Tuesday, 5 July 2016

[cobirds] NO dickcissels at Chatfield SP 7/5 a.m., and a question about parking on the side of the road there

My wife and I spent 20 minutes or so this morning at around six at Chatfield State Park looking for the dickcissels posted yesterday by David Suddjian and Greg Pasquariello, with no luck.

While looking for the birds, with hazards on and pulled off the road as far as safely possible, a bicyclist went by and made, I believe, a snide remark about "parking illegally to see a dickcissel" (he didn't stop and I couldn't hear him very well so, if I misinterpreted, I'll apologize now for being overly sensitive).

So, my question is this - is it, indeed, illegal to park on the side of the road in that part of Chatfield SP?  It would not appear so as I did not observe any "no parking" or "no stopping" signs anywhere between the Wadsworth entrance and that spot.  Also, at least three park rangers drove by and not one stopped to tell us we were doing something wrong.  I also believe current conditions are important - my wife and I tried for these birds yesterday afternoon while the park was VERY busy, and I did not feel comfortable stopping.  This morning, at six, it was very quiet, with very little traffic.

Being, at the same time, a bicyclist, a birder, and a driver myself, I try to respect both the laws and etiquette of each endeavor.  If I truly was doing something wrong, I'd like to ensure I don't repeat myself, so educational responses are welcome.

Bryan Arnold
Jefferson County

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