Wednesday 27 May 2020

[cobirds] Re: How to get Colorado Rare Bird Alert from eBird

Thanks Allison...I'll check it out.

On Tuesday, May 26, 2020 at 9:07:50 PM UTC-6, ahilf wrote:
For those of you confused about how you can get a Rare Bird Alert from eBird, I get an e-mail each day entitled "Colorado Rare Bird Alert <daily>.   I have it sent once a day for the whole state.  eBird gives you options for which County, how often, etc.

As Joe's post noted, visit:

Then there is a section "Rare Bird Alerts"
"E-mail alerts for rare birds in a particular area."
"I'm interested in sightings of rare birds in (enter name of county, state/province, or country)"

Then you enter "Colorado" or if you prefer a county, you can enter it.   In fact you can sign up for multiple alerts.

Then underneath, all you need to do is click "subscribe".   If you aren't already signed in to eBird it will ask for a username and password.

As you can see, the statewide list is VERY long.   The COBirds RBA worked to shorten this list and include only true rarities (eBird will include a bird that is several days earlier than previous years sightings, etc.)

If anyone is still having trouble and would like me to walk you through the sign up process over the phone while we are both looking at the same computer screen, feel free to call me at (303) 888-5110

Allison Hilf

Begin forwarded message:

Subject: [eBird Alert] Colorado Rare Bird Alert <daily>
Date: May 26, 2020 at 9:37:12 AM MDT
To: Undisclosed recipients: ;

*** Species Summary:

Mute Swan (1 Boulder, 1 Weld)
Trumpeter Swan (1 Archuleta)
Mexican Duck (2 El Paso)
Ring-necked Duck (1 Teller)
Greater Scaup (1 Boulder)
Lesser Scaup (1 Arapahoe)
Hooded Merganser (1 Larimer)
Horned Grebe (6 Boulder)
Eared Grebe (1 Teller)
Western Grebe (2 Lincoln)
Black Swift (1 Pueblo)
White-throated Swift (3 Denver, 4 Otero)
Black-chinned Hummingbird (1 Adams)
Sandhill Crane (1 Larimer)
Stilt Sandpiper (24 Boulder)
Sanderling (1 Delta)
White-rumped Sandpiper (15 Boulder)
Semipalmated Sandpiper (1 Boulder)
Red-necked Phalarope (21 Boulder)
Willet (17 Boulder)
Willet (Western) (1 Boulder)
Ring-billed Gull (2 Kit Carson, 2 Lincoln)
American Bittern (2 Arapahoe)
Mississippi Kite (1 Boulder, 1 El Paso)
Northern Harrier (2 Boulder)
Sharp-shinned Hawk (1 Las Animas)
Bald Eagle (1 Teller)
Broad-winged Hawk (1 Crowley, 1 Otero)
Western Screech-Owl (1 Larimer)
Red-headed Woodpecker (5 Boulder, 1 Jefferson, 1 Larimer)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (4 Otero)
Ladder-backed Woodpecker (1 Conejos)
Eastern Wood-Pewee (3 Pueblo)
Alder Flycatcher (2 Lincoln, 1 Sedgwick)
Willow Flycatcher (1 Pitkin)
Gray Flycatcher (1 Douglas)
Black Phoebe (1 Boulder, 1 Otero)
Eastern Phoebe (3 Lincoln)
Cassin's Kingbird (1 Arapahoe, 1 Teller)
Bell's Vireo (2 Pueblo)
Bell's Vireo (Eastern) (1 Logan)
Cassin's Vireo (1 El Paso)
Pinyon Jay (1 Teller)
Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay (1 Arapahoe, 1 Denver)
Bushtit (1 Weld)
Curve-billed Thrasher (1 El Paso)
Veery (2 Arapahoe)
Red Crossbill (Ponderosa Pine or type 2) (1 Boulder)
Cassin's Sparrow (1 Fremont)
Black-throated Sparrow (4 Otero)
Lark Bunting (1 Jackson)
White-crowned Sparrow (Gambel's) (1 Boulder, 3 Lincoln)
Canyon Towhee (1 Conejos)
Rufous-crowned Sparrow (4 Otero)
Eastern Towhee (2 Logan)
Eastern Meadowlark (Lilian's) (2 Larimer)
Orchard Oriole (1 Denver)
Ovenbird (1 Las Animas)
Black-and-white Warbler (1 Jefferson)
Tennessee Warbler (3 Lincoln)
Nashville Warbler (1 Larimer)
Virginia's Warbler (3 Pitkin)
American Redstart (1 Moffat)
Northern Parula (1 Washington)
Magnolia Warbler (1 Moffat)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (21 Boulder, 1 Jefferson)
Yellow-throated Warbler (1 Pueblo)
Grace's Warbler (1 Pueblo)
Summer Tanager (1 Larimer)
Scarlet Tanager (4 Montrose)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (1 Larimer)
Painted Bunting (1 Larimer)

Thank you for subscribing to the <daily> Colorado Rare Bird Alert.The report below shows observations of rare birds in Colorado.  View or unsubscribe to this alert at
NOTE: all sightings are UNCONFIRMED unless indicated

Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) (1)
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:40 by Donna Stumpp
- 7171 Pike Rd, Longmont US-CO (40.1383,-105.1927), Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.192718&ll=40.138304,-105.192718
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Seen in it's usual pond just west of Lagerman Res"

Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) (2)
- Reported May 25, 2020 07:27 by Richard Maxfield
- Northwest Greeley,CO Suburbs, Weld, Colorado
- Map:,-104.8326&ll=40.442751,-104.8326
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Resident escapes"

Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator) (1)
- Reported May 25, 2020 08:30 by BEN BAILEY
- Pinon Lake Reservoir, Archuleta, Colorado
- Map:,-107.0666599&ll=37.2620812,-107.0666599
- Checklist:
- Media: 2 Photos
- Comments: "been here for a couple of decades.  see photos."

Mexican Duck (Anas diazi) (1)
- Reported May 25, 2020 09:46 by Tyler Stewart
- Fountain Creek Regional Park, El Paso, Colorado
- Map:,-104.7164001&ll=38.7071991,-104.7164001
- Checklist:
- Media: 1 Photo
- Comments: "Still here. Same spot as yesterday"

Mexican Duck (Anas diazi) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 10:00 by Terence Berger
- Fountain Creek Regional Park--Cottonwood Meadows (Area 6), El Paso, Colorado
- Map:,-104.7129035&ll=38.7009512,-104.7129035
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Male. Continuing - seen by several observers at various locations in the park. First observed as a flyover in Area 4 - dark body; pale head; dull yellow bill. Next observation in Area 6 southwest of Duckwood Pond, in flight and on the water (with six male mallards and one female mallard) - dark body; dull yellow bill; pale head; dark tail; dark eyeline; and white underwings contrasting with dark body in flight. The bird made several passes after it flew from the creek and headed northeast towards Area 5. I was unable to photograph."

Ring-necked Duck (Aythya collaris) (2)
- Reported May 25, 2020 10:51 by Scott Shaum
- Wrights Reservoir, Teller, Colorado
- Map:,-105.2722151&ll=38.7989341,-105.2722151
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Count"

Greater Scaup (Aythya marila) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 17:19 by Joey Negreann
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Pretty confident on calling this a GRSC. Hanging out out of water with other roosting ducks. Studied for about 15 mins as it moved its head in different angles and then finally tucked to roost then I watched later from different angle. Angle of forehead did not seem as steep as might be seen on LESC, along with more cleanly rounded head then LESC. Did get a head on view and the black tipping on the nail of the bill seemed a little more extensive. Shape while roosting also not as peaked as LESC. Not sure if anyone else saw this bird and has input or what the reviewer will think but I'm open to discussion. Unfortunately no clear digiscope photos as bird was on west side."

Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis) (1)
- Reported May 26, 2020 05:56 by Joey Negreann
- Cherry Creek SP, Arapahoe, Colorado
- Map:,-104.8538589&ll=39.6402646,-104.8538589
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Small duck with white sides black head and butt and barring on the back. Peaked head at back with more square shape rules out GRSC."

Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:30 by Joshua Keller
- Edora Park, Larimer, Colorado
- Map:,-105.0492096&ll=40.5641553,-105.0492096
- Checklist:
- Media: 2 Photos
- Comments: "Male, in the large pond. Saw it earlier in the morning while running and came back a couple hours later with camera and it was still there. Photo."

Horned Grebe (Podiceps auritus) (1)
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:58 by Pablo Quezada
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing"

Horned Grebe (Podiceps auritus) (2)
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:46 by Gary Witt
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Photo"

Horned Grebe (Podiceps auritus) (2)
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:46 by Donna Stumpp
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Photo"

Horned Grebe (Podiceps auritus) (2)
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:46 by Helen Butts
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Photo"

Horned Grebe (Podiceps auritus) (2)
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:46 by John Haycraft
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Photo"

Horned Grebe (Podiceps auritus) (1)
- Reported May 25, 2020 09:14 by Raymond Sperger
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Thicker beak And flatter Head than Eared."

Eared Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis) (2)
- Reported May 25, 2020 10:51 by Scott Shaum
- Wrights Reservoir, Teller, Colorado
- Map:,-105.2722151&ll=38.7989341,-105.2722151
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Count"

Western Grebe (Aechmophorus occidentalis) (1)
- Reported May 25, 2020 16:09 by Joey Kellner
- Limon Wetlands & Doug Kissel Pond, Lincoln, Colorado
- Map:,-103.6772382&ll=39.2593233,-103.6772382
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Photo will be attached"

Western Grebe (Aechmophorus occidentalis) (1)
- Reported May 25, 2020 16:09 by Norman Erthal
- Limon Wetlands & Doug Kissel Pond, Lincoln, Colorado
- Map:,-103.6772382&ll=39.2593233,-103.6772382
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Photo will be attached"

Black Swift (Cypseloides niger) (6)
- Reported May 25, 2020 07:25 by Chris Knight
- Pueblo Reservoir--Rock Canyon area (below dam, south of river), Pueblo, Colorado
- Map:,-104.7097668&ll=38.2632963,-104.7097668
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Found by Brandon Percival who took photos. Flying around and with good numbers of Violet-Green Swallows. Larger than Chimney Swift and less erratic flight. Darker. I didn't see more than six at a time and it didn't seem like there were more although there could have been."

White-throated Swift (Aeronautes saxatalis) (1)
- Reported May 25, 2020 13:48 by Eric Dinkel
- 2975 Hooker St, Denver US-CO (39.7600,-105.0283), Denver, Colorado
- Map:,-105.028276&ll=39.759988,-105.028276
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Flew over my house while gardening. Swift with unmistakable white throat and belly with black tail. Swift body shape"

White-throated Swift (Aeronautes saxatalis) (2)
- Reported May 25, 2020 18:47 by Pablo Quezada
- 5069 Stuart St, Denver, Colorado
- Map:,-105.0426972&ll=39.7884067,-105.0426972
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Seen flying over. White throat evident and call matched the iBird app."

White-throated Swift (Aeronautes saxatalis) (2)
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:47 by Matthew DeSaix
- Higbee Valley Road (Otero CR 804), Otero, Colorado
- Map:,-103.4667331&ll=37.7606101,-103.4667331
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Passed overhead giving a series of raspy descending twitters. Mostly black swift larger than a Chimney Swift with a longer more pointed tail, bright white throat and sides of rump."

White-throated Swift (Aeronautes saxatalis) (2)
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:47 by Philip Chaon
- Higbee Valley Road (Otero CR 804), Otero, Colorado
- Map:,-103.4667331&ll=37.7606101,-103.4667331
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Passed overhead giving a series of raspy descending twitters. Mostly black swift larger than a Chimney Swift with a longer more pointed tail, bright white throat and sides of rump."

White-throated Swift (Aeronautes saxatalis) (2)
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:47 by Jessie Reese
- Higbee Valley Road (Otero CR 804), Otero, Colorado
- Map:,-103.4667331&ll=37.7606101,-103.4667331
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Passed overhead giving a series of raspy descending twitters. Mostly black swift larger than a Chimney Swift with a longer more pointed tail, bright white throat and sides of rump."

White-throated Swift (Aeronautes saxatalis) (2)
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:47 by Kurt Ongman
- Higbee Valley Road (Otero CR 804), Otero, Colorado
- Map:,-103.4667331&ll=37.7606101,-103.4667331
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Passed overhead giving a series of raspy descending twitters. Mostly black swift larger than a Chimney Swift with a longer more pointed tail, bright white throat and sides of rump."

White-throated Swift (Aeronautes saxatalis) (2)
- Reported May 23, 2020 11:34 by Matt Gray
- LoHi, Denver, Colorado
- Map:,-105.0075294&ll=39.7600278,-105.0075294
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Seen flying overhead, distinct flight call and wing shape, in addition to white throat, white on flanks: "tuxedo." Distinguished from violet-green swallows by color, wing-shape and call, distinguished from Chimney swifts by black-and-white pattern."

Black-chinned Hummingbird (Archilochus alexandri) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 26, 2020 06:41 by Adam Green
- Green Home2, Adams, Colorado
- Map:,-104.954226&ll=39.943413,-104.954226
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing bird"

Sandhill Crane (Antigone canadensis) (8)
- Reported May 26, 2020 06:20 by Jay Breidt
- 1198–2092 W County Road 78, Wellington US-CO 40.81300, -105.10805, Larimer, Colorado
- Map:,-105.108047&ll=40.813005,-105.108047
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Unmistakable. Grazing in plowed field. Photos."

Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 17:19 by Joey Negreann
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing. Large peep with droopy bill, eyeline and strongly barred underneath."

Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) (1)
- Reported May 25, 2020 16:14 by Jeff Percell
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Media: 3 Photos
- Comments: "shore bird, slightly smaller than the Avocet, roughly same size as the killdeer, though maybe slightly larger. Wading. Dark legs, though not quite black. Appeared to have a bit of an eye line, though entire body was grayish brown, not sure how to describe the textured coloring, but not spotted. Straight pointy bill. Not as long as the Avocet bill."

Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 15:03 by Ryan  Bushong
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing"

Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 15:03 by Jack  Bushong
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing"

Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 14:58 by Spencer England
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing. In water about 30 yards down from the fence"

Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 14:04 by Gabriel Wiltse
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing"

Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 13:41 by Nathan Pieplow
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing. See description from yesterday."

Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 12:17 by Joe Chen
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "White eyebrow, barred pattern  all over, dark back. Long yellow green legs. Saw it along the shore close to the restroom."

Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:58 by Pablo Quezada
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing"

Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:46 by John Haycraft
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Media: 1 Photo
- Comments: "Photo"

Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:46 by Gary Witt
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Media: 1 Photo
- Comments: "Photo"

Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:46 by Helen Butts
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Media: 1 Photo
- Comments: "Photo"

Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:46 by Donna Stumpp
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Media: 1 Photo
- Comments: "Photo"

Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:15 by Jesse Casias
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing bird"

Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:15 by Christine Oblak
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing bird"

Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 10:09 by Jeff Yegian
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Great close views!"

Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 09:51 by Sue Riffe
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Shorter greenish legs, thick base to the sturdy medium length decurved bill, reddish cap and auricular, continuing"

Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 09:38 by Aaron Yappert
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing"

Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 09:14 by Raymond Sperger
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing"

Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 08:55 by Bez Bezuidenhout
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Media: 1 Photo
- Comments: "Photo, not a grat one"

Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 07:24 by Adam Vesely
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Media: 1 Photo
- Comments: "Photo"

Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) (1)
- Reported May 24, 2020 10:30 by Anonymous eBirder
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Chestnut on head. Long bill. Heavy barring."

Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) (1)
- Reported May 24, 2020 10:30 by Katie Lehman
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Chestnut on head. Long bill. Heavy barring."

Stilt Sandpiper (Calidris himantopus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 24, 2020 09:47 by Lisa Carp
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing, larger sandpiper, similar in size to a dowitcher, medium-length decurved bill, extensive barring underneath, especially on belly and undertail coverts, rufous tinge to the crown and portions of the face."

Sanderling (Calidris alba) (1)
- Reported May 25, 2020 10:16 by Sandy Beranich
- Fruitgrowers Reservoir--North Road Causeway, Delta, Colorado
- Map:,-107.9353952&ll=38.8422327,-107.9353952
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Black bill and black legs, ends of wings did not extend beyond tail, white breast and belly, missing back toe and did not have a spur. It continually walked within a large mudflat but close to the water while foraging.  I watched this sandpiper using a 60X scope for about an hour trying to distinguish it from other possible sandpipers. At one point, it apparently got too close to a killdeer or nest and an adult killdeer stood up next to the sandpiper then along the side, which gave me a good view of size comparison. Other sandpipers would have been much smaller than this one as compared to the size of the Killdeer. Neither bird moved for about 10 minutes then the Killdeer walked off. Before coming to North Road I had studied the photos previously provided by Rick Harner related to his sighting, additional photos online, as well as used Michael O'Brien's ( book: The Shorebird Guide. I spent most of the time waiting to get a look at its feet and legs looking for the missing hind toe or spur, which were noted by Don Marsh in communication with Rick Harner as good landmarks. I ruled out other Sandpipers based on size, missing toe and spur, wings versus tail length, and white breast and belly. I did not have a camera that could verify these features."

White-rumped Sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis) (2) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 26, 2020 07:24 by Andy Angstrom
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Reoccurring Birds: elongated wings making the body look longer, dark bill and legs. Lighter face with off white eyebrow. In flight obvious white rump feathers. Seen on western shore of reservoir."

White-rumped Sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis) (2) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 17:19 by Joey Negreann
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Seen in flight twice across the reservoir on the far west side. Small peep with all white rump, weak stripe across wing with relatively dark wing."

White-rumped Sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis) (2) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 14:04 by Gabriel Wiltse
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing"

White-rumped Sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis) (2) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 13:41 by Nathan Pieplow
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Together. Same size as adjacent Spotted Sandpiper with extremely long pointed wings. Long bill for a peep, angled slightly down from where it meets the face. Colder overall coloration than spring Baird's."

White-rumped Sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis) (2) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:58 by Pablo Quezada
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing"

White-rumped Sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis) (2) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:46 by John Haycraft
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing. Got distant photos. On opposite southern shore. Not sure if they're any good. Pale chest. Elongated body. Will add more details later."

White-rumped Sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis) (2) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:46 by Gary Witt
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing. Got distant photos. On opposite southern shore. Not sure if they're any good. Pale chest. Elongated body. Will add more details later."

White-rumped Sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis) (2) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:46 by Helen Butts
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing. Got distant photos. On opposite southern shore. Not sure if they're any good. Pale chest. Elongated body. Will add more details later."

White-rumped Sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis) (2) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:46 by Donna Stumpp
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing. Got distant photos. On opposite southern shore. Not sure if they're any good. Pale chest. Elongated body. Will add more details later."

White-rumped Sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:15 by Christine Oblak
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "continuing bird"

White-rumped Sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:15 by Jesse Casias
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "continuing bird"

White-rumped Sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis) (2) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 09:51 by Sue Riffe
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Long winged, short legged, no visible black centers which is also good for WRSA, expected this week"

White-rumped Sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis) (2) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 08:25 by Luke Pheneger
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "There are two now. Niccccccccce."

White-rumped Sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 24, 2020 09:47 by Lisa Carp
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Seen on the western shore with the group of SESAs. Slightly larger in size than the SESAs, smaller than the STSA. Decurved bill, face showed a distinctly contrasting supercillium, upperparts were grayish with dark spotting, sides showed fine streaks. Overall appearance was front-heavy due to the long wings, and tapered rear end."

White-rumped Sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis) (2) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 14:51 by Jeff Yegian
- Lagerman Reservoir, Longmont US-CO (40.1353,-105.1910), Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.191038&ll=40.135308,-105.191038
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Seen with other birders"

Semipalmated Sandpiper (Calidris pusilla) (3) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 24, 2020 09:47 by Lisa Carp
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Peeps with black legs, clean white undersides, grayish upper parts, primaries not extending past the tail, bill relatively straight and blunt ended."

Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) (5) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 17:19 by Joey Negreann
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing. Phalarope with white throat red neck and dark grey breast."

Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) (5) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 15:03 by Jack  Bushong
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing birds"

Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) (5) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 15:03 by Ryan  Bushong
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing birds"

Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) (5) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 14:58 by Spencer England
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "I think some others maybe saw a 6th"

Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) (4) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 14:04 by Gabriel Wiltse
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing"

Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) (5) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 13:41 by Nathan Pieplow
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Swimming in circles on the water. White oval throats offset by gray and red neck, no white stripe on back of head."

Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) (4) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 12:17 by Joe Chen
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continued, seen with others birders"

Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) (5) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:58 by Pablo Quezada
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing"

Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) (5) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:46 by Donna Stumpp
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Photos"

Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) (5) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:46 by Gary Witt
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Photos"

Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) (5) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:46 by Helen Butts
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Photos"

Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) (5) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:46 by John Haycraft
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Photos"

Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:15 by Jesse Casias
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing bird"

Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) (1) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 11:15 by Christine Oblak
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Continuing bird"

Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) (5) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 10:09 by Jeff Yegian
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:
- Comments: "Clearly different than Wilson's"

Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) (5) CONFIRMED
- Reported May 25, 2020 09:51 by Sue Riffe
- Lagerman Agricultural Preserve--Lagerman Reservoir, Boulder, Colorado
- Map:,-105.1888925&ll=40.1348086,-105.1888925
- Checklist:

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