Tuesday, 30 June 2015

[cobirds] Drennan Rd, El Paso Co

 In addition to the birds recently reported from Drennan Rd, late this afternoon I heard and saw a Sora in the flooded field north of the road, a Burrowing Owl on a fence post, great views of a Grasshopper Sparrow (many were heard on each side of the road), a Loggerhead Shrike near Peyton Rd, and a Swainson's Hawk mobbed to the ground!
Elbert, CO

[cobirds] Probable Dickcissel -- Cherry Creek SP, Arapahoe County

Hello CoBirders --

I think I may have seen and heard a Dickcissel at Cherry Creek State Park this morning. The encounter did not last long and I was late for work so I could not track it down. A sparrow like bird with its back turned singing from the top of a bush. Noticed that the back looked reddish. When it turned its head, I was surprised to see a gray head, sparrow like bill, with white stripes above the eye and in the moustachial region. Didn't get much detail beyond that. The song I remember hearing sounds like a pretty close match for Dickcissel.

I saw it along Cherry Creek Trail south of the wetlands, about halfway between its junction with E Lake View Rd and where it hits the Railroad Bed Trail. It was southwest of the trail singing from a shrub in the grassland.

If anyone is able to confirm this sighting, please let me know. For now, I'll leave it as a ???.

Other cool birds in the area: Blue Grosbeak, Eastern Kingbird, YB Chat, Gray Catbird.

Good summer birding,
Chris Rurik
Denver CO

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[cobirds] kestrels

Hi All,
Just an FYI, if interested,we have a live American Kestrel camera along
with the live Barn Owl cameras that you can watch at wwww.carriep.org

Scott Rashid
Estes Park

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[cobirds] downy woodpecker

I just saw a new bird in my yard (6800 ft on mountainside) which was entirely black and white (no red), about 7 inches long, and clinging to the side of a vertical building.  Obviously, it was some sort of woodpecker but I'm not sure which one.  After consulting the guide, I believe it is a Downy Woodpecker, female.  Does this sound right?


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[cobirds] New Yard Bird #132/Nunn

Hi all

Double-crested Cormorant flyover 35-acre "airspace"--probably from Dover Reservoir and/or Lone Tree Creek drainage.
  • http://coloradobirder.ning.com/notes/My_Yard_Birds
Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn
Mobile:  http://coloradobirder.ning.com/m

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[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert, 30 June 2015

Compiler:   Joyce Takamine
Date: June 30, 2015
E-mail: rba AT cobirds.org
This is the Rare Bird Alert, Tuesday, June 30 sponsored by Denver Field
Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.
Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species).
Barrow's Goldeneye (Garfield)
Red-necked Grebe (*Dolores)
Broad-winged Hawk (*Weld)
Greater Roadrunner (*Baca)
Red-headed Woodpecker (Park)
Acorn Woodpecker (La Plata)
American Three-toed Woodpecker (Chaffee)
Least Flycatcher (Mesa)
Eastern Phoebe (Jefferson, Douglas)
Gray Vireo (Las Animas)
Purple Martin (Mesa)
Curve-billed Thrasher (*Baca)
Sagebrush Sparow (Summit)
Hepatic Tanager (Las Animas)
Northern Cardinal (Boulder)
Painted Bunting (*Baca)
Baltimore Oriole (Otero)
Brown-capped Rosy-Finch (Chaffee)

--On June 29 at Picture Canyon, Dave Leatherman reported  at least one m Painted Bunting, Greater Roadrunner, and Curve-billed Thrasher.

--ON June 22, Elena Klaver reported Northern Cardinal along the trail at 4th and Hawthorne in Boulder.
--On June 22, Katey Buster reported American Three-toed Woodpecker and Brown-capped Rosy-Finches on Cottonwood Pass.

--An breeding plumaged Red-necked Grebe was reported by Jim Beatty at Groundhog Reservoir, North of campground on east side of Lake on June 29.

--An Eastern Phoebe was reported by Joey Kellner at Kingfisher Bridge at Chatfield SP on June 20.  Access to Chatfield is now only from the Plum Creek Entrance.  On June 27, Joey Kellner reported Eastern Phoebe at Chatfield SP over the reservoir.

--10  Barrow's Goldeneyes were reported by JoAnn Riggle at the Flat Tops Area on June 24.

--A WHITE IBIS was reported by John Cocanower at Windy Gap Reservoir on June 28.
--5 Eastern Phoebes were reported by Cynthia Madsen at Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield on June 25.

--10 Acorn Woodpeckers were reported by Gary Brower on Meadow Road in Rafter J Subdivision on June 18.  On June 26, Aaron Keller reported 2 Acorn Woodpeckers on Meadow Road in Rafter J Subdivision.
--A probable 2nd year male MAGNIFICIENT HUMMINGBIRD has been visiting the residence of Jane Pederson in Durango.  If you would like to try to see it, contact Jane at janelcsw AT aol.com.  

--A male ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD was reported by Paul Tennery coming to his feeder outside of Trinidad on June 24.  He is willing to let
birders try to see it, but you must be accompanied by Paul or his wife since access to his property is surrounded by private property and is down a private road.  His place is on Widow Woman Canyon near Valdez.  To contact him call 719-859-2600 or ptennery AT gmail.com.  He warns
that phone and email do not always work.  On June 25, John Drummond reported excellent views of the ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD at the Tennery residence.  On June 26, Alec Hopping reported ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD at Tennery residence. On June 27, David Chartier and Thomas Heinrich reported ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD at Tennery residence and Paul Ternnery reported that the hummingbird sticks around all day.  On June 28, Polly Wren Neldner reported ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD at Tennery residence.Contact Paul at ptennery AT gmail.com for directions. 
--A singing Gray Vireo was reported by Pete Janzen on Hwy 109 about 15 miles N of Kim on June 24.  Do not trespass in this area.
--Hepatic Tanagers were reported by David Chartier and Thomas Heinrich on Hwy 12 about .5 from Mile Marker 65 on June 27.

--A Least Flycatcher was reported by Nic Korte N of Collbran on June 27.
--Purple Martins were reported by Nic Korte near Collbran along Brush Creek Road at 2 locations both where road enters aspenforest and where it turns sharply right.

--A Baltimore Oriole was reported by Stan Oswald at Holbrook Reservoir on June 21.

--On June 23 at NFRD 560, David Suddjian reported a Red-headed Woodpecker about 1 mi from the junction with Rd 211.

3 Sagebrush Sparrows were reported by Kirby Adams on Cow Creek South on June 22.  

--A sub-adult Broad-winged Hawk was reported by Steve Mlodinow at Crow Valley on June 29.

The DFO Field Trip for Saturday, July 4, will be to Meyers Gulch past Walker Ranch, Boulder led by Paula Hansley (plhansley At gmail.com720-890-2628).  Meet at East Boulder Rec Center at South Boulder Road and 55th St.  Park at the west end of the main parking lot to assemble a car pool.  
  Meyer's Gulch is part of Boulder County's Open Space system.  Will take a trail at about 7300 to 8000 ft elevation through ponderosa pines, aspens, meadows, and small willow carrs.  Half-day trip.  Bring lunch or good-sized snack and water.  Register online or contact leader to register.

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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Monday, 29 June 2015

[cobirds] Today in Weld

Greetings All

Basically, all of Crow Valley that does not require crossing the river is open. It was moderately birdy today, but all usual stuff. North of the gate, there was a massive hatching of dragons and damsels. The main dragonflies were White-faced and  Striped Meadowhawks and the main damsels were Lyre-tipped Spreadwings with a nice sprinkling of Emerald Spreadwings. It was truly a fabulous event. At one point, I was called from my odeacious attentions by the noises of angry kingbirds and grackles, looking up to see a sub-adult BROAD WINGED HAWK with very worn wings fly at and past me and then off to the north, escorted by an ever replenished source of attackers. There is no extensive open water, but a Double-crested Cormorant (my first for Crow Valley) flew overhead, a weird site. In the marshy bit at the far north there were GT Grackles and Wilson's Phalaropes breeding (or apparently so) among the more usual species. 

BYO Plaza is a wet meadow with little future potential for shorebirds, though pishing brought in 21 male W Phals, so they are nesting there in reasonable numbers

Latham had a bunch of avocets, a few of both yellowlegs, some Wilson's Phals, and many, many Killdeer, It is drying up quickly though.

A juv HOODED MERGANSER at Stewarts' Pond was rather unusual (the species is rare enough, but a youngster in June...)

Good Birding
Steve Mlodinow
Longmont CO

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[cobirds] Painted Bunting at Picture Canyon (Baca)

Highlights of a trip today, 29June, to Picture Canyon (9 miles south of Baca M Rd on 18Rd) were:

PAINTED BUNTING (probably the same one reported earlier this spring by Kaempfer et al, at least one male calling at several locations both south and north of the main Picnic Area).  I did not hear any Painted Buntings for the first two hours of my visit while insect collecting, but then heard one singing for at least 15 minutes during each of several subsequent hours).  It is quite possible more than one male was involved.  I did not see any females.

Greater Roadrunner (1 along the east rimrock)
Curve-billed Thrasher (pair in cholla at the north end of the area, east of the Forest Service road that goes from the county road to the Picnic Area)
Ash-throated Flycatcher (few pairs)
Canyon Towhee (few)
Rock Wren (several)
Canyon Wren (few)
Orchard Oriole (pair at the south end near the old homestead)

Awesome insects including lots of Soapberry Hairstreaks on the catkins of the one coyote willow blooming 2 months late, at least three species of cicadas, giant wheel bugs, a gaudy clerid beetle I've never seen in CO before, grasshoppers of all flavors (including Green Fool and Painted), a mydas fly that got away, robber flies of a few types, Hackberry Butterflies (including one on what I think was bear scat), etc., etc. 

As an aside, keying in on a comment from the Prathers about seeing a Black Witch moth at recently opened Crow Valley Campground, I have seen two of these in Lamar since two days ago and have heard of 5 others!  We get invasions every summer from the South out on the Plains, but this seems like a particularly robust incursion.

Dave Leatherman
Fort Collins

[cobirds] Calliope Hummingbird Larimer County

Just had a male Calliope visit the feeder at home near Horsetooth Mtn Park. I don't keep records of dates but this seems early for them.
Greg Luger
Fort Collins

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[cobirds] Red-necked Grebe - Dolores County Groundhog Reservoir

Hi All,    I was surprised to see an alternate plumage adult Red-necked Grebe at Groundhog Reservoir in Dolores County at about 10AM today.  The bird was north of the camp ground on the east side of the lake.  It was too far out for photographs and since I was conducting a breeding bird survey, I couldn't stay very long.  I doubt it was 'breeding.'
Jim Beatty

[cobirds] Timnath Reservoir (LARIMER) - no sightings - update on access policy for non-residents

Sean Walters reported earlier this month that the Town of Timnath had adopted a policy excluding non-residents from access to Timnath Reservoir and the town park on the west side of the reservoir.

I've been in touch with town officials on behalf of concerned birders and in my capacity as chapter president of the Fort Collins Audubon Society (FCAS). Today I received an encouraging email from Brian Williamson in the Community Development Department, saying he had discussed our concerns with the Town Manager and they decided to "allow members of the Audubon Society to access the reservoir for the interim time while we work on a possible update to the Policy."

FCAS has accepted an invitation to talk to the Town Council at their 7/28 meeting about the policy. It is not likely that any decisions will be made at that meeting, but our remarks will inform any future policy updates.

We have no guarantee that the Town will permanently change its policy, but I'm doing the best I can. For the time being, Audubon members have access. Mr. Williamson said he would alert Shane, who greets people at the reservoir, and the Police Department of this temporary update to the Policy.

John Shenot
Fort Collins, CO

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[cobirds] Cassin's Kingbird in San Luis Valley

There was a Cassin's Kingbird about 7 miles south of Smith Reservoir (Costilla County), by the big white ranch house along the road. This is, so far as I know, the first summer record for the species in the SLV. No breeding records in Atlas I, and am anxiously awaiting Atlas II). The handfull of other records were in May. In addition, there were 3 Peregrine Falcon adults, and a few Lark Buntings as well. Could not find Mountain Plover in those subdivided prairielands.
Have looked for the Mississippi Kite recently reported in Alamosa, but have had no luck.
Pretty quiet otherwise down here.
John Rawinski
Monte Vista, CO

[cobirds] Common Loon on Cowdrey Lake Jackson County

Deb Carstensen and I found a fall plumage common loon on Cowdrey lake State Wildlife Area along with lots of baby coots, pied billed grebes, other expected waterfowl. And sage thrashers galore as the DFO trip reported.

Sent from my iPhone
Elena Holly Klaver
Federally Certified Court Interpreter

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[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert, 29 June 2015

Compiler:   Joyce Takamine
Date: June 29, 2015
E-mail: rba AT cobirds.org
This is the Rare Bird Alert, Monday, June 29 sponsored by Denver Field
Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.
Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species).
Barrow's Goldeneye (Garfield)
Broad-winged Hawk (Jefferson)
Upland Sandpiper (Weld)
Red-headed Woodpecker (Park, Yuma)
Acorn Woodpecker (La Plata)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (Yuma)
Williamson's Sapsucker (Jefferson)
American Three-toed Woodpecker (Chaffee)
Least Flycatcher (Mesa)
Eastern Phoebe (Jefferson, *Douglas)
Gray Vireo (Las Animas)
Purple Martin (Mesa)
McCown's Longspsur (Weld)
Sagebrush Sparow (Summit)
Fox Sparrow (Boulder, Larimer)
Hepatic Tanager (Las Animas)
Northern Cardinal (Boulder, Yuma)
Baltimore Oriole (El Paso, Otero, Yuma)
Brown-capped Rosy-Finch (Chaffee)

--A Slate-colored Fox Sparrow was reported by Jane Baryames on the Boulder Bird Club Field trip led by David Dowell at Brainard Lake on June 13.  A Fox Sparrow was reported by Peter Burke at Brainard Lake on June 20.
--An EASTERN MEADOWLARK was heard by Paula Hansley north of Hwy 42 in Louisville between the traffic light at 95th and where Hwy 42 turn east and the bike path underpass on June 19.
--ON June 22, Elena Klaver reported Northern Cardinal along the trail at 4th and Hawthorne in Boulder.
--On June 22, Katey Buster reported American Three-toed Woodpecker and Brown-capped Rosy-Finches on Cottonwood Pass.

--An Eastern Phoebe was reported by Joey Kellner at Kingfisher Bridge at Chatfield SP on June 20.  Access to Chatfield is now only from the Plum Creek Entrance.  On June 27, Joey Kellner reported Eastern Phoebe at Chatfield SP over the reservoir.

--A Baltimore Oriole was reported by Leonard Lake at Ramah Reservoir SWA on June 20.

--10  Barrow's Goldeneyes were reported by JoAnn Riggle at the Flat Tops Area on June 24.

--A WHITE IBIS was reported by John Cocanower at Windy Gap Reservoir on June 28.
--On June 20 at Genessee Mountain Park, Hugh Kingery reported Broad-winged Hawk and Williamson's Sapsucker.
--5 Eastern Phoebes were reported by Cynthia Madsen at Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield on June 25.

--10 Acorn Woodpeckers were reported by Gary Brower on Meadow Road in Rafter J Subdivision on June 18.  On June 26, Aaron Keller reported 2 Acorn Woodpeckers on Meadow Road in Rafter J Subdivision.
--4 BLACK-BELLIED WHISTLING DUCKS were reported by Dugald Owen on the Animas River in Durango on June 20.  They were on the east side of the river, north of 32nd St.  They were not seen on June 21.  
--A probable 2nd year male MAGNIFICIENT HUMMINGBIRD has been visiting the residence of Jane Pederson in Durango.  If you would like to try to see it, contact Jane at janelcsw AT aol.com.  

--A Fox Sparrow was reported by Nick Komar on East Longs Peak Trail on June 20.
--A Fox Sparrow was reported by Chris Goulart on Cameron Pass on June 20.

--A male ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD was reported by Paul Tennery coming to his feeder outside of Trinidad on June 24.  He is willing to let
birders try to see it, but you must be accompanied by Paul or his wife since access to his property is surrounded by private property and is down a private road.  His place is on Widow Woman Canyon near Valdez.  To contact him call 719-859-2600 or ptennery AT gmail.com.  He warns
that phone and email do not always work.  On June 25, John Drummond reported excellent views of the ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD at the Tennery residence.  On June 26, Alec Hopping reported ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD at Tennery residence. On June 27, David Chartier and Thomas Heinrich reported ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD at Tennery residence and Paul Ternnery reported that the hummingbird sticks around all day.  On June 28, Polly Wren Neldner reported ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD at Tennery residence.Contact Paul at ptennery AT gmail.com for directions.  He is enjoying meeting all the birders who come to see the Anna's.
--A singing Gray Vireo was reported by Pete Janzen on Hwy 109 about 15 miles N of Kim on June 24.  Do not trespass in this area.
--Hepatic Tanagers were reported by David Chartier and Thomas Heinrich on Hwy 12 about .5 from Mile Marker 65 on June 27.

--A Least Flycatcher was reported by Nic Korte N of Collbran on June 27.
--Purple Martins were reported by Nic Korte near Collbran along Brush Creek Road at 2 locations both where road enters aspenforest and where it turns sharply right.

--A Baltimore Oriole was reported by Stan Oswald at Holbrook Reservoir on June 21.

--On June 23 at NFRD 560, David Suddjian reported a Red-headed Woodpecker about 1 mi from the junction with Rd 211.

3 Sagebrush Sparrows were reported by Kirby Adams on Cow Creek South on June 22.  

--An Upland Sandpiper was reported by Andy Bankert about 2-3 miles east of US 85 on CR 114 on June 17.  Bankert also reported that McCown's Longspurs were seen in several locations on June 17.  An Upland Sandpiper was reported by Amber Carver at the Central Plains Experimental Range on June 19.

--On June 20, Bill Kaempfer reported Northern Cardinal at a roadside park in Wray and also at the fish hatchery west of town.
--On June 20, Bill Kaempfer reported Baltimore Oriole, Red-bellied and Red-headed Woodpeckers in Laird.
--On June 21, Bill Kaempfer reported red-bellied Woodpecker at Hale Ponds/Crossroads area.

The DFO Field Trip for Saturday, July 4, will be to Meyers Gulch past Walker Ranch, Boulder led by Paula Hansley (plhansley At gmail.com; 720-890-2628).  Meet at East Boulder Rec Center at South Boulder Road and 55th St.  Park at the west end of the main parking lot to assemble a car pool.  
  Meyer's Gulch is part of Boulder County's Open Space system.  Will take a trail at about 7300 to 8000 ft elevation through ponderosa pines, aspens, meadows, and small willow carrs.  Half-day trip.  Bring lunch or good-sized snack and water.  Register online or contact leader to register.

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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[cobirds] Interesting Birds in Jackson County

On Saturday at 05:00 AM, a group of intrepid birders departed from the Fort Collins Marriott for a trip to Jackson County for a fun day of birding on a DFO Sponsored trip.  In addition to being a fun day, it was also a very full day (over 16 hours total).  We observed a total of 96 species and numerous interesting mammals.  Highlights included three GREATER SAGE-GROUSE on County Road 7 just south of County Road 6, three VEERY on County Road 30 near the Michigan River, a singing NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH also on County Road 30 a little north of the VEERY, a minimum of 20 SAGE THRASHERS observed at various locations, a wet meadow with 10 SORA calling on County Road 12W, a BANK SWALLOW Colony on Jackson County Road 6 Near Cowdrey.   We also managed to find a single PINE GROSBEAK at the Colorado State Forest Moose Visitor's Center and a RUFOUS HUMMINGBIRD and FOX SPARROW were nice additions on Cameron Pass. Despite duck and grebe numbers being down significantly we still managed 12 species of breeding duck and 3 species of breeding grebes.   We also managed to see goodly numbers of BIGHORN SHEEP, MULE DEER, and three MOOSE.   

Although we missed a few of the target birds we still had a great day and fully enjoyed the hospitality of Jackson County.

Chris Goulart
Aurora Colorado

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Sunday, 28 June 2015

[cobirds] Las Animas County: ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD

Happy to report that the ANNA'S HUMMMINGBIRD is still present and showing nicely at Paul Tennery's yard in Las Animas County. What a lovely bird and thanks so much to Paul and Andrea for hosting all the "crazy bird people" who want to see this lovely bird!

Polly Wren and Paul Neldenr
La Veta, CO

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[cobirds] Rufous hummingbird - Larimer County

Just now as my husband and I were sitting outside I mentioned that we should start listening/looking for rufous hummers. We usually see them early-mid July, but with the drought and heat up north and west, it was possible they might come thru a bit earlier. Sure enough, AS I WAS SPEAKING, a male zoomed over our heads.

Pat & Joel Hayward
5400' west of Fort Collins
Masonville CO 80541

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[cobirds] Dickcissels, Elbert County

Finally got a Dickcissel to sit still long enough to get some photos.  I think there were at least 4 or 5 of them on a great Sunday morning drive.  Photos at http://www.cheezwhizdom.com/categories/recent/index.html  

Matt C.  Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Magnificent Hummingbird in Durango


Jane Pederson has had what is most likely a 2nd year male Magnificent Hummingbird sporadically at her house over the past 4 days. Below is her description of the bird. Please contact her at janelcsw@aol.com for permission to view the hummingbird.

Lisa Edwards
Palmer Lake, CO

Begin forwarded message:

From: Janelcsw <janelcsw@aol.com>
Subject: No Mag this morning-but a revision of Mag sighting
Date: June 26, 2015 at 9:08:50 AM MDT

The Mag I observed yesterday morning was a male, not a female. The bird was very dark overall.  Had a bold white post-ocular spot. I observed no color EXCEPT for a brief second, there were just a few feathers that appeared blue or purple, I believe on his head. I still thought female as some females in our study can have some gor feathers with color (BTLH), but the overall dark color of this bird didn't make me think male right away. (my look of the bird probably lasted 5 seconds--and I was in shock! He was about 1 1/2 feet from me on the other side of the shower window, on the feeder). The bird appeared very much like the adult male on Page 97 of Howell, Hummingbirds of North America. And according to the Peterson Hummer guide, it could have been a second spring male. You may be thinking--does she know what a Mag looks like? Well, yes I do--I just returned from 2 weeks in se AZ and have also handled Mags in the past at our hummingbird conservation project in AZ.
There was a Mag at Durango Mt. Resort about 6/7 years ago, AND there was a Mag at the Dunton Guard Station (our other hummer banding station in Colorado) in the next year that stayed about 2 weeks. The researchers were never able to capture the bird to band it, but it was observed extensively.  I believe both these birds were females.

Jane Pedersen

[cobirds] El Paso County


A couple of interesting sightings for El Paso County today-

There is a Red-eyed Vireo singing along the creek trail in the Glen of Palmer Lake. I also had my first Rufous Hummingbird today.

At the south end of El Paso County, there are several places along Hanover Road where Dickcissels can be seen and heard.

Lisa Edwards
Palmer Lake, CO

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[cobirds] ANHU

I'm eating crow right now-the ANHU just showed up! so email for directions,
Paul Tennery

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[cobirds] ANHU Las Animas County

I have NOT seen the Anna's Hummingbird as of yet this morning. I'll update if I do.
Paul Tennery

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Saturday, 27 June 2015

[cobirds] Crow Valley Rec. Area open

On our way back from Nebraska where we caught the end of the Brood IV 17-year Cicada eruption, we were searching for some odes and tiger beetles in the Pawnee Grassland and happened to go by Crow Valley and found the gates open and the hosts in place and working on getting the place ready for visitors.  The wet areas SW of the cooking shelter were closed off but everything else open.  A huge Black Witch Moth(5-6inches) was taking refuge in the cooking shelter.  Bill and Inez Prather, Longmont

[cobirds] Burrowing owls, DIA Owl Loop (Adams County)

We saw a dozen burrowing owls between 3:30pm and 5:00pm on the DIA Owl Loop this afternoon, 27 June 2015, four at each of three different locations near DIA. The usual suspects in the usual spots, but they're always fun to see. Lots of overgrown grasses and thistles and other plants this year can make it hard to even find the prairie dog mounds, let alone the owls. At least the plants provide good perches. I worried maybe that it was too sunny and hot that time of day - and it was sunny and hot - but there were plenty of owls out and about.

The first set was at the Quency location, 3.4mi from 96th and Tower. They were spread out over two different areas.

The second set was on the SW corner of 114th and Trussville. Much easier to see them here. Looked like one adult on guard with three juveniles exploring the area. Two kept popping in and out of a mound.

The third set was on Piccadilly north of 120th. A couple on the ground, one perching up on a plant, and one (dad?) on a fencepost right next to the road. Neat.

- Barry Gingrich
  Broomfield, CO

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[cobirds] Photos: Anna's Hummingbird, Hepatic Tanagers, Las Animas cty, 6/27

I made the trip up to the Trinidad area from Santa Fe (where I work during the summer) to see the very cooperative Anna's Hummingbird at Paul Tennery's. What a stunning bird! A big thanks to Paul and family for welcoming birders to his home!

I met David Chartier at Paul's and we used Polly Neldner's directions to the Hepatic Tanager site on CO Hwy 12. The first spot we checked produced nothing. David pulled over a few tenths of a mile down the road and heard the tanagers. Thanks David!

I would say the site was closer to .5 mi from MM65, in other words 64.5.

I've uploaded a few photos to my galleries at Pbase:

Good birding,

Thomas Heinrich
Boulder, CO

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[cobirds] Hepatic tanagers, Las Animas Co.

Returning from seeing the Anna's hummingbird this morning, I and another birder stopped along Rt 12 about .8 miles west of mile marker 65 where hepatic tanagers were previously reported.  Happy to say we found the pair in the same spot on the north side of the road.
David Chartier
Colorado Springs 

[cobirds] Las Animas county Anna's Hummingbird

ANHU still here and seen by many visiting birders.
Paul Tennery

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[cobirds] Red-eyed Vireo and Sage Thrasher, Boulder Co


This morning at 7:45 the previously reported Red-eyed Vireo was singing loudly and seen to the northwest from the bridge over the St. Vrain River, which is on the short east-west section of 63rd Street in northern Boulder County and about a mile south of Highway 66.

I then went to the Rabbit Mountain open space, which is 3 miles north of Hwy 66.  While hiking there I saw 4 Sage Thrashers.  I see them there regularly during migration, but was surprised to see them there in pairs at this time of year.

Cheers,  Peter Gent.

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[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert, 27 June 2015

Compiler:   Joyce Takamine
Date: June 27, 2015
E-mail: rba AT cobirds.org
This is the Rare Bird Alert, Saturday, June 27 sponsored by Denver Field
Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.
Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species).
Barrow's Goldeneye (Garfield)
Broad-winged Hawk (Jefferson)
Upland Sandpiper (Weld)
Red-headed Woodpecker (Park, Yuma)
Acorn Woodpecker (*La Plata)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (Yuma)
Williamson's Sapsucker (Jefferson)
American Three-toed Woodpecker (Chaffee)
Eastern Phoebe (Jefferson, Douglas)
Gray Vireo (*Las Animas)
McCown's Longspsur (Weld)
Sagebrush Sparow (Summit)
Fox Sparrow (Boulder, Larimer)
Northern Cardinal (Boulder, Yuma)
Baltimore Oriole (El Paso, Otero, Yuma)
Brown-capped Rosy-Finch (Chaffee)

--A Slate-colored Fox Sparrow was reported by Jane Baryames on the Boulder Bird Club Field trip led by David Dowell at Brainard Lake on June 13.  A Fox Sparrow was reported by Peter Burke at Brainard Lake on June 20.
--An EASTERN MEADOWLARK was heard by Paula Hansley north of Hwy 42 in Louisville between the traffic light at 95th and where Hwy 42 turn east and the bike path underpass on June 19.
--ON June 22, Elena Klaver reported Northern Cardinal along the trail at 4th and Hawthorne in Boulder.
--On June 22, Katey Buster reported American Three-toed Woodpecker and Brown-capped Rosy-Finches on Cottonwood Pass.

--An Eastern Phoebe was reported by Joey Kellner at Kingfisher Bridge at Chatfield SP on June 20.  Access to Chatfield is now only from the Plum Creek Entrance.

--A Baltimore Oriole was reported by Leonard Lake at Ramah Reservoir SWA on June 20.

--10  Barrow's Goldeneyes were reported by JoAnn Riggle at the Flat Tops Area on June 24.
--On June 20 at Genessee Mountain Park, Hugh Kingery reported Broad-winged Hawk and Williamson's Sapsucker.
--5 Eastern Phoebes were reported by Cynthia Madsen at Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield on June 25.
--10 Acorn Woodpeckers were reported by Gary Brower on Meadow Road in Rafter J Subdivision on June 18.  On June 26, Aaron Keller reported 2 Acorn Woodpeckers on Meadow Road in Rafter J Subdivision.
--4 BLACK-BELLIED WHISTLING DUCKS were reported by Dugald Owen on the Animas River in Durango on June 20.  They were on the east side of the river, north of 32nd St.  They were not seen on June 21.  

--A male ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD was reported by Paul Tennery coming to his feeder outside of Trinidad on June 24.  He is willing to let
birders try to see it, but you must be accompanied by Paul or his wife since access to his property is surrounded by private property and is down a private road.  His place is on Widow Woman Canyon near Valdez.  To contact him call 719-859-2600 or ptennery AT gmail.com.  He warns
that phone and email do not always work.  On June 25, John Drummond reported excellent views of the ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD at the Tennery residence.  On June 26, Alec Hopping reported ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD at Tennery residence.  Contact Paul at ptennery AT gmail.com for details.
--A singing Gray Vireo was reported by Pete Janzen on Hwy 109 about 15 miles N of Kim on June 24.  Do not trespass in this area.

--A Fox Sparrow was reported by Nick Komar on East Longs Peak Trail on June 20.

--A Baltimore Oriole was reported by Stan Oswald at Holbrook Reservoir on June 21.

--On June 23 at NFRD 560, David Suddjian reported a Red-headed Woodpecker about 1 mi from the junction with Rd 211.

3 Sagebrush Sparrows were reported by Kirby Adams on Cow Creek South on June 22.  

--An Upland Sandpiper was reported by Andy Bankert about 2-3 miles east of US 85 on CR 114 on June 17.  Bankert also reported that McCown's Longspurs were seen in several locations on June 17.  An Upland Sandpiper was reported by Amber Carver at the Central Plains Experimental Range on June 19.

--On June 20, Bill Kaempfer reported Northern Cardinal at a roadside park in Wray and also at the fish hatchery west of town.
--On June 20, Bill Kaempfer reported Baltimore Oriole, Red-bellied and Red-headed Woodpeckers in Laird.
--On June 21, Bill Kaempfer reported red-bellied Woodpecker at Hale Ponds/Crossroads area.


The Field Trip for Saturday, June 27 will be to Arapahoe NWR -- North Park -- Walden led by Chris Goulard (cgoulart001 AT comcast.net586-764-2126).  Depart from Fort Collins Marriot, 350 E. Horsetooth Road, Fort Collins, CO 80525, 970-226-5200)  Trip will depart at 0500 and return around 2100.  North Park has most breeding waterfowl in Colorado.  Will explore the high plateau of Arapahoe NWR and surrounding area.  Will visit Cmeron Pass by 0700, Lake John Walden Reservoir, and Moose Visitor Center.  Target birds include American Three-toed Woodpecker, Williamson's Sapsucker, Gray Jay, Pine Grosbeak, Cassin's Finch, Golden Eagle, Greater Sage-Grouse, and waterfowl.  Return to Fort Collins by 2100.  Participants are encourged to stay the night before in the Fort Collins area.  Bring food for 3 meals, snacks, lots of water, insect repellent, sun screen, and binoculars.  Will probably stop for lunch in Walden.   Trip leader will have a scope but at least one more would be beneficial.  Interested participants should email leader for further details.  Register online or contact leader to register.

The Field Trip for Sunday, June 28 will be to Prospect Park in Wheat Ridge led by George Mayfield (georgemayfield AT gmail.com720-289-9395)   From I-70, exit 267, take Kipling south about 3/4 mile and turn right (west on 44th Ave).  Go one mile west.  Look for entrance to Prospect Park on your left (south).  Meet just inside the part in the lot right next to Prospect Lake at 0700.  Register online or contact leader to register.

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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Friday, 26 June 2015

[cobirds] More discussion on the behavior of the Dickcissels in Canon City

So I noted yesterday that I observed a lot more activity with Dickcissels flying about the hayfield more yesterday than I had observed when I have checked on them daily this week as well as at least 4 separate chases during about an hour and half.   Interestingly Birds of North America (BNA) online discusses how males behaves around females as follows:

  • "Male begins almost continuous singing as soon as he is on territory, and when a female settles on his territory, he spends most of his time accompanying her as she forages and inspects nest sites. This close attentiveness persists through nest-building, egg-laying, and incubation, but wanes rapidly after hatching. " [Temple, Stanley A. 2002. Dickcissel (Spiza americana), The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology; Retrieved from the Birds of North America Online: http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/bna/species/703]

So it seems plausible that the difference I observed was because the females had just arrived and the males were, like the ones I observed with the females, engaged in accompanying them flying around the field as she 'forages and inspects nest sites.'  Note today I was not able to get out to watch them until later this evening so add any additional observations at this time.  I wonder if anyone else has observed similar behavior with Dickcissels?

I do hope the females pick sites near the fence or other locations that will not be mowed as there is no way they will have time to nest before this field is cut down.

SeEtta Moss

Canon City


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[cobirds] Re: 2015 Duck Stamp

Thanks for the reminder Mark!  I usually purchase mine at the local Post Office, but purchasing through ABA (same price, no mark-up) is a great way to show how much BIRDERS contribute to habitat protection. 
Joey Kellner
Littleton, Colorado

On Friday, June 26, 2015 at 12:05:08 PM UTC-6, Mark Amershek wrote:
I received this information today on the new 2015 Federal Duck Stamp from the ABA blog.  If you have any desire to support waterfowl and the habitat they use - please consider purchasing the new Duck Stamp today.
It is a great way to support birds and birding in a big way.  Besides it is a beautiful depiction of Ruddy Ducks in full color...
Thanks and have a great weekend.

Mark Amershek

Copy this link:  http://wp.me/p4fXID-3Yq  and paste into your web browser.

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[cobirds] 2015 Duck Stamp

I received this information today on the new 2015 Federal Duck Stamp from the ABA blog.  If you have any desire to support waterfowl and the habitat they use - please consider purchasing the new Duck Stamp today.
It is a great way to support birds and birding in a big way.  Besides it is a beautiful depiction of Ruddy Ducks in full color...
Thanks and have a great weekend.

Mark Amershek

Copy this link:  http://wp.me/p4fXID-3Yq  and paste into your web browser.

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[cobirds] Recent Miscellany (Weld and Larimer)

I think I posted about the Loggerhead Shrike larder on the Pawnee (Weld CR37 north of CR114).  This will be the subject of the next "The Hungry Bird" in "Colorado Birds" (October 2015) so I'll not detail this event too much here.  Suffice it to say a lot of items of great diversity can be impaled in the vicinity of just one shrike nest, probably by just one male.  What impressed me the most about this particular situation near the Central Plains Experiment Station was the heavy use of birds, including "naked" babies obviously pulled out of nests.  With the lush green growth and certain pastures solid yellow with blooming Greenthread (thanks, Amber Carver for the ID) it is easy to mistake this year's prairie as a tranquil place.  Predators on vertebrates are having a bumper year right along side, and often because of, the herbivores and insectivores.

At Grandview Cemetery in Fort Collins (Larimer) I am aware of 4 active Broad-tailed Hummingbird nests.  I thought I heard the gibberish of a Black-chinned male the other day but am not certain.  The broadtail nests are in various stages of development, from still under construction to eggs to almost fledged young.  As reported earlier, one nest (the 5th 2015 nest at GC and there are probably at least a few more, making this a true "colony" like the literature reports them as having) is totally done and I think I heard the fledged youngsters giving that distinctive "warbler-like" chip they make that I don't think anyone has recorded.  I have enjoyed seeing the diversity of materials the female hummers use to craft their work-of-art nests, both the cup itself and the outside decoration/camo.

In Lower Rist Canyon (Larimer) yesterday I heard an Ovenbird sing briefly one time at around CR52E mp 15.  This is a historic location for them and despite the 2012 High Park Fire they have persisted in a mostly unburned north-facing glade.  Most of the usual suspects that indicate this a nice lower montane habitat were there including Plumbeous Vireo, Hammond's Flycatcher, Pygmy Nuthatch and Red Crossbill.  American Three-toed Woodpeckers nested here one spring/summer but all I saw yesterday while insect-collecting was a flicker and Hairy Woodpecker.

Further down Rist Canyon (east of the famous "Whale Rock") I watched a parent pair of American Robins capture and take to a nest several 2/3s-grown caterpillars of the White-lined Sphinx.  These "hornworm" (big spine on the rear of the abdomen) caterpillars, which are highly variable in color from mostly green to mostly blackish may be locally abundant in coming weeks.  Lots of vegetation for this eater of a broad range of plants to consume this year with all the rain.  They might even be conspicuous as they cross roads in large numbers looking for additional food or pupation sites.  I would love to hear from COBIRDS readers about what birds they see eating these, including the date and location.  Refer to "The Hungry Bird" article about them for more details (CB Vol48(4), October 2014).

We have started an informal group in Fort Collins to monitor Chimney Swifts.  Our initial goals are to just figure out most of the active chimneys (or other places) and get a handle on early summer numbers.  Hopefully we can then get some numbers from later in the summer that might reflect nest production, and then additional use of roost chimneys in fall by migrants.  Untimately, we would like to determine trends and maybe do some enhancement with artificial nest structures to keep a sustainable population of these fascinating urban providers of free control of West Nile mosquitoes and maybe other pesky insects.  I would encourage other cities and towns to maybe do the same.  We sucked them into the idea of chimneys being "better" than hollow trees.  If they are in trouble, seems like we owe it to them to be part of the solution, too.

Dave Leatherman
Fort Collins

[cobirds] Dickcissel/Wellington SWA (Larimer)

Hi all

Two Dickcissel this morning singing in fields near Weld County border along Larimer CR 64/Weld CR 100.

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn
Mobile:  http://coloradobirder.ning.com/m

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[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert, 26 June 2015

Compiler:   Joyce Takamine
Date: June 25, 2015
E-mail: rba AT cobirds.org
This is the Rare Bird Alert, Thursday, June 25 sponsored by Denver Field
Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.
Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species).
Barrow's Goldeneye (Garfield, Moffat)
Broad-winged Hawk (Jefferson)
Upland Sandpiper (Weld)
Black Swift (Montrose)
Red-headed Woodpecker (*Park, Yuma)
Acorn Woodpecker (La Plata)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (Yuma)
Williamson's Sapsucker (Jefferson)
American Three-toed Woodpecker (Chaffee)
Least Flycatcher (Moffat)
Eastern Phoebe (*Jefferson, Douglas)
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (Lincoln, Weld)
Bell's Vireo (Pueblo)
McCown's Longspsur (Weld)
Blue-winged Warbler (Jefferson)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (Routt)
Sagebrush Sparow (Summit)
Fox Sparrow (Boulder, Jackson, Larimer)
Northern Cardinal (Boulder, Yuma)
Baltimore Oriole (El Paso, Otero, Yuma)
Brown-capped Rosy-Finch (Chaffee)

--A Slate-colored Fox Sparrow was reported by Jane Baryames on the Boulder Bird Club Field trip led by David Dowell at Brainard Lake on June 13.  A Fox Sparrow was reported by Peter Burke at Brainard Lake on June 20.
--An EASTERN MEADOWLARK was heard by Paula Hansley north of Hwy 42 in Louisville between the traffic light at 95th and where Hwy 42 turn east and the bike path underpass on June 19.
--ON June 22, Elena Klaver reported Northern Cardinal along the trail at 4th and Hawthorne in Boulder.
--On June 22, Katey Buster reported American Three-toed Woodpecker and Brown-capped Rosy-Finches on Cottonwood Pass.

--A BAIRD'S SPARROW was reported by Bea Weaver on North Roxburough Road Sounth of Titan Road on June 17.
--An Eastern Phoebe was reported by Joey Kellner at Kingfisher Bridge at Chatfield SP on June 20.  Access to Chatfield is now only from the Plum Creek Entrance.

--A Baltimore Oriole was reported by Leonard Lake at Ramah Reservoir SWA on June 20.

--10  Barrow's Goldeneyes were reported by JoAnn Riggle at the Flat Tops Area on June 24.

--On June 16, Chuck Hundertmark reported Fox Sparrow at CR 30 at Michigan River.
--On June 17, Chuck Hundertmark reported Fox Sparrow on Beaver Lodge Trail.
--On June 3, David Chartier reported Blue-winged Warbler at Welchester Tree Grant Park. On June 4, Frank Farrell reported Blue-winged Warbler at Welchester Tree Grant Park.  On June 11, Ira Sanders reported Blue-winged Warbler at Welchester Tree Grant Park.  On June 17, Victoria Wheeler reported Blue-winged Warbler at Welchester Tree Grant Park.
--On June 20 at Genessee Mountain Park, Hugh Kingery reported Broad-winged Hawk and Williamson's Sapsucker.
--5 Eastern Phoebes were reported by Cynthia Madsen at Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield on June 25.
--10 Acorn Woodpeckers were reported by Gary Brower on Meadow Road in Rafter J Subdivision on June 18.
--4 BLACK-BELLIED WHISTLING DUCKS were reported by Dugald Owen on the Animas River in Durango on June 20.  They were on the east side of the river, north of 32nd St.  They were not seen on June 21.  

--A male ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD was reported by Paul Tennery coming to his feeder outside of Trinidad on June 24.  He is willing to let
birders try to see it, but you must be accompanied by Paul or his wife since access to his property is surrounded by private property and is down a private road.  His place is on Widow Woman Canyon near Valdez.  To contact him call 719-859-2600 or ptennery AT gmail.com.  He warns
that phone and email do not always work.  On June 25, John Drummond reported excellent views of the ANNA'S HUMMINGBIRD at the Tennery residence.  Contact Paul at ptennery AT gmail.com for details.

--A Fox Sparrow was reported by Nick Komar on East Longs Peak Trail on June 20.

--A juv Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was reported by Glenn Walbek at Arriba Cemetery on June 16.
--An EASTERN MEADOWLARK was reported by Glenn Walbek in Flager on CR 0 on June 17.

--2 Least Flycatcher were reported by Alec Hopping and Steve Mlodinow at Wyman Living History Museum west of Craig on June 15.
--On June 16 a BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER was heard by Steve Mlodinow and Alec Hopping on Black Mountain.  This will be a new state record if accepted.
--A Least Flycatcher was reported by Steve Mlodinow and Alec Hopping at Talamante Creek on June 17.
--A Barrow's Goldeneye was reported by Steve Mlodinow and Alec Hopping at Brown's Park NWR on June 17.

--On June 11, 3 LESSER NIGHTHAWKS (1f, 2m) were reported by Coen Dexter in Nucla.  On June 15, Mel Goff reported 2 LESSER NIGHTHAWKS in Nucla.  
--On June 12, about a dozen Black Swifts were reported by Coen Dexter in Nucla.

--A Baltimore Oriole was reported by Stan Oswald at Holbrook Reservoir on June 21.

--On June 23 at NFRD 560, David Suddjian reported a Red-headed Woodpecker about 1 mi from the junction with Rd 211.
--On June 10, Brandon Percival reported that the Bell's Vireo that he first reported on May 24 continues singing at the same place,east of Valco Bridge, south side of Valco Pond #3.  On June 11, John Drummond reported Bell's Vireo at Valco Ponds.  On June 16, Eric DeFonso reported Bell's Vireo at Valco Ponds.

--A Chestnut-sided Warbler was reported by Steve Mlodinow at Yampa River Preserve on June 15. 

3 Sagebrush Sparrows were reported by Kirby Adams on Cow Creek South on June 22.  

--A Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was reported by Amber Carver on CR 114 about 1 miles east of US 85 on June 16.
--A Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was reported by Gary Lefko in Nunn on June 16.
--An Upland Sandpiper was reported by Andy Bankert about 2-3 miles east of US 85 on CR 114 on June 17.  Bankert also reported that McCown's Longspurs were seen in several locations on June 17.  An Upland Sandpiper was reported by Amber Carver at the Central Plains Experimental Range on June 19.

--On June 20, Bill Kaempfer reported Northern Cardinal at a roadside park in Wray and also at the fish hatchery west of town.
--On June 20, Bill Kaempfer reported Baltimore Oriole, Red-bellied and Red-headed Woodpeckers in Laird.
--On June 21, Bill Kaempfer reported red-bellied Woodpecker at Hale Ponds/Crossroads area.


The Field Trip for Saturday, June 27 will be to Arapahoe NWR -- North Park -- Walden led by Chris Goulard (cgoulart001 AT comcast.net586-764-2126).  Depart from Fort Collins Marriot, 350 E. Horsetooth Road, Fort Collins, CO 80525, 970-226-5200)  Trip will depart at 0500 and return around 2100.  North Park has most breeding waterfowl in Colorado.  Will explore the high plateau of Arapahoe NWR and surrounding area.  Will visit Cmeron Pass by 0700, Lake John Walden Reservoir, and Moose Visitor Center.  Target birds include American Three-toed Woodpecker, Williamson's Sapsucker, Gray Jay, Pine Grosbeak, Cassin's Finch, Golden Eagle, Greater Sage-Grouse, and waterfowl.  Return to Fort Collins by 2100.  Participants are encourged to stay the night before in the Fort Collins area.  Bring food for 3 meals, snacks, lots of water, insect repellent, sun screen, and binoculars.  Will probably stop for lunch in Walden.   Trip leader will have a scope but at least one more would be beneficial.  Interested participants should email leader for further details.  Register online or contact leader to register.

The Field Trip for Sunday, June 28 will be to Prospect Park in Wheat Ridge led by George Mayfield (georgemayfield AT gmail.com720-289-9395)   From I-70, exit 267, take Kipling south about 3/4 mile and turn right (west on 44th Ave).  Go one mile west.  Look for entrance to Prospect Park on your left (south).  Meet just inside the part in the lot right next to Prospect Lake at 0700.  Register online or contact leader to register.

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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