Tuesday, 31 July 2012
[cobirds] no Royal Tern today 7/31
Out of curiosity, I went over to Barr Lake this morning 7/31. Sandbar Lake
might be a better name. The crowd of gulls didn't move much, and so there
was every possibility that the slugabed Royal Tern might still be around,
but I never did see it. If anyone happened across it, please post.
Shorebirds included one Willet, half a dozen Spotted Sandpipers; the rest
were Least Sandpipers, Baird's Sandpipers, and Killdeer. I saw three
Forster's Terns, a few Franklin's Gulls, lots of California and Ring-billed
Gulls. A few Clark's Grebes were with the Westerns. I heard mention of
multiple Orchard Orioles in the area, but I did not see any. There were lots
of Chipping Sparrows on the move, judging by flight calls.
Mark Miller
Longmont, CO
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[cobirds] RFI Acorn WP, Grace's
Thanks in advance for any info.
Norm Lewis
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[cobirds] Re: Common Nighthawk migration over Louisville, Boulder Co.
On Monday, July 30, 2012 3:48:17 PM UTC-7, redstar...@gmail.com wrote:
I saw dozens of nighthawks about 3 pm today (just ahead of our torrential rain) heading south over Louisville just above the tree tops!--Even though they were flying erratically, they were gradually heading south. Finally, I stopped on Pine St.so that I could count them. I counted at least 80 before they stopped flying over; however, I have no idea how many I missed.There was a 10 mph north breeze at the time.Paula HansleyLouisville
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[cobirds] Red-headed Woodpecker - Bobcat Ridge Natural Area - Masonville
Mahoney Park area of Bobcat Ridge Natural Area, which is a high
elevation burn area. Burn is approx. a decade old.
Aran Meyer
Old Town Fort Collins
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[cobirds] Chipping Sparrow night flight, July 31st
[cobirds] Rare Bird Alert for Colorado, Tuesday, July 31, 2012
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Monday, 30 July 2012
[cobirds] More Common Nighthawk migration near Canon City
SeEtta Moss
Canon City
Blogging for Birds and Blooms magazine @ http://birdsandbloomsblog.com/author/seetta-moss/
Personal blog @ BirdsAndBlooms.blogspot.com
I saw dozens of nighthawks about 3 pm today (just ahead of our torrential rain) heading south over Louisville just above the tree tops!Even though they were flying erratically, they were gradually heading south. Finally, I stopped on Pine St.so that I could count them. I counted at least 80 before they stopped flying over; however, I have no idea how many I missed.
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[cobirds] Royal Tern - YES
Eric DeFonso
Fort Collins, CO
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[cobirds] short-eared owl Larimer County
Hi all,
Last night we were awakened by very loud bird calls and sounds of wings/scuffling just outside our bedroom windows by a very unusual droning screech. single note, seemed to be two individuals. Couldn't track them down as they flew off south. This evening we were hearing the sounds again, and shined a flashlight up to the top of our power pole and identified a medium-size owl with a rather round face. It flew off again, but we continue to hear the calls. Best we can identify it is a short-eared owl, which we found rather unusual. Lived here 15 years and have never seen nor heard one in this area. Thought it worth sharing. Based the id on this call which is nearly exactly what we were hearing:
Pat & Joel Hayward
Masonville CO
5400' west of Fort Collins
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[cobirds] Lincoln county --- YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON (7/29/12)
Colorado Springs
[cobirds] Royal Tern - Go See It!
While looking back through the messages posted about the Royal Tern, I do not see where it has been mentioned that this is only the third documented sighting of this species in the state. So, if you are newer to birding this is one that you might want to make an effort to go see, especially for the Front Range birders.
Good Birding,
Steve Stachowiak
Highlands Ranch, CO
[cobirds] County lists updates
Colorado Springs
RE: [cobirds] hummingbird parade
especially rufous. I was attributing it to loss of habitat at High Park fire
as we are about 10 miles south of the burn area.
Pat Hayward
Masonville CO
5400' west of Fort Collins
-----Original Message-----
From: cobirds@googlegroups.com [mailto:cobirds@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Linda Andes-Georges
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 12:12 PM
To: CO-birds CFO
Subject: [cobirds] hummingbird parade
The hummingbird migration numbers, though I've had little time to watch,
appear to be much heavier and more diverse here at our house (4 miles east
of Foothills in central Boulder Cnty) than in the previous 5 years. (We
lived in town before that).
I've had (I can hear 'em!) 4 species almost every day for several weeks,
although black-chinned trailed off early; last one of those I heard or saw
was July 25. The cool treat for me is that the various males came through in
unusual numbers; previously I had to stare at the darned female and immature
birds with much focus to figure out who was what.
Has this diversity been typical for other CObirders this year?
I believe I still have a rufous in the yard; I hear it choppity-chopping
around and it scares all the other birds away from the feeders with great
Linda Andes-Georges
Near Haystack Mtn, central Bldr Cnty
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RE: [cobirds] Royal tern bar lake
Norm Lewis
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone
Christian Nunes <pajaroboy@hotmail.com> wrote:
>The royal tern just returned to the northern of the two sandbars nw of the visitor center at 330 pm.
>christian nunes
>Sent with Verizon Mobile Email
>---Original Message---
>From: lochlaren@yahoo.com
>Sent: 7/30/2012 10:46 am
>To: cobirds@googlegroups.com
>Subject: [cobirds] Royal tern bar lake
>The tern now flying back and forth across barr lake as of 11:45
>Sent via DroidX2 on Verizon Wireless
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[cobirds] Common Nighthawk migration over Louisville, Boulder Co.
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RE: [cobirds] Royal tern bar lake
christian nunes
Sent with Verizon Mobile Email
---Original Message---
From: lochlaren@yahoo.com
Sent: 7/30/2012 10:46 am
To: cobirds@googlegroups.com
Subject: [cobirds] Royal tern bar lake
The tern now flying back and forth across barr lake as of 11:45
Sent via DroidX2 on Verizon Wireless
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RE: [cobirds] Royal tern bar lake
Sent with Verizon Mobile Email
---Original Message---
From: lochlaren@yahoo.com
Sent: 7/30/2012 10:46 am
To: cobirds@googlegroups.com
Subject: [cobirds] Royal tern bar lake
The tern now flying back and forth across barr lake as of 11:45
Sent via DroidX2 on Verizon Wireless
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Re: [cobirds] Nice new yard bird - Arapahoe County
I had several (2 or 3?) Cedar Waxwings feeding in my pink honeysuckle hedge at about 11:45!
Becky Campbell--
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[cobirds] Tail and wing patterns; raptor (and duck) ID
I have posted the solutions to the last two CFO Photo Quizzes (www.cfobirds.org) as well as the newest quiz photo. Take a stab at it!
Tony Leukering
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[cobirds] Nice new yard bird - Arapahoe County
I had several (2 or 3?) Cedar Waxwings feeding in my pink honeysuckle hedge at about 11:45!
Becky Campbell
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[cobirds] Royal Tern Photos
Loch Kilpatrick, Parker Co
[cobirds] RFI: Salida & Pueblo
Hopefully this isn't the second time on this message (sent the other query to the old cobirds@cfo-link.org email). I'm a former CO birder who will be back in state for a few days this coming week in Salida and very briefly in Pueblo.
I've driven through Salida a number of times before but never stopped to do any birding. If there are any birders who live or who bird regularly in the Salida area, I'd love to get some tips off-list on suggestions for good places to visit during my short stay.
For Pueblo, are the Acorn Woodpeckers still at Pueblo Mountain Park or are they gone? Same for the singing Grace's Warbler.
Jeff Witters
Olathe, KS
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[cobirds] hummingbird parade
appear to be much heavier and more diverse here at our house (4 miles east
of Foothills in central Boulder Cnty) than in the previous 5 years. (We
lived in town before that).
I've had (I can hear 'em!) 4 species almost every day for several weeks,
although black-chinned trailed off early; last one of those I heard or saw
was July 25. The cool treat for me is that the various males came through in
unusual numbers; previously I had to stare at the darned female and immature
birds with much focus to figure out who was what.
Has this diversity been typical for other CObirders this year?
I believe I still have a rufous in the yard; I hear it choppity-chopping
around and it scares all the other birds away from the feeders with great
Linda Andes-Georges
Near Haystack Mtn, central Bldr Cnty
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[cobirds] Re: July 2012 issue of Colorado Birds
Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn
Mobile: http://coloradobirder.ning.com/m
On Sunday, July 29, 2012 7:51:56 PM UTC-6, ted wrote:
Hello, Birders.
The other day, I received in the mail vol. 46, no. 3 (July 2012) of the journal Colorado Birds, published quarterly by Colorado Field Ornithologists. It's magnificent!
Start with the front cover, featuring an absolutely remarkable photo by Bill Maynard. (Join CFO, get the magazine, and see for yourself.)
Speaking of Bill Maynard, I guffawed my way all through Jim Beatty's tribute to Bill. Not surprisingly, the words "Chico Basin Ranch" appear within the first 10 words of Jim's tribute. And the tribute wraps up with Bill Maynard's fervent wish that he maintain at least one or two friendships following his current stint on the Colorado Bird Records Committee.
And speaking of the Colorado Bird Records Committee, chairman Doug Faulkner has two articles in 46(3). First is his usual quarterly report, including such highlights as Colorado's 3rd Black-chinned Sparrow record and first confirmed nesting of Scarlet Tanager. Doug's other article is interesting and important: "Changes to the Main Review List" tells us which bird species have recently been "delisted" by the committee (that is to say, which species no longer require documentation for the committee).
As always, there's great science--original observations, clearly written for a lay audience. There's a piece on Herring x Glaucous-winged Gull hybrids, and you'll never, not in a million years, guess the author: that's right, Steve "F2 Backcross" Mlodinow. (I can't wait to show Steve the possible immature female Black-chinned x Ruby-throated Hummingbird visiting my feeder...) More: Jason Beason has a thorough report on "Yellow-billed Cuckoos in Western Colorado," Jeff Jones describes "A Huge Concentration of Cassin's Finches," and Dave Leatherman graphically relates that an "Adult Male Northern Flicker Kills [an] Adult Male Northern Flicker."
And there's much, much more: Joel Such and Marcel Such's winter 2011-2012 "New from the Field" report; Dave Leatherman's "Hungry Bird" column (learn all about the European elm flea weevil); various items of news of the association; and more.
Most of you, I assume, already know all this. Why?--why, because you're CFO members, and you've already seen 46(3). But in the remote chance you're not already a CFO member, don't just sit there, DO SOMETHING. Join CFO today! It's easy. It's online. It's an amazing bargain. It's here:
Ted Floyd
Lafayette, Boulder County, Colorado
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[cobirds] Royal tern bar lake
Sent via DroidX2 on Verizon Wireless™
[cobirds] Royal tern. Barr lake
Sent via DroidX2 on Verizon Wireless™
[cobirds] Royal Tern Continues
The ROTE is still at Barr Lake State Park. It is on a sandbar with pelicans in the far NW corner. Probably best viewed from out from RMBO's office.
Good birding,
Steve Stachowiak
Highlands Ranch, CO
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[cobirds] Rare Bird Alert for Colorado, Monday, July 30, 2012
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