Sunday 24 March 2013

[cobirds] Sandhill Cranes in the snow - Douglas

    On Friday and Saturday each one flock of Sandhill Cranes flew over our house, mid-afternoon. About 150 each day. On Saturday the flock swirled around in the blowing snow, moved south, then found their wind and moved on north. (The 'golfers' heard & saw one flock, Urling saw the other one.)
    The blowing snow on Saturday sure brought in a flurry of visitors to our feeders. Lots of juncos, jays (Steller's, Blue, and W. Scrub), red-winged blackbirds (110 this morning), House Finches, plus the usual counts of chickadees, nuthatches, flickers, & Downy & Hairy Woodpeckers.
    This afternoon, the Walker Pit near Franktown had 101 ducks, 13 species, a horde of Canada & Cackling Geese, one Horned Grebe, some coots, and Ring-billed Gulls -- a fairly typical assortment. Urling did see an American Avocet at Walker on Friday, not here today.
    The highlight of the last few days: Bluebirds. Flocks of Mountain Bluebirds feeding by the roads and moving through, and Westerns inspecting nest boxes.

Hugh Kingery
Franktown, CO

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