Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Re: [cobirds] length of Varied Thrush winter stays

Hi Dave,

The Colorado Bird Records Committee has 48 records for Varied Thrush dating back to 1972.  The longest stay is of one at Beulah, Pueblo County, that stayed from December 13, 1986 to February 21, 1987.  A duration of 70 days.  Looks like the Fort Collins bird may have exceeded that record.  Typically, Varied Thrushes haven't been documented staying for more than a few days, although there are plenty of exceptions that make me wonder if some birds move around locally (but are not refound and therefore recorded for just a couple days) while others reliably stay in one location during their winter visit and thus are seen for weeks.  I have provided the list of records and dates below.  Of course, the CBRC would appreciate further documentation for any of these that would extend the range of dates of occurrence.

good birding,

Doug Faulkner
CBRC Chair
Arvada, CO

Record ID# First Date Last Date Location County
44-72-8 11/27/1972 12/28/1972 Lakewood JEF
44-74-10 12/22/1973
2 miles e. of Lyons BOU
44-75-159 11/19/1975
Boulder BOU
44-77-16 11/21/1976
Durango LAP
44-84-49 12/16/1984 12/18/1984 Clifton MES
44-84-53 12/27/1984
Boulder BOU
44-87-59 12/13/1986 2/21/1987 Beulah PUE
44-88-4 11/9/1987 11/10/1987 Denver DEN
44-94-51 11/21/1994 11/24/1994 Colorado Springs ELP
1997-67 12/16/1995
Colorado State Forest Service Nursery, Ft. Collins LAR
44-96-107 10/11/1996
Pueblo PUE
1998-108 12/20/1997 1/10/1998 Colorado State Forest Service Nursery, Ft. Collins LAR
1999-119 1/1/1999
Republican River YUM
2000-116 1/9/2000 1/11/2000 Jackson SP MOR
2000-117 3/14/2000
St. Vrain Greenway near Sunset St., Longmont BOU
2001-141 12/26/2000 1/2/2001 Durango LAP
2001-90 10/16/2001 10/23/2001 Crow Valley Campground WEL
2001-133 12/24/2001
South Campus, Univ. of CO, Boulder BOU
2002-28 2/21/2002
Crosier Mountain Trail, near Drake LAR
2002-205 10/26/2002
Ft. Lyon Wildlife Easement BEN
2003-4 1/1/2003 1/3/2003 6225 Ridgeview Ln., Ft. Collins LAR
2003-133 1/3/2003
Pueblo City Park PUE
2004-5 1/28/2004 2/7/2004 Roxborough residential area DOU
2004-90 12/3/2004
Broomfield BRO
2005-144 12/22/2005
Flagler SWA KIC
2006-14 1/22/2006
Lamar Community College PRO
2006-50 5/12/2006
Last Chance Reststop WAS
2006-173 12/18/2006
Crow Valley Campground WEL
2006-174 12/21/2006
Fort Collins LAR
2007-2 1/5/2007
Florence FRE
2007-6 1/29/2007
Fort Collins LAR
2007-7 1/30/2007
Durango LAP
2007-108 12/24/2007
Confluence Park in Delta DEL
2008-12 2/3/2008
Steamboat Springs ROU
2008-24 3/19/2008
County Line Road south of Hwy 66 near Longmont WEL
2008-111 10/1/2008 10/2/2008 Crow Valley CG WEL
2008-137 12/3/2008
Colorado Springs ELP
2009-107 11/1/2009 12/5/2009 Boulder BOU
2009-117 10/15/2009
Chico Basin Ranch PUE
2010-02 1/6/2010
Boulder BOU
2010-138 11/3/2010
Colorado City PUE
2010-166 12/26/2010
Longmont BOU
2011-144 10/16/2011
Two Buttes Res. BAC
2011-157 11/7/2011
Colorado Springs ELP
2011-169 11/21/2011
Aurora ARA
2011-171 11/27/2011
Duck Creek SWA LOG
2012-15 10/16/2011
Grandview Cemetery LAR
2012-7 1/12/2012
Durango Fish Hatchery LAP

On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 12:51 PM, DAVID A LEATHERMAN <> wrote:
The landowner in Fort Collins (Ken Allen) who has a Varied Thrush coming to his backyard asked a good question.  What is the longest stay documented for a Varied Thrush in a local area in Colorado?  His male has been present for around 11 weeks (since mid-January).  I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has the beginning and end of a winter stay recorded for other Varied Thrush individuals in the past.  Thank you.

By the way, Ken is still OK with folks coming by to see the Varied Thrush if you call first (907/225-0988 home).  His address is 1719 Ticonderoga Drive in Fort Collins. 

Dave Leatherman
Fort Collins

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