Compiler: Joyce Takamine
Date: June 21, 2015
E-mail: rba AT
This is the Rare Bird Alert, Sunday, June 21 sponsored by Denver Field
Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.
Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species).
Barrow's Goldeneye (Moffat)
Broad-winged Hawk (*Jefferson)
Upland Sandpiper (*Weld)
Black Swift (Montrose, Weld)
Acorn Woodpecker (La Plata)
Williamson's Sapsucker (Boulder, *Jefferson)
American Three-toed Woodpecker (Pueblo)
Least Flycatcher (Moffat)
Eastern Phoebe (*Douglas, Jefferson)
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (Lincoln, Weld)
Bell's Vireo (Pueblo)
Chestnut-collared Longspur (Weld)
McCown's Longspsur (Weld)
Blue-winged Warbler (Jefferson)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (Routt)
Grace's Warbler (Chaffee, Mesa)
Black-throated Green Warbler (Douglas)
Fox Sparrow (*Boulder, Chaffee, *Larimer)
EASTERN MEADOWLARK (*Boulder, Lincoln)
Baltimore Oriole (*El Paso)
Scott's Oriole (Las Animas)
--A Slate-colored Fox Sparrow was reported by Jane Baryames on the Boulder Bird Club Field trip led by David Dowell at Brainard Lake on June 13. A Fox Sparrow was reported by Peter Burke at Brainard Lake on June 20.
--A pair of Williamson's Sapsuckers was reported by Jane Baryames on the BBC Field Trip led by David Dowell on Gold Lake Rd, 2 miles east of Peak to Peak Hwy on June 13.
--An EASTERN MEADOWLARK was heard by Paula Hansley north of Hwy 42 in Louisville between the traffic light at 95th and where Hwy 42 turn east and the bike path underpass on June 19.
-- On June 8, Nunes reports a singing Grace's Warbler at the Mt. Shavano
trailhead. On June 13, Sally Waterhouse reported Grace's Warbler on CR 250. On June 14, Bob Spencer reported Grace's Warbler near the Shavano trailhead.
--On June 14, Bob Spencer reported 2 Fox Sparrow's at the Collegiate Peaks Campground.
--A Black-throated Green Warbler was reported by Bea Weaver at Roxborough Open Space on June 11.
--A BAIRD'S SPARROW was reported by Bea Weaver on North Roxburough Road Sounth of Titan Road on June 17.
--An Eastern Phoebe was reported by Joey Kellner at Kingfisher Bridge at Chatfield SP on June 20. Access to Chatfield is now only from the Plum Creek Entrance.
--A Baltimore Oriole was reported by Leonard Lake at Ramah Reservoir SWA on June 20.
--On June 10, Polly Wren Neldner reported a BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO in their yard in La Veta. The BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO was seen again on June 11 by Neldner and Mark Peterson. On June 12, Nelder reported that the BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO was heard about 0530 and seen around 1600 by Neldner, Miller, Boswell, and Takamine. On June 13, Gene Rutherford reported seeing BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO in La Veta. Neldner reported seeing it mid-morning on June 13, but others were not able to see it. On June 14, Neldner reported that the BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO was heard but not seen. One interesting complication is that a Yellow-billed Cuckoo has appeared and was seen on June 14. On June 15, the BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO called persistently from 0530 to 0745. On June 16, the BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO was not heard or seen. If you would like to try for it and for updates contact her at pollywren AT
--On June 3, David Chartier reported Blue-winged Warbler at Welchester Tree Grant Park. On June 4, Frank Farrell reported Blue-winged Warbler at Welchester Tree Grant Park. On June 11, Ira Sanders reported Blue-winged Warbler at Welchester Tree Grant Park. On June 17, Victoria Wheeler reported Blue-winged Warbler at Welchester Tree Grant Park.
--An Eastern Phoebe was reported by Gerald Baines on the Clear Creek Trail from Golden to I-70 on June 12.
--On June 20 at Genessee Mountain Park, Hugh Kingery reported Broad-winged Hawk and Williamson's Sapsucker.
--10 Acorn Woodpeckers were reported by Gary Brower on Meadow Road in Rafter J Subdivision on June 18.
--A Fox Sparrow was reported by Nick Komar on East Longs Peak Trail on June 20.
--A Scott's Oriole was reported by Dave Leatherman at Officer Hill on June 10 and 11.
--A juv Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was reported by Glenn Walbek at Arriba Cemetery on June 16.
--An EASTERN MEADOWLARK was reported by Glenn Walbek in Flager on CR 0 on June 17.
--4 Grace's Warblers were reported by Denise and Mark Vollmar at Black Pine Reservoir on June 14.
--2 Least Flycatcher were reported by Alec Hopping and Steve Mlodinow at Wyman Living History Museum west of Craig on June 15.
--On June 16 a BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER was heard by Steve Mlodinow and Alec Hopping on Black Mountain. This will be a new state record if accepted.
--A Least Flycatcher was reported by Steve Mlodinow and Alec Hopping at Talamante Creek on June 17.
--A Barrow's Goldeneye was reported by Steve Mlodinow and Alec Hopping at Brown's Park NWR on June 17.
--On June 11, 3 LESSER NIGHTHAWKS (1f, 2m) were reported by Coen Dexter in Nucla. On June 15, Mel Goff reported 2 LESSER NIGHTHAWKS in Nucla.
--On June 12, about a dozen Black Swifts were reported by Coen Dexter in Nucla.
--On June 10, Brandon Percival reported that the Bell's Vireo that he first reported on May 24 continues singing at the same place,east of Valco Bridge, south side of Valco Pond #3. On June 11, John Drummond reported Bell's Vireo at Valco Ponds. On June 16, Eric DeFonso reported Bell's Vireo at Valco Ponds.
--An American Three-toed Woodpecker was reported by David Chartier on Greenhorn Mountain on June 13.
--A Chestnut-sided Warbler was reported by Steve Mlodinow at Yampa River Preserve on June 15.
--3 Black Swifts were reported by Steve Mlodinow hunting over Union Reservoir on June 12.
--A PURPLE FINCH was reported by David Syzdek in the SW corner of Pearson Park in Fort Lupton on June 13.
--Chestnut-collared and McCown's Longspurs were reported by Tom Wilberding near CR 144 and CR 37.1 on June 11.
--A Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was reported by Amber Carver on CR 114 about 1 miles east of US 85 on June 16.
--A Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was reported by Gary Lefko in Nunn on June 16.
--An Upland Sandpiper was reported by Andy Bankert about 2-3 miles east of US 85 on CR 114 on June 17. Bankert also reported that McCown's Longspurs were seen in several locations on June 17. An Upland Sandpiper was reported by Amber Carver at the Central Plains Experimental Range on June 19.
The DFO Field Trip for Saturday, June 20 will be to the Lyons area with Raymond Davis (davis, 303-823-5332). Meet the leader at 0830 at Lyons Park-Ride, 1/2 block south of Main St on 4th Ave (by the skateboard park and visitor center (w/bathrooms).
This will be Davis's usual trip with modifications as needed due to remaining flood effects. Walk on level ground for 1-3 miles, bird by car, and then eat lunch on Davis's decks. Wheelchair accessible. Register online or contact leader to register.
The DFO Field Trip for Sunday, June 21 will be the Mt Falcon Park led b Karen Drozda (drozforte AT; 303-399-0891).
Meet the leader at upper parking lot of west side of Mount Falcon Park. From C-470 and US 285 South, turn right at the Indian Hills exit to Parmalee Gulch Road. Follow Parmalee Gulch Road for approximately 2.5 miles to Picutis Road, turn right at Picutis, then follow signs for Mt. Falcon to upper parking area.
Much of this trip involves moderate climing in the sun. Bring water, snacks, binoculars, camera, hat, sunscreen, bug spray. Register online or contact leader to register.
Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine
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