Highlight species include: (* denotes that there is new information on this species in this report)
Trumpeter Swan (Larimer)
Tundra Swan (Boulder)
Long-tailed Duck (*Araphaoe/Jefferson)
Red-throated Loon (Pueblo)
Red-necked Grebe (Weld)
Thayer's Gull (*Arapahoe, Boulder, *Logan, Weld)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (*Arapahoe, Larimer, *Logan, Weld)
Glaucous Gull (*Arapahoe)
Great Black-backed Gull (*Logan)
White-winged Dove (Boulder)
Curve-billed Thrasher (Baca)
Bohemian Waxwing (*Boulder, Larimer)
Snow Bunting (Rio Blanco, Weld)
Rufous-crowned Sparrow (Fremont)
White-throated Sparrow (Baca)
Harris's Sparrow (*Baca, Boulder, Huerfano, *Jefferson)
Rosy-Finches (Boulder)
Common Redpoll (Jefferson, Larimer, *Logan)
HOARY REDPOLL (*Bent, Grand, Larimer, *Logan)
--An imm Glaucous Gull was reported by Kaempfer at Cherry Creek SP on February 28.
--On March 1, Walbek reported 2 Glaucous Gulls (1 ad, 1 1-st cyc), 5 Lesser Black-backed Gulls (3 ad, 1 1-st cyc, 1 2nd-cyc), and 2 Thayer's Gulls at Cherry Creek. On March 3, Walbek reported the following at Cherry Creek Reservoir: 1 Glaucous Gull (1st-cyc), 4 ad Lesser Black-backed Gulls, Thayer's Gulls (4 ad, 2 1-st cyc) and 1-st cyc Kumlien's ICELAND GULL.
--An ad Lesser Black-backed Gull was reported by Kibbe at South Platte Reservoir (Arapahoe County) on February 28.
--Two Long-tailed Ducks were reported by Morris at South Platte Reservoir on March 2.
--On February 23 at Two Buttes SWA below the dam, Gordon reported 2 Harris's Sparrows, White-throated Sparrow, GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW and Curve-billed Thrasher. On February 25, Leatherman reported 1 Harris's Sparrow and GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW in first 100 yards of road that goes down from north end of Two Buttes Res dam to area E of dam which includes pond called Black Hole. On March 2, Leatherman reported that many birders saw the 2 Harris's Sparrows and GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW
at Two Buttes.
--On March 1, Linda Groat reported HOARY REDPOLL coming to her feeder in eastern Bent County. Please contact her at towhee1 At live.com for details. Leatherman reported that the HOARY REDPOLL was seen on March 2 by many birders.
-- The GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW at the Red Rocks Trading Post, first reported by Henwood on Nov 26 and present all winter, was seen again on Feb 25 by Henwood and Kibbe. Both also report NO Rosy-Finches.
--The flock of redpolls continues to be seen behind the Discovery Museum in Fort Colllins, located at Cherry and Mason St which is the NW corner of College and Cherry. Rob Sparks reported on February 25 that the Common Redpolls and a HOARY REDPOLL continue
to be seen behind the museum and its feeders. On March 2, Dowell reported about 30 Common Redpolls behind the museum.
--One Trumpeter Swan continues on Lower Hoffman Lake, Loveland, first reported by Rynes on February 3; then on Feb 23 by Mlodinow.
--33 Bohemian Waxwings were reported by Lefko on West Lake Ave on the CSU campus on February 25, but they flew SE.
--A Lesser Black-backed Gull was reported by Dowell at Lake Loveland on March 2.
--25 Common Redpolls were reported by Dowell at Cobb Lake SWA on March 2.
--At North Sterling Reservoir on March 3, Mlodinow reported 1 1-st cyc Great Black-backed Gull, 3 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 2 Thayer's Gulls, and at the edge of the S Boat Launch 65 Common Redpolls including 3 HOARY REDPOLLS.
--Percival reported that the Red-throated Loon continues along North Picnic Road at Pueblo Reservoir at least through March 2.
--2 ACORN WOODPECKERS were reported by Crooks at Pueblo Mountain Park on March 3.
A Snow Bunting (non-breeding female) was found by Jessica Brauch and reported by Brett Walker along CR 26 on BLM Land SW of CR 5 (Piceance Creek Rd). on February 27. CR 26 is snowy and icy but driveable in heavy-duty, high clearance 4WD vehicles. Bring chains.
--A Lesser Black-backed Gull and Thayer's Gull were reported by Mlodinow at N Weld County Landfill on February 23. The landfill is on Hwy 14 W of Ault.
--A Lesser Black-backed Gull was reported by Mlodinow on February 23 at Drake Lake which is S of Hwy 14 and W of Ault.
--At LUNA Reservoir on February 27, Mlodinow reported Snow Bunting and ad Thayer's Gull. LUNA is on CR 11 between CR 2 and CR 6.
Adams County is south of CR 2 (also 168th Ave) and Broomfield County is west of CR 11.
--2 Red-necked Grebes were reported by Sheeter at Firestone Gravel pits on the pond closest to Hwy 119 on March 1. Kaempfer refound the 2 Red-necked Grebes at Firestone Gravel pits on March 2.
The DFO Field Trip for Saturday, March 9 will be to Red Rocks Park led by Tom Bush (303-904-4576). Meet at 0800 at Red Rocks Trading Post for a half day of foothills birding. Bring water snack and lunch. Go W out of Morrison on Hwy 74. Less than .5 mile out of Morrison you will turn right on Red Rocks Parks Road. Stay right at the first fork. Continue on the road approximately a mile to Trading Post.
The DFO Field Trip for Sunday March 10 will be to Chatfield State Park led by Randy Lentz (303-680-3381). Meet the leader at the swim beach at 0800. Bird until noon so lunch is optional. Bring scopes, binoculars, water, and dress for predicted weather.
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