Saturday, 23 November 2013

[cobirds] Prothonotary Warbler Centennial Park Arapahoe County



The Prothonotary Warbler previously reported by Art Hudak was seen again this morning, most recently at 11:15 am.  From either the southeast or west parking lots follow the paved path around the small reservoir to north side the where the path bends ninety degrees and there is a gazebo with a picnic table.  It is the only structure in the area.  From the path by the gazebo, look opposite the water to the northeast into the trees around the oxbow.  Looking down there are two small trees (appears to be a type of hawthorn) loaded with large berries.  The bird will fly in and feed for a while and then fly directly north and into the denser stand of larger trees with a choke cherry understory.  The bird can be amazingly stealthy and simply disappear and then reappear fifteen minutes or so later in the hawthorn trees.  There is also a Swamp Sparrow that has been seen along the water’s edge in this area as well.


Good birding,

Steve Stachowiak

Highlands Ranch, CO

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