Monday, 1 April 2013

[cobirds] HSR: Dinosaur Ridge (01 Apr 2013) 45 Raptors

Dinosaur Ridge
Colorado, USA

Daily Raptor Counts: Apr 01, 2013
SpeciesDay's CountMonth TotalSeason Total
Black Vulture000
Turkey Vulture4413
Bald Eagle1128
Northern Harrier112
Sharp-shinned Hawk2210
Cooper's Hawk5516
Northern Goshawk000
Red-shouldered Hawk000
Broad-winged Hawk000
Red-tailed Hawk1717151
Rough-legged Hawk006
Swainson's Hawk000
Ferruginous Hawk119
Golden Eagle114
American Kestrel9931
Peregrine Falcon001
Prairie Falcon0014
Mississippi Kite000
Unknown Accipiter226
Unknown Buteo1110
Unknown Falcon000
Unknown Eagle000
Unknown Raptor003

Observation start time: 08:00:00
Observation end time: 15:00:00
Total observation time: 7 hours
Official CounterJeff Birek
Observers: Claude Vallieres, Jennifer Hyypio, Rob Reilly

We had 2 visitors in the morning that asked about the site. One visitor indicated he participated in Hawk Watch 6-7 years ago and saw many raptors. Rob Reilly visited and observed in the mid afternoon. He really helped us find raptors as they flew over Dino Ridge.

The weather was mostly cloudy for most of the day. It varied as the day progressed. The temperature varied from 6-11 degrees Celsius. The wind increased in speed as the day progressed, starting as an East wind and becoming a North wind by midday. Zero precipitation. Visibility was very good for most of the day - it exceeded 16 Km.

Raptor Observations:
Migrating raptors: 4 Turkey Vultures, 1 Osprey, 1 Bald Eagle, 1 Northern Harrier, 2 Sharp Shinned Hawks, 5 Copper's Hawks, 17 Red-tailed Hawks, 1 Ferruginous, 1 Golden Eagle, 9 American Kestrels, 2 Unidentified Accipiters, and 1 Unidentified Buteo. Most of the migrants actually flew over Dino Ridge - primarily on the East side. A few flew over the West Ridge. Most of the activity occurred in the afternoon - when the Sun would peek through the clouds. Official Counter was Bill Flowers - Jeff Birek name was used due to pull down menu limiations. There were several raptors observed that could have been migrants, but were not counted because they did not meet all the criteria. These included a Unidentified Accipiter, 2 Turkey Vultures, an immature Bald Eagle with "v-notches in both wing at the secondary and primary feather juxtaposition, a Northern Harrier that went due East over Green Mnt. There was also a Cooper's Hawk that hunted Dino Ridge and was moving north, but we could not observe it passing I70 - the bird provided close observation by landing in Ponderosa Pine just below the Site.

Non-raptor Observations:
Other local birds included Common Ravens, Black billed Magpies, Western Scrub Jays, Townsend's Solitaires, American Robins, American Crows, White-throated Swifts. Mule deer on Dino Ridge and Elk around Cabrini were also seen.

The weather forecast is for snow/rain, so activity probably will slow down. The migration is increasing, so birds could may be seen if there are any non-precipating periods during the afternoon.

Report submitted by Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory (
Dinosaur Ridge information may be found at:

Site Description
Dinosaur Ridge is the only regularly staffed hawkwatch in Colorado and is the
best place in the world to see migrating Ferruginous Hawks. Dinosaur Ridge may
be the best place in the country to see the rare dark morph of the Broad-winged
Hawk (a few are seen each spring). Hawkwatchers who linger long enough may see
resident Golden Eagles, Red-tailed Hawks and Prairie Falcons, in addition to
migrating Swainson's, Cooper's and Sharp-shinned Hawks, American Kestrels and
Turkey Vultures. Peregrine Falcons and Ferruginous Hawks are uncommon; Northern
Goshawk is rare but regular. Non-raptor species include Rock Wren, and sometimes
Bushtit, Western Bluebird, Sandhill Crane, White-throated Swift, American White
Pelican or Dusky Grouse. Birders are always welcome.
The hawkwatch is generally staffed by volunteers from the Rocky Mountain Bird
Observatory from about 9 AM to around 4 PM from the first week of March to the
first week of May.

Directions to site:
From exit 259 on I-70 towards Morrison, drive south under freeway and take left
into first parking lot, the Stegosaurus lot. Follow small signs from the south
side of lot to hawkwatch site. The hike starts heading east on an old two-track
and quickly turns south onto a trail on the west side of the ridge. When the
trail nears the top of the ridge, turn left, head through the gate, and walk to
the clearly-visible, flat area at the crest of the ridge.

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