Monday 16 July 2012

[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Monday, July 16, 2012

Compiler:   Joyce Takamine
Date:         July 16, 2012
email:        rba AT
phone:       303-659-8750

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for  Monday, July 16, 2012, sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.  If you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording by pressing the star Key (*) on your phone at any time.  Please leave your name, phone number, detailed directions, including county and dates for each sighting.  It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.

Highlight species include: (*denotes that there is new information on this species in this report)

Barrow's Goldeneye (Clear Creek)
Red-throated Loon (Bent)
Little Blue Heron (Adams)
Green Heron (Arapahoe)
Mississippi Kite (*Weld)
American Golden Plover (Otero)
Snowy Plover (Otero)
Piping Plover (Bent)
Least Tern (Bent)
Greater Roadrunner (Bent)
American Three-toed Woodpecker (Larimer)
White-eyed Vireo (Weld)
Carolina Wren (Douglas)
Winter Wren (Larimer)
Hooded Warbler (Pueblo)
Fox Sparrow (*San Juan)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Conjeos)

Please note, detailed directions to most of the following locations can be found on the Colorado County Birding Website:

Adams County:
--An adult Little Blue Heron was reported by Carter near 88th and Platte River.  Park in the parking lot and walk north along
the trail about 10 minutes until you see the large lake on the left.  The heron was seen on the lake on June 27 and again on July 6. On July 7 Lowrie relocated the Little Blue Heron on the first lake to the north of the parking lot.  On July 8, Chartier found the Little Blue Heron on the east side of the lake.  Dunning refound the Little Blue Heron on the lake on July 9.

Arapahoe County:
--A Green Heron was reported by Wait on the East Trail in South Platte Park on July 14.  It was S of Mineral in the very east side of the park in the wetlands area.

Bent County:
--A Red-throated Loon (first-summer) was reported by Nelson on the south side of John Martin Reservoir on July 3. The loon was approximately 15 feet offshore within a Piping Plover / Least Tern nesting closure about 1 1/2 mile west of the dam. If the loon stays in the same place, it might be possible to either see it from the dam, or from the rocky point east of the closure. Note, DO NOT enter any closed areas and respect all closure signs.  Duane Nelson reported on July 7 that the Red-throated Loon remains in the same area as he reported on July 3.  Goff refound the Red-thoated Loon at John Martin on July 8 and had a Greater Roadrunner in the process.  The Neldners had Least Terns and one Piping Plover while searching for the loon on July 8.

Clear Creek County:
--A female Barrow's Goldeneye along with 6 young was reported by Schmoker on Echo Lake on July 4.  Kemena refound the family on July 5.

Conjeos County:
--A m Rose-breasted Grosbeak was reported by Lisa Rawinski west of Pike's Stockade on July 11.  She reports that the area is full of bugs and rattlesnakes.

Douglas County:
--A BLACK VULTURE was reported by Poulsen on July 8 about one mile W of Perry Park Road on Jackson Creek Road.  This is south of Sedalia.
--The Carolina Wren first reported by Huffstater in June was refound by Kingery on July 11.  Take the middle I-25 exit in Castle Rock (182) and go east and then south on Wilcox St to 2nd Ave.  Turn left (east) and park in the angled parking on the street.  Take the trail west towards Plum Creek go under the Wilcox bridge, and turn left at the trail junction.  In a 100 yards or so you'll come to a black bench.  The wren sang from perches within 200 yards of the bench, north, west and south.   Kingery also reported a possible Yellow-bellied Flycatcher while he was searching for the Carolina Wren.

Larimer County:
--A Winter Wren was reported by Dunning in the blowdown area below Black Lake in Rocky Mountain NP on July 2.  On July 9 Leatherman heard the Winter Wren at the north end of the blow down area.
--2 - 3 American Three-toed Woodpeckers were seen by the DFO Field Trip to RMNP led by Ed Holub on July 8.  They were seen in the Endo Valley Picnic Area.

Otero County:
--An American Golden-Plover was reported by Moss at Lake Holbrook on July 9.

Pueblo County:
--2 ACORN WOODPECKERS were reported by Van Manen in Pueblo Mountain Park just south of Beaulah on June 16.  The birds were in a large snag next to the little amphitheater between the pavilion and the lodge. On June 23 Percival saw the Acorn Woodpeckers at the usual tree in Pueblo Mountain Park, at the parking lot just west of the Horseshore Lodge (1 seen by Percival on July 1)  Also, there was a singing male Hooded Warbler (first found by Van Truan), and one or two singing male Grace's Warblers.  These warblers were not far up the road from the old basketball court (south end of the Park).  The Hooded Warbler was mostly along the creek and the Grace's Warblers were singing in the tall ponderosa pine trees.  On July 5, Roller refound ACORN WOODPECKER, Hooded Warbler, and Grace's Warbler at Pueblo Mountain Park.

San Juan County:
--A Fox Sparrow was reported by Morris on Upper Lime Creek Road on July 14.  It was seen by the Durango Bird Club field trip to Ridgeway SP.

Weld County:
--A White-eyed Vireo was found by Bouton in the SW corner of Crow Valley on July 10.  
--Two Mississippi Kites were reported by Lefko at Glenmere Park in Greeley with nesting material on July 15.

The DFO field trip for Saturday, July 21 will be to the Parker area led by Mary Cay Burger (303-771-3431)   Meet at 0700.  Drive south on Parker Road going 1.5 miles past Main Street in Parker.  Turn right at Indian Pipe Lane, entering East Bank Park.  We will  be in riparian habitat next to Cherry Creek.  This is a half day trip.  Bring water and snacks for about 4 hours of birding.

The DFO field trip for Sunday, July 22 will be to the Lyons area led by Raymond Davis (303-823-5332).  Meet at Lyons Park-n-Ride just south of 4th and Main St. (by the skateboard park and library) at 0830.  Plan on walking level ground for a mile or three, a bit of car birding, and then, eating lunch on Davis's decks until we get bored.  Good photo opportunities likely.  Wheelchair accessible.
Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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