Saturday, 30 September 2017

[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Report for Sunday October 1, 2017

Compiler:      Tom Behnfield 
e-mail:           RBA AT
Date:             October 1, 2017
This is the Rare Bird Alert for Sunday October 1, sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.
Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species)
NOTE:  The RBA is now using the new AOU checklist and the order of families has changed.

Chimney Swift (*Weld)
Black-bellied Plover (Boulder, Logan)
American Golden-Plover (Adams, Weld)
Snowy Plover (Washington)
Dunlin (Adams)
Buff-breasted Sandpiper (*Washington)
Red Phalarope (Jefferson, Kiowa, Larimer)
Sabine's Gull (Douglas, Larimer)
LAUGHING GULL (Kiowa, *Weld)
MEW GULL (Larimer)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (*Larimer, *Weld)
Red-shouldered Hawk (*Larimer)
Broad-winged Hawk (*Arapahoe, *Boulder, *Douglas, Fremont, Kit Carson, Montrose, *Morgan, Yuma)
Merlin (Tiaga) (*El Paso)
Black Phoebe (*Jefferson, Montrose, Pueblo)
Cassin's Kingbird (Arapahoe, Boulder, *Elbert, *Jefferson, *Larimer)
Pygmy Nuthatch (*Morgan)
Eastern Bluebird (Arapahoe. *El Paso)
Cassin's Finch (Boulder)
Chestnut-collared Longspur (*Larimer, *Pueblo)
McCown's Longspur (*Larimer)
Nashville Warbler (Larimer)
Blackburnian Warbler (*Larimer)
Blackpoll Warbler (Larimer)
Pine Warbler (Larimer)
Yellow-throated Warbler (Pueblo)
Black-throated Green Warbler (Larimer)
Sagebrush Sparrow (*Montrose)
Fox Sparrow (Adams)

—On September 23 John Haycraft reports Eastern Phoebe at Barr Lake SP.
—On September 23 Ben Lagasse reports a Dunlin and a Lesser Black-backed Gull at Barr Lake SP.
—On September 24 Susan Rosine reported an American Golden Plover on the Neidrach Nature Trail at Barr Lake SP
—On September 26 Kim Mautitz reported a Fox Sparrow on the Neidrach Nature Trail at Barr Lake SP 
—On September 26 Meredith McBurney banded a Fox Sparrow at Barr Lake SP 

On September 26 David Suddjian, Mark Amershek, Jeff Dawson & Jeff Dawson reported an Eastern Bluebird at Richmil Ranch Open Space
—On September 27 Cathy Sheeter reported a Cassin's Kingbird at Watkins Rd. and Yale Rd (CR 22)
—On September 28 Loch Kilpatrick reported a Cassin's Kingbird at the Lake Loop at Cherry Creek State Park
—On September 30 Cynthia Madsen reported a Broad-winged Hawk at Aurora Reservoir

—On September 23 Ted Floyd reports a Black-bellied Plover at Lagerman Reservoir.
—On September 27 David Dowell reported a Black-bellied Plover at Terry Lake
—On September 29 Paula Hansley reported a Cassin's Finch in her yard
—On September 29 Luis Matheus reported a Cassin's Kingbird at Stearns Lake
—On September 30 Steve Frye reported a Broad-winged Hawk at Rabbit Mountain
—On September 30 Peter Burke reported a Broad-winged Hawk at Boulder Mountain Park

—On September 25 Doug Kibbe reported a PHILADELPHIA VIREO at Bear Creek Park (not Bear Creek Lake Park)

—On September 23 Gregg Goodrich reports 2 Juvenile Sabine's Gulls at the Chatfield State Park flying over the shore line at the marina sandspit.
—On September 24 Mackenzie Goldthwaite & Doug Kibbe reported a Lesser Black-backed Gull at the Marina Sandspit at Chatfield SP
—On September 30 Felice Lyons, Mary O'Connor, Renee Casias, Meg Reck, Jill Holden, Mary Keithler, Jesse Casias, & John Hoogerheid reported a Broad-winged Hawk

—On September 30 David Tønnessen reported 6 Cassin's Kingbirds at Rd. 141

—On September 23 a YELLOW-BELLIED FLYCATCHER was caught at the Banding Station at Chico Basin Ranch (Fee Area)
—On September 30 David Tønnessen reported a Merlin (Tiaga) and an Eastern Bluebird at Ranah Reservoir SWA
—On September 24 Jerry DeBoer reported a Broad-winged Hawk at the Arkansas River Walk, 9th Street to Tunnel Drive

On September 23 Mary O'Connor reported the Black Phoebe at Deer Creek inlet.
—On September 24 Alison Hixon reported a Black Phoebe at Chatfield SP - Original Heronry Overlook
—On September 24 Frank Farrell reported a Red Phalarope at Chatfield SP - S Platte River Delta
—On September 25 QP reported a Black Phoebe at the Swim Beach at Chatfield SP
—On September 25 Brian Johnson, Cynthia Kristenson, Karen Drozda & Chuck Aid reported a Red Phalarope at Chatfield SP - S Platte River Delta (See Brian Johnson's Cobird Post for more information)
—On September 27 Aaron Yappert, Myron Gerhard, Gregg Goodrich, Mark Amershek, Anna Troth, Bart Deferme, John Whitaker & Rob Raker reported a Red Phalarope at Chatfield SP - S Platte River Delta
—On September 30 Scott Somershoe reported 2 Cassin's Kingbirds at Clement Park & Johnson Reservoir
—On September 30 Crystal Wilson reported a Black Phoebe at the Deer Creek Inlet at Chatfield SP
—On September 30 Jerry Baines reported a Cassin's Kingbird at Crown Hill Regional Park
—On September 30 Scott Dieni reported a Cassin's Kingbird at Welchester Tree Grant Park

—On September 26 Steve Mlodinov reported the LAUGHING GULL and a Red Phalarope at Neenoshe Res.
—On September 26 Steve Mlodinov reported a Lesser Black-backed Gull at Upper Queens/Neeskah Res.

—On September 23 David Dowell reported a Broad-winged Hawk at Flagler Reservoir State Wildlife area.

—On September 23 Kathy Mihm Dunning reported a Red Phalarope at Timnath Reservoir.
—On September 24 Brandon Nooner, Nick Komar, Mike McCloy, Danny Montalvo,  Austin Hess & David Wade reported a Black-throated Green Warbler at Rigden Reservoir (Strauss Cabin Lake) David Leatherman reported the BTGW as well.
—On September 24 Nick Komar & Brandon Nooner reported a MEW GULL at Horeshoe Reservoir
—On September 24 Derek Hill and David Leatherman reported Sabine's Gull (1st Year) at Rigden Reservoir (Strauss Cabin Lake)
—On September 25 Christine Sparks reported a Black-throated Green Warbler at Rigden Reservoir (Strauss Cabin Lake)
—On September 25 David Leatherman reported a Blackburnian Warbler along the Poudre north of Prospect Road. See his post in Cobirds for more info.
—On September 27 Nick Komar reported a Blackpoll Warbler at his residence
—On September 27 Nick Komar reported Cassin's Kingbirds at Dixon Reservoir & Maxwell Natural Area
—On September 28 David Leatherman reported a Blackburnian Warbler at Grandview Cemetery in Fort Collins
—On September 29 Nick Komar reported a Mew Gull at Horseshoe Reservoir. 
—On September 29 David Wade, Walter Wehtje & Nick Komar reported a Blackburnian Warbler and a Blackpoll Warbler at Grandview Cemetery in Fort Collins
—On September 29 Bob Harden reported a Nashville Warbler at Matthews-Reeser Bird Sanctury
—On September 29 Kelsey King reported a Pine Warbler at Rocky Mountain NP-- Hidden Valley
—On September 29 Jane Sender & Kathy Seymour reported a Red-shouldered Hawk at RMNP
—On September 30 Nick Komar reported a Lesser Black-backed Gull at Boyd Lake
—On September 30 Todd Deininger reported a Blackburnian Warbler at Grandview Cemetery
—On September 30 Nick Komar & David Wade reported 3 Cassin's Kingbirds 16 Chestnut-collared Longspurs and 9 McCown's Longspurs at Soapstone Prairie Natural Area

—On September 24 Cheri Phillips reported a Black-bellied Plover

—On September 24 Coen Dexter & Brenda Wright reported a Black Phoebe at Cooper's Ditch near Nucla
—On September 25 Brenda Wright & Coen Dexter reported a Black Phoebe at the Rose Garden near Nucla
—On September 26 Coen Dexter & Brenda Wright reported a Broad-winged Hawk and a Black Phoebe at Silver Hawk Ranch
—On September 28 Coen Dexter & Brenda Wright reported a Sagebrush Sparrow at Airport Lake
—On September 29 Brenda Wright & Coen Dexter reported a Sagebrush Sparrow at Nucla Domestic Reservoir
—On September 30 Coen Dexter & Brenda Wright reported a Sagebrush Sparrow at Airport Lake

—On September 30 Steve Mlodinov reported a Broad-winged Hawk and 2 Pygmy Nuthatch at Jackson Reservoir

—On September 24 Brandon Percival and David Chartier reported a Yellow-throated Warbler and 3 Black Phoebes at lake Pueblo SP - Rock Canyon/Valco Ponds Area
—On September 30 Richard Bunn & Jan Albright reported 5 Chestnut-collard Longspur at Chico Basin Ranch

Sedgwick County
—On September 27 Norm Lewis reported an EASTERN MEADOWLARK at DePoorter Lake
On September 23 Ben Lagasse reports seeing the Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Prewitt Res.
—On September 24 Cheri Phillips reported a Snowy Plover at Prewitt Reservoir
—On September 25 Shawn Ashbaugh reported 2 Buff-breasted Sandpiper at 80720, Akron US-CO(40.4118,-103.3849)
—On September 27 Nic Korte reported a Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Prewitt Reservoir
—On September 29 Nick Moore, Dean Shoup & Joey Kellner reported 3 Buff-breasted Sandpipers at Prewitt Reservoir
—On September 30 Brenda Linfield & Jeff Dawson reported 2 Buff-breasted Sandpipers at Prewitt Reservoir

—On September 23 Gene Rutherford reports 2 American Golden-Plover at Water Treatment Plant at Weld Co. Rds. 62.5 and 51.
—On September 29 Steve Mlodinov reported a LAUGHING GULL at LUNA Reservoir
—On September 30 Steve Mlodinov reported a Lesser Black-backed Gull at Windsor Reservoir
—On September 30 Steve Mlodinov reported a Chimney Swift at Eaton Cemetery
—On September 30 Gene Rutherford reported a Laughing Gull at LUNA Reservoir

—On September 23 David Dowell reported a Broad-winged Hawk near Hwy 59 south of Yuma.

Denver Field Ornithologists Field Trips: 

First Creek at RM ArsenaOctober 1, 7:00 AM - 12: PM, John Breitsch ( or 303-588-0552), Trail difficulty: Easy, Maximum participants: 15.
Directions: From East Denver take 56th Ave east toward Pena Blvd. First Creek parking lot is just before Pena on your left (north). Or take I-70 east to Pena Blvd. Drive north to 56th Ave Exit. Turn left at the light and at the bottom of the off ramp, pass under the highway and turn right, almost immediately, into the First Creek parking lot.
We will start at the same parking lot as 1st Creek @ DOS. We will walk up Buckley Road, then we turn west at the creek instead of east. The trail should be finished all the way out to the concrete bunker that can be used as a viewing blind. We'll hope to see some late migrants and a few resident species. Until recently, this was a part of the RM Arsenal that was inaccessible. It should make for great raptor viewing over the winter months. There currently are no restroom facilities.

There are 9 people registered for this trip. There are 6 spaces left

For more information on the field trips go to
Good Birding,

Tom Behnfield
Lakewood, CO

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[cobirds] El Paso county Garganey(?) and Virginia Rail

I think I saw a Garganey and I definitely saw a Virginia rail at the Fountain Creek Nature center today, they were right next to each other. Also saw a Black-crowned night heron.

I would appreciate feedback on whether I am correct about the Garganey

Garganey(?) picture

Virginia rail picture



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[cobirds] Bird Conservancy Banding Report - Barr Lake Station, 9/30/17

In yet another weird weather day in this unpredictable season, we intrepid banding station workers made our way to Barr in the thickest fog that any of us could remember.  We sat in my car for about an hour, waiting until we could at least see across the ditch.  We then ventured out to the station and opened gradually, really waiting for the sun to break through and dry things out, which finally occurred about 9:30.  But, fog or sun, it was one of the slowest days of the season - we caught a total of 14 birds, including new and recap,  I think out slowest day in a very slow season.  Here were the new captures:

Downy Woodpecker 1
Orange-crowned Warbler 1
Wilson's Warbler 1
White-crowned Sparrow, Gambel's 5

The joys of running a banding station!

Come visit! We are open 6 days per week (*CLOSED Mondays*), weather permitting, through October 15. We are opening nets at 7 a.m. and should have birds back at the station before 7:45. We will close most days by about 11:30. School groups arrive most weekdays at
about 9:30.
Meredith McBurney
Barr Lake Station
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies

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[cobirds] Cassin's Kingbirds (yes 2) - Clement Park, Jeff Co

As I type (5pm), there are 2 Cassin's kingbirds foraging from and perching on the raptor perches in the prairie dog town on the south side of Clement Park (SE of the lake). I was pushing the boys in the jog stroller and spotted one flycatcher. I initially assumed Says Phoebe but I quickly realized otherwise! I saw the white tipped tail, distinct white malar, darker gray head, and bright yellow flanks and belly. I walked out and got nice looks at key ID point and took some photos with my phone thru my binocs (who takes kids walking without binocs??) and we kept going. I assumed the bird moved to another perch nearby but there were two observed at the same time. I think I got a decent/identifiable photo of at least one of them. Nice bird just out for a walk! They are so close to the yard too. I hope one flies over!

Scott Somershoe
Littleton, Jefferson co.

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[cobirds] Bird walk, tomorrow, Sunday, Oct. 1, Greenlee Preserve, Boulder County

Hello, everybody.

Just a quick announcement here: Tomorrow afternoon, Sunday, Oct. 1, there will be a bird walk at Greenlee Preserve, Boulder County. Meet at the observation deck. The outing, sponsored by the City of Lafayette, is free and open to the public. Beginners, young persons, and the generally "bird curious" are most welcome. The birds have been pretty active of late at Greenlee. Here's a recent eBird checklist:

And I'm listening to a MacGillivray's Warbler--and light rain and Tapiola--as I type. Should be good tomorrow!

Ted Floyd
Lafayette, Boulder County

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[cobirds] Genesee Mtn Park - bugs & birds. Jefferson.

    Our Denver Audubon bird class scaled Genesee Mtn. this morning. We call it a "Pretty-Lady" day. Painted Ladies all over the hillside, quite distracting when you want to turn them into birds.

    But most amazing: on the top of Genesee, and only on a narrow line along the topmost section, pods of Lady-bird Beetles (aka Lady Bugs). They snuggled in tightly-massed groups of 100 or more, folded into the shelter of Mountain Mahogany and Wild Rose bushes. Several pods on a bush, on perhaps 10 shrubs. The total must have amounted to 5,000-10,000, all just hunkered down waiting for ??.

    The birds behaved poorly for us who wanted good definitive looks. Gray-headed Juncos acted like juncos, but Yellow-rumped Warblers also acted like juncos (but they sortied into tall grass, where we couldn't see them, looking, I suppose, for insects).
    Pygmy Nuthatches noisy everywhere, but did not cooperate in showing themselves.
    Lots (a dozen or more) of Western Bluebirds that we did see well.
A few migrating raptors -- a Northern Harrier, 2 Accipiter spec., and one Northern Goshawk (Confirmed by a photo). A rufous-morph Red-tailed Hawk that perched for scope views by the whole class and which then flew overhead.

    PS: Dave Leatherman: do birds eat lady-bugs? Does anything? These didn't seem to have any hovering predators.

Hugh Kingery
Franktown, CO

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[cobirds] Ken Caryl Valley 9/29-30, JeffCo

I checked Massey Draw beside my home (no public access).early yesterday under still overcast skies  It was "continued slow" for migrants, but then at the end of my route several species appeared in a flurry of activity that seemed to materialize on the spot and then dissipated after only a few minutes, as the birds went their own ways. It is exciting when that happens. Here it was Red-naped Sapsucker, a straggling Dusky Flycatcher, Townsend's Warbler, 2 Orange-crowned Warblers, Audubon's, a few Wilson's, a Bushtit flock, and 4 Ruby-crowned Kinglets.

A Black-chinned Hummingbird (very confiding) continues at my feeders today, along with 4-5 Broad-taileds, and a Rufous still there yesterday. Among the few returning juncos (still only Gray-headed for my yard) one was singing today, adding a nice touch to the clear blue morning.

I, too, rejoiced in the recent gray skies. But I was happy for the clear skies this morning. Otherwise I'd not have seen Mt. Evans' new clothes.

David Suddjian
Ken Caryl Valley
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Crow Valley CMPGDS Weld Co


White-breasted Nuthatches 3-4
No Red-breasted Nuthatches
Cedar Waxwings 20-25
F Western Tanger 1

Magical moment:
Through the early morning fog 20 Sandhill Cranes flew over head, close enough to hear their whooshing sounding wing beats. Now that is the kind of chill I like to experience going up and down my spine.

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] The Big Sit! - Next Sunday -Sunday, October 8 - Chatfield State Park - Douglas County

Hello Fellow COBIRDERS!

Looking for something to do a week from tomorrow...Sunday? How about some
leisure birding at a Big Sit?

What is a "Big Sit" you ask?

Well a Big Sit is similar to the birding event called a "Big Day", in both
events participants try to count as many species as possible, the difference
is that in a Big Day you travel all over a geographical area whereas during
a Big Sit you sit (or stand) in one location (a 17-foot diameter "circle")
and count as many species seen or heard as possible. This is a worldwide
event and as of this posting there are already over 100 Big Sit "circles"
registered for this year's event!

The Denver Field Ornithologists will once again sponsor and I will host "The
Big Sit!" at Chatfield State Park next Sunday, October 8th. This will be
the 15th year for this fun and frivolous event. It is open to the public
and EVERYONE is welcome! It will be held from dawn to dusk, come for an
hour or stay all day, whatever works for your schedule. In addition to a
day list Ed will perform hourly counts so that every hour there are "new"
birds to be added to the hour's count.

"The Big Sit!" at Chatfield will be located at the Heronry Overlook on the
east side of the reservoir. Just follow the signs located at both
entrances. Bring your own chair or use the bench seating provided by the
heronry overlook deck. Bring binoculars, spotting scope (if you have),
food, water, treats to share or whatever you need to spend time birding!
State Parks will be providing a canopy for shade from the sun, or shelter
from rain. This year's weather looks to be perfect.....for once!

If you cannot attend "The Big Sit!" at Chatfield create your own! The
details and rules can be found at:

The "DFO Insaniacs" (as we are registered) have had the highest "Big Sit"
count for Colorado 14 years running! Come help DFO's Big Sit at Chatfield
stay on top!

Joey Kellner
Littleton, Colorado

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[cobirds] Blackburian Warbler, Grandview Cem, Larimer Co.

Currently being seen by 4 observers. 

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[cobirds] Mew Gull (Larimer)

This Mew Gull was at Horseshoe Lake farm pond yesterday evening. It is pictured here on the left, with Ring-billed Gulls.

Nick Komar
Fort Collins, CO

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[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Saturday September 30, 2017

Compiler:      Tom Behnfield 
e-mail:           RBA AT
Date:             September 30, 2017
This is the Rare Bird Alert for Saturday September 30, sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.
Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species)
NOTE:  The RBA is now using the new AOU checklist and the order of families has changed.

Black-bellied Plover (Boulder, Logan)
American Golden-Plover (Adams, Weld)
Snowy Plover (Washington)
Long-billed Curlew (Douglas)
Dunlin (Adams)
Buff-breasted Sandpiper (*Washington)
Red Phalarope (Jefferson, Kiowa, Larimer, Morgan)
Sabine's Gull (Douglas, Larimer)
LAUGHING GULL (Kiowa, *Weld)
MEW GULL (*Larimer)
Broad-winged Hawk (Fremont, Kit Carson, Montrose, Yuma)
Black Phoebe (Jefferson, Montrose, Pueblo)
Cassin's Kingbird (Arapahoe, *Boulder)
Eastern Bluebird (Arapahoe)
Cassin's Finch (*Boulder)
Nashville Warbler (*Larimer)
Blackburnian Warbler (*Larimer)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (Pueblo)
Blackpoll Warbler (*Larimer)
Pine Warbler (*Larimer)
Yellow-throated Warbler (Pueblo)
Black-throated Green Warbler (Larimer)
Sagebrush Sparrow (*Montrose)
Fox Sparrow (Adams)

—On September 23 John Haycraft reports Eastern Phoebe at Barr Lake SP.
—On September 23 Ben Lagasse reports a Dunlin and a Lesser Black-backed Gull at Barr Lake SP.
—On September 24 Susan Rosine reported an American Golden Plover on the Neidrach Nature Trail at Barr Lake SP
—On September 26 Kim Mautitz reported a Fox Sparrow on the Neidrach Nature Trail at Barr Lake SP 
—On September 26 Meredith McBurney banded a Fox Sparrow at Barr Lake SP 

On September 26 David Suddjian, Mark Amershek, Jeff Dawson & Jeff Dawson reported an Eastern Bluebird at Richmil Ranch Open Space
—On September 27 Cathy Sheeter reported a Cassin's Kingbird at Watkins Rd. and Yale Rd (CR 22)
—On September 28 Loch Kilpatrick reported a Cassin's Kingbird at the Lake Loop at Cherry Creek State Park

—On September 23 Ted Floyd reports a Black-bellied Plover at Lagerman Reservoir.
—On September 27 David Dowell reported a Black-bellied Plover at Terry Lake
—On September 29 Paula Hansley reported a Cassin's Finch in her yard
—On September 29 Luis Matheus reported a Cassin's Kingbird at Stearns Lake

—On September 25 Doug Kibbe reported a PHILADELPHIA VIREO at Bear Creek Park (not Bear Creek Lake Park)

On September 22 Gregg Goodrich reports the Long-billed Curlew at Chatfield SP Marina Sandspit. 
—On September 23 Gregg Goodrich reports 2 Juvenile Sabine's Gulls at the Chatfield State Park flying over the shore line at the marina sandspit.
—On September 24 Mackenzie Goldthwaite & Doug Kibbe reported a Lesser Black-backed Gull at the Marina Sandspit at Chatfield SP

—On September 23 a YELLOW-BELLIED FLYCATCHER was caught at the Banding Station at Chico Basin Ranch (Fee Area)
—On September 24 Jerry DeBoer reported a Broad-winged Hawk at the Arkansas River Walk, 9th Street to Tunnel Drive

—On September 22 Crystal Wilson reported a Black Phoebe at Chatfield SP at Deer Creek Inlet into the lake. 
On September 23 Mary O'Connor reports the Black Phoebe at Deer Creek inlet.
—On September 24 Alison Hixon reported a Black Phoebe at Chatfield SP - Original Heronry Overlook
—On September 24 Frank Farrell reported a Red Phalarope at Chatfield SP - S Platte River Delta
—On September 25 QP reported a Black Phoebe at the Swim Beach at Chatfield SP
—On September 25 Brian Johnson, Cynthia Kristenson, Karen Drozda & Chuck Aid reported a Red Phalarope at Chatfield SP - S Platte River Delta (See Brian Johnson's Cobird Post for more information)
—On September 27 Aaron Yappert, Myron Gerhard, Gregg Goodrich, Mark Amershek, Anna Troth, Bart Deferme, John Whitaker & Rob Raker reported a Red Phalarope at Chatfield SP - S Platte River Delta

—On September 26 Steve Mlodinov reported the LAUGHING GULL and a Red Phalarope at Neenoshe Res.
—On September 26 Steve Mlodinov reported a Lesser Black-backed Gull at Upper Queens/Neeskah Res.

—On September 23 David Dowell reported a Broad-winged Hawk at Flagler Reservoir State Wildlife area.

—On September 23 Kathy Mihm Dunning reported a Red Phalarope at Timnath Reservoir.
—On September 24 Brandon Nooner, Nick Komar, Mike McCloy, Danny Montalvo,  Austin Hess & David Wade reported a Black-throated Green Warbler at Rigden Reservoir (Strauss Cabin Lake) David Leatherman reported the BTGW as well.
—On September 24 Nick Komar & Brandon Nooner reported a MEW GULL at Horeshoe Reservoir
—On September 24 Derek Hill and David Leatherman reported Sabine's Gull (1st Year) at Rigden Reservoir (Strauss Cabin Lake)
—On September 25 Christine Sparks reported a Black-throated Green Warbler at Rigden Reservoir (Strauss Cabin Lake)
—On September 25 David Leatherman reported a Blackburnian Warbler along the Poudre north of Prospect Road. See his post in Cobirds for more info.
—On September 27 Nick Komar reported a Blackpoll Warbler at his residence
—On September 28 David Leatherman reported a Blackburnian Warbler at Grandview Cemetery in Fort Collins
—On September 29 Nick Komar reported a Mew Gull at Horseshoe Reservoir. 
—On September 29 David Wade, Walter Wehtje & Nick Komar reported a Blackburnian Warbler and a Blackpoll Warbler at Grandview Cemetery in Fort Collins
—On September 29 Bob Harden reported a Nashville Warbler at Matthews-Reeser Bird Sanctury
—On September 29 Kelsey King reported a Pine Warbler at Rocky Mountain NP-- Hidden Valley

—On September 24 Cheri Phillips reported a Black-bellied Plover

—On September 24 Coen Dexter & Brenda Wright reported a Black Phoebe at Cooper's Ditch near Nucla
—On September 25 Brenda Wright & Coen Dexter reported a Black Phoebe at the Rose Garden near Nucla
—On September 26 Coen Dexter & Brenda Wright reported a Broad-winged Hawk and a Black Phoebe at Silver Hawk Ranch
—On September 28 Coen Dexter & Brenda Wright reported a Sagebrush Sparrow at Airport Lake
—On September 29 Brenda Wright reported a Sagebrush Sparrow at Nucla Domestic Reservoir

—On September 21 David Dowell reported a Red Phalarope at Jackson Reservoir

—On September 22 Brandon Percival reported a Chestnut-sided Warbler, and a Yellow-throated Warbler at Cottonwood Picnic area parking lot below Pueblo Res. Dam. Photos were obtained.
—On September 24 Brandon Percival and David Chartier reported a Yellow-throated Warbler and 3 Black Phoebes at lake Pueblo SP - Rock Canyon/Valco Ponds Area

Sedgwick County
—On September 27 Norm Lewis reported an EASTERN MEADOWLARK at DePoorter Lake
On September 23 Ben Lagasse reports seeing the Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Prewitt Res.
—On September 24 Cheri Phillips reported a Snowy Plover at Prewitt Reservoir
—On September 25 Shawn Ashbaugh reported 2 Buff-breasted Sandpiper at 80720, Akron US-CO(40.4118,-103.3849)
—On September 27 Nic Korte reported a Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Prewitt Reservoir
—On September 29 Nick Moore, Dean Shoup & Joey Kellner reported 3 Buff-breasted Sandpipers at Prewitt Reservoir

—On September 23 Gene Rutherford reports 2 American Golden-Plover at Water Treatment Plant at Weld Co. Rds. 62.5 and 51.
—On September 29 Steve Mlodinov reported a LAUGHING GULL at LUNA Reservoir

—On September 23 David Dowell reports a Broad-winged Hawk near Hwy 59 south of Yuma.

Denver Field Ornithologists Field Trips: 

Denver City ParkSeptember 30, 7:00 AM - 11:00 AM, Patrick O'Driscoll (email Phone: 303-885-6955,) Trail difficulty: Easy, Maximum participants: 14. 
Directions:Meet at parking strip on north side of Ferril Lake. Enter park from Colorado Blvd. Northbound turns left onto 22nd Ave. past Museum of Nature & Science; southbound turns right onto 22nd at police station. Go past museum parking until road curves toward zoo. Take immediate left at "To Pavilion Bandstand" sign and go 300 yards down to corner with tall spruce trees, where lake comes into view. Park diagonally on left beneath spruces. 
We'll check on the cormorant and egret colonies but focus on early autumn migrants. The last day of September (and our DFO Big Month) is on the cusp for returning waterfowl and winter residents, migrant warblers and other southbounders. We'll walk 2-3 miles, from Ferrill Lake to the "pinetum" below the Denver Museum of Nature and Science and back west to Duck Lake and productive old groves on the park's west side. Dress for the weather and bring water and snacks. Register online or contact leader. 

9 people have registered for this trip. There are 5 spaces available.

Guanella Pass  September 307:30 AM - 5 PM  Chuck Hundertmark & Paul Slingsby ( or 303-604-0531, or 303-422-3728) Trail Difficulty: Strenuous 
Directions: We will be exploring stops along the road between Grant and the top of Guanella Pass. We will depart from the Twin Forks Park-n-Ride, 6164 US Hwy 285. Going south on US 285, the Park-n-Ride is on the left just past S. Turkey Creek Rd. 
Details: We will encounter a variety of habitats including coniferous forests, mixed forest, willow carr, subalpine and alpine regions. We may take short walks up to 2-4 miles at high altitude. Bring water, snacks, lunch, sunscreen, insect repellent, and clothing layers. Wear sturdy shoes. We will be looking for sparrows, flycatchers, woodpeckers, and perhaps the elusive ptarmigan. Register online or contact leader. 

There are 12 spaces available for this trip

First Creek at RM ArsenaOctober 1, 7:00 AM - 12: PM, John Breitsch ( or 303-588-0552), Trail difficulty: Easy, Maximum participants: 15.
Directions: From East Denver take 56th Ave east toward Pena Blvd. First Creek parking lot is just before Pena on your left (north). Or take I-70 east to Pena Blvd. Drive north to 56th Ave Exit. Turn left at the light and at the bottom of the off ramp, pass under the highway and turn right, almost immediately, into the First Creek parking lot.
We will start at the same parking lot as 1st Creek @ DOS. We will walk up Buckley Road, then we turn west at the creek instead of east. The trail should be finished all the way out to the concrete bunker that can be used as a viewing blind. We'll hope to see some late migrants and a few resident species. Until recently, this was a part of the RM Arsenal that was inaccessible. It should make for great raptor viewing over the winter months. There currently are no restroom facilities.

There are 11 people registered for this trip. There are 4 spaces left

For more information on the field trips go to
Good Birding,

Tom Behnfield
Lakewood, CO

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