Friday 7 October 2016

[cobirds] Lamar (Prowers) of late

Eads Cemetery (Kiowa) on 10/5
Common Poorwill

Yesterday (10/6) I had the following in the Lamar area:

Lamar Community College
Nashville Warbler (2) north end
Broad-winged Hawk (1) " "
Eastern Phoebe (1i) " "
Red-bellied Woodpecker (1) heard

Fairmount Cemetery
Common Nighthawk (late)

Willow Creek subdivision
Barn Owl

Today (10/7) First freeze of autumn overnight

Willow Creek Subdivision
*Eastern Towhee (1i female)

Gateway Park
Cackling Goose (2 in with flock of 106 Canadas)

Thurston Reservoir
Clark's Grebe
Wood Duck (1 female)
(Black-fronted Forktail) damselfly, south side boat ramp, several

Tried for Blue-headed Vireo reported this AM by Dotti Russell but did not see it.

Very dry down here and generally slow. Hackberry psyllid hatch is still yet to happen in any big way. Most migrant passerines have been in pines or elms. Besides Nashville's, only warblers have been 1 Wilson's, few Orange-crowns and moderate numbers of Yellow-rumped. No thrushes. Few Ruby-crowned Kinglets. Very few sparrows except for moderate numbers of Wcr, Vesper and Chippers.

Dave Leatherman
Fort Collins
Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

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