Friday, 21 November 2014

[cobirds] Loon at Annex #8 (Larimer) on 11/21

I went up to Annex #8 Reservoir today, which is just north of the Fort Collins Country Club in the southwest corner of the intersection of CRs 13 and 56.  Andy Bankert reported a sleeping, unidentified loon on Windsor #8 (res across 56 from Annex #8 day before yesterday) and a Pacific Loon from Annex #8 yesterday.  This morning, the loon at Annex #8, after considerable anguished observation from a couple different angles and distances, in my opinion is a Common Loon.  I have heard a few other observers of today's bird agree with this diagnosis.  With all the movement of waterfowl ongoing, it is quite possible the bird today and Andy's bird from yesterday are different.  I am not casting aspersions, whatever aspersions are? 

Dave Leatherman
Fort Collins 

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