Monday 1 April 2019

[cobirds] HOODED CRANE (female); Denver Co., CO

While sitting at my desk (SW Denver, Denver Co.) working away with the window open on this beautiful morning (Mon., 1 Apr.'19), heard the ethereal calls of a migrating flock of about thirty (30) SANDHILL CRANES.  As most of you know, hearing cranes calling is truly one of the greatest gifts Nature has afforded us - so basic, yet an audible representation of wild.  Anyway, to the point of this post.  Mixed in with this group was a small, dark crane with an all white neck and head, except for the diagnostic black "hood", a HOODED CRANE!  Turned out to be a female crane as it's "hood" was more of a "bonnet".  This was around 9:45am here in Denver, and as the flock was working it's way north, I'd be on the lookout Ft. Collins around lunch time.

So, another good yard bird to add to the OSPREY flyover on Thursday (28 Mar.'19) and a small flock of MOUNTAIN BLUEBIRDs that graced us on Saturday (30 Mar.'19).

Good Birding,

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