Hi all,
Kara Carragher and I birded in the Canon City, Florence, and Portland areas of Fremont County today (we found over 85 species of birds). We saw two Broad-winged Hawks along the Bluff Trail, along the Canon City Riverwalk, east of the Sells Pond parking lot. There were also three Eastern Phoebes, a Bullock's Oriole and a couple of flyby male Broad-tailed Hummingbirds, between Raynolds Ave. and Sells Ave. parking lot, at the Canon City Riverwalk as well.
Later, we saw (along with Robb Hinds) another Broad-winged Hawk, along the trail, not far west of the MacKenkie Ave. parking lot, along the Canon City Riverwalk, we also saw a Black Phoebe at MacKenzie Ave. parking lot.
We saw Yellow-rumped and Orange-crowned Warblers, a couple Common Yellowthroats, a couple of Hermit Thrushes as well, along the Canon City Riverwalk. A lot of breeding birds, that I thought might be back by now, were not.
At Valco Pond along MacKenzie Ave. in Canon City, we saw a Great Egret close to the road. At Florence River Park, we saw a Green Heron, other birders saw three I believe. In a green field, along Hwy 115, east of Florence, we saw Long-billed Curlews (thanks to other birders for the heads up on these birds), there was also a Cattle Egret in this field. Other highlights were a Western Screech-Owl and a couple of Black-throated Sparrows (thanks to other birders for the heads up on the sparrows).
Good birding,
Brandon Percival
Pueblo West, CO
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