9 and 10.  On Feb 11, Henwood reported 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and and 2 ad Thayer's Gulls at South Platte Reservoir.

On Feb 2 Kent Nelson observed a Glaucous Gull in the SE corner of Cherry Creek Reservoir. 

A 2nd cycle Glaucous Gull was reported by Walbek from there on Feb 8 and 9.

Also at Cherry Creek Reservoir on Feb 8, Walbek had a couple of Thayer's Gulls and a possible Glaucous-winged Gull X Herring Gull hybrid.


-- Lesser Black-backed and Thayer's Gulls were at Teller Lake #5 on Feb 10, reported by Kaempfer. Details and location:    http://coloradocountybirding.com/county/bird_a_county.php?name=Boulder#373.  See birding site 25 on this page.

-- On Feb 10 Nunes reported several American Three-toed Woodpeckers along the Bear Peak West Ridge Trail in Boulder Mountain Parks. Directions to the trailhead: In south Boulder, head west on Table Mesa Dr all the way to NCAR parking lot. From that lot head west to the Mesa trail then south. At the Bear Peak canyon trail junction head west. This canyon takes you to the Bear Peak West Ridge Trail leading to the peak. Sherpa guides are available on request.


--Maynard reports that the ACORN WOODPECKER continues to be present in SW Colorado Springs in the 1804 - 1810 section of Cheyenne Blvd. It was seen again on the 28th. Gallagher saw it on Feb 8.  Gallagher also reported 15 Bohemian Waxwings in the neighborhood on Feb 8.


--On January 18 Filby reported that in Kremmling the feeders in the 900 block of Eagle had 100 Common Redpolls.  60+ Rosy-Finches of all three species were present.  Mlodinow reported >200 redpolls including 3 HOARY REDPOLLs seen in Kremmling on Jan 27; rosy finches continued on Feb 3, reported by Deininger.

--More than100 redpolls, including at least one HOARY REDPOLL, were seen in Walden on January 26, reported by Mlodinow. At the Moose Visitor Center on Feb 3, Deininger reports a White-throated Sparrow and rosy finches, with more of the latter in Gould.


-- The GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW at the Red Rocks Trading Post, first reported by Henwood on Nov 26 and present all winter, was seen again on Feb 11 by Henwood.  Henwood

reported Gray-crowned and 2 Black Rosy-Finches on Feb 11.

--On February 5, Santangelo reported that several Common Redpolls, first reported on the 14th, were still coming daily to his feeder in Wheatridge.  His address is: 3525 Estes St. (two blocks north of Crown Hill Lake and two blocks south of 38th Ave). You may park in front of the driveway but please do not park in the driveway and please stay in your car to observe the redpolls.

-- A Say's Phoebe was seen by Cameron above the south entrance (near the Upper Level food court) to the Southwest Plaza Mall on February 5. The mall is located on the NW corner of West Bowles Ave and South Wadsworth Blvd. 


--The large flock (>100) of redpolls continues to be seen behind the Discovery Museum in Ft. Collins, located at Cherry and Mason St, which is the NW corner of College and Cherry through February 1.  While almost all are Common Redpolls, multiple observers have seen  HOARY REDPOLLs at this location since December 23, most recently on Feb 1 reported by Sparks.

--One Trumpeter Swan continues on Lower Hoffman Lake, Loveland, on Feb 3, reported by Rynes; then on Feb 5 by Leatherman.

-- An interesting sapsucker of uncertain identity was reported on January 30 by Leatherman from Grandview Cemetery, Fort Collins. It apparently has plumage features of both Red-naped and Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. It favors a big Scots Pine in the nw corner of the main section of the cemetery west of the n-s ditch that runs under the entry bridge (which would make it the nw corner of Section A).  To find the tree, cross the bridge at the entry, immediately turn right (north) and go all the way north until the road begins to bend west in the corner.  The pine tree it likes is right at the bend (the only long-needled pine tree in the general area), between the road and the bank of the dry ditch. 

-- Hess reports a flock of Common Redpolls in Grandview Cemetery on Feb 5, reported again by Leatherman on Feb 8.

-- Leatherman reports a flyover flock of Bohemian Waxwings from Grandview Cemetery on Feb 8.

--Shenot reported Bohemian Waxwings at Library Park in Old Town Fort Collins on Feb 11.


--Nelson reported that the ACORN WOODPECKER was still present at Pueblo Mountain Park near Beulah on January 16. It was not seen on Jan 26th, but is possibly still in the park.

SAN JUAN COUNTY: Beatty reports that Common Redpolls have been visiting a feeder in Silverton, Colorado. 

The DFO field trip for Saturday, February 16, will be to South Platte Park led by Ed Holub (303-979-2194).  Meet the leader a 0700 at the south lot (near C470 and S Platte River) of South Platte River Park.  From the Santa Fe exit of C470, continue C470 west and take the next exit) (Platte Canyon Road).  At the 4-way intersection, veer right onto S Platte Canyon Rd.  and continue until you see the sign for South Platte Park Reservoir.  Turn right and continue on this road to the 2nd parking area on the right.  

From the intersection of Santa Fe and mineral, go west on Mineral to S Platte Canyon Rd and turn let.  Watch for the sign for South Platte Park Reservoir.  Turn left and continue on this road to the 2nd parking area on the right.

The DFO field trip for Sunday, February 17 will be to Roxborough State Park led by Doris Cruze (303-798-8072).  Meet the leader a 0800 at the Visitor's Center for a 3 1/2 hour walking tour on an easy trail.  Participants sould see golden eagles and species common in the foothills. State Parks Pass required or $5 entrance fee per car.  Lunch will be optional but there is a beautiful place on the patio to watch the birds as you eat lunch.  Take S. Wadsworth Blvd past Charfield SP.  Turn left onto Waterton Road, and go 1.6 miles east to North Rampart Range Rd turn right and go south 2.3 miles to Roxborough Park Rd.  Turn left and follow signs to the park (2.2 miles).  This is an excellent trip for novice birders and new members.

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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