Thursday 2 January 2014

[cobirds] Teller County, Manitou Lake, Rusty Blackbird not seen yesterday

Went out to look for the rusty blackbirds yesterday at Manitou Lake (fee area, Teller Co). I did not find them. I also did not find the Shrike that has been hanging out.


Quite possible that the Blackbirds merely move anywhere up and down Trout Creek within a certain range and are still present if you find the right spot. I searched about 500 yards downstream of the dam and the marsh area upstream of the dam.


At least two others did go out a day after I reported them and saw the Rusty Blackbirds and Shrike. And one observer got an excellent photo of one of the blackbirds.


I do have a nice flock of about 20 Cassin’s Finches at my home feeder today.


Jeff J Jones


Teller County - 8500' - Montane Woodlands


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