Friday 3 April 2020

[cobirds] Neotropic Cormorant in Bent County


I have never been as conflicted in posting a rare bird sighting, dating back to the late 1980s when I was the voice of the Colorado RBA in the time before there was an internet, or ebird. I want to share information, but I want it to be in a responsible manner. I found this Neotropic Cormorant at Lake Hasty, Bent County CO on March 31, and photographed it on April 1. It was still present on April 3.

Cobirds has strongly advised birders to stay safe and local, and not chase distant birds, and I totally agree with this mission. Governor Polis has told us that one exception to the statewide stay-at-home order is that we need to exercise, but only locally. I don't think there's any excuse for hitting the road for an adventure at this time, when one cough, sneeze, or even breath could bring cataclysmic results to a new area. This isn't easy for me, either, as I'd rather be climbing a mountain, and there are none around here.

The next time you see me, I might be wearing a mask.

Sincerely, Duane Nelson, Las Animas, Bent County, CO

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