Tuesday 11 October 2016

[cobirds] White-throated Sparrow,and yard birds, Jefferson County, CO

Had a nice surprise on 10/9 & 10/10, with a Tan-striped, White-throated Sparrow, showing up with White-crowned Sparrows in my yard. The White-crowned Sparrows were really aggressive towards the White-throated. I did not see the White-throated today in my yard.

A couple of days ago I saw some behavior which I thought was interesting. I had around 5 American Robins arrive in my yard a couple of days ago. They were bathing and checking the yard out and decided to check the Pyracantha bush out, for it's berries. I have had nesting Spotted Towhees in my yard this summer. When the Robins started to feed on the Pyracantha berries, 3 of my permanent residing Towhees, flew at the Robins, which were in the bush, and the Towhees continued to fly at and fly after the Robins until they were out of my yard. I assumed Towhees were not this aggressive. Never assume, right.

Berry shrubs in my yard are really full of fruits this fall, and attracting Waxwings, Townsend's Solitaire, and American Robin, and Spotted Towhee.

 An Orange-crowned Warbler was in my bird bath yesterday and an 'Eastern' Downy Woodpecker has been hanging around.

Happy Birding !

Tina Jones, Littleton, Jefferson County, CO

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