Wednesday, 13 February 2013

[cobirds] Bohemian Waxwings in Boulder, Boulder County

At 1:10 this afternoon, I heard something while biking that sounded like Cedar Waxwings, but it didn't sound right and I wasn't sure it was a bird at first since I was right next to the highway and not on my usual bike.  Heard it again at slower speed and stopped to find them.  A flock of 85 (or so) birds flew over me making a lower, huskier, distinctly un-Cedar Waxwing call.  Shape of the birds was good for waxwing.  Strongly triangular wings (isosceles right triangle), shortish squared-off tail, very Saab Gripen-like, but with a shorter "nose" and longer tail (and less afterburners).  Backlit during entire flight path when I saw them. 

Birds flew from east to west, from east of foothills parkway to west of the railroad tracks into Howard Hueston Park.  Would look for the birds there or in the neighborhood to the east of Foothills parkway if looking again.  There isn't good habitat for waxwings here near my office, it was just happenstance that I was under them as they flew by.

Here is the location that I saw the birds if you need more reference:

If you have any questions about this observation, let me know.
Bryan Guarente
Instructional Designer
The COMET Program
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Boulder, CO

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