Tuesday, 12 February 2013

[cobirds] Acorn Woodpecker, Colorado Springs, 2/12/03

We are enjoying a short February visit to Colorado. Before coming, I had been reading on the two Colorado listservs and on the eBird Rare Bird Alert for Colorado about the female Acorn Woodpecker being seen in the 1800 block of Cheyenne Boulevard at Willow Circle in Colorado Springs. I don't get much chance to chase unusual birds, but this one was only a couple of miles from my brother's house where we would be visiting. Today, my wife and I finally had a chance to check out the location, excited by the Friday sighting reported by Seth Gallagher.

We drove up Cheyenne Boulevard and saw someone with a camera with a long lens. We stopped to ask if he was looking for the Acorn Woodpecker. He confirmed that he had seen it just a few minutes before and told us to drive up the road to Willow Circle and he would show us. When he caught up with us, we introduced ourselves, and we got to meet Bill Maynard, a name we had seen many times before. Bill showed us the specific tree and waited with us for about 25 minutes, but the bird was a no show. We had to leave to get somewhere by 10:30. After we were finished, we decided to head back to the location arriving about 11:25. Bill was still there with several other people, and they showed us the Acorn Woodpecker in its favorite tree.

This was a new Colorado bird for us, and we're pretty sure a new U.S. bird as well, so it was very exciting.

Bill personified the many birders we have met in Colorado over the years who have gone out of their way to share good birds with us. It is always a pleasure to bird here.

Jim Nelson
Bethesda, Maryland

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