Saturday 2 September 2023

[cobirds] Bird Conservancy of the Rockies- Chico Basin Banding Station 9/2/2023

I had a feeling that we would have a better day than yesterday this morning with the NNW wind. However, I did not believe it would have been this good.  We close the nets early due to heat but still managed to accrue 26 bird species in our catch for the day. Pretty amazing I think. Five warbler species (Wilson's, Yellow, Orange-crowned, MacGillivray's, and Common Yellowthroat) were banded. New species for the Season are Orchard Oriole, Warbling Vireo, Gray Catbird, Hammond's Flycatcher, and Green-tailed Towhee. Many thanks to the volunteers who pitched in today. Everyone's assistance was greatly appreciated. Great Job!

104 New Banded Birds
Wilson's Warbler- 48
Yellow Warbler- 4
MacGillivray's Warbler- 3
Orange-crowned Warbler- 7
Common Yellowthroat- 2
Red-breasted Nuthatch- 1
House Wren- 4
Western Wood- pewee- 3
Western Flycatcher- 3
Willow Flycatcher- 1
Hammond's Flycatcher- 2
Yellow-breasted Chat- 2
Warbling Vireo- 2
Cassin's Vireo-2
Lazuli Bunting- 2
Lincoln's Sparrow- 2
House Finch- 1
Western Tanager-2
Blue Grosbeak- 3
Orchard Oriole-3
Bullock's Oriole- 1
Canyon Towhee- 1
Green-tailed Towhee- 1
Gray Catbird- 2
American Robin- 1
Brown Thrasher- 1

The Banding Station will be closed tomorrow and reopen on Monday sunrise until 11ish or whenever it gets too hot for the birds. Have a good weekend. Good Birding to you!

Julie Shieldcastle
Chico Basin Ranch Bird Bander
Bird conservancy of the Rockies

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