Thursday, 31 January 2013

Re: [cobirds] Re: Cobirds and Ebirds reports

I used to have a working map of the Colorado "Notables".  For some reason it has stopped working and I worked on the code tonight to try to fix it, but to no avail.  I have contacted the support crew for the eBird backend to see what I can find out about what I am doing wrong.

For your information, the map used to be a Google Earth Plugin map that displayed anywhere from the last day to last 30 days worth of notable Colorado birds.  "Notable" in this case means any eBird record that caused a flag to be raised to the eBird regional reviewers.  This can be a rarity (Iceland Gull as an example), a large number of individuals (let's say someone reported 10,000 Red-winged Blackbirds), or a bird out of season (recent sightings of American White Pelican).  I will let the list know if this gets back up and running some time in the near future.
Bryan Guarente
Instructional Designer
The COMET Program
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Boulder, CO

[cobirds] Colorado RBA, Thursday, January 31, 2013

Compiler:   Dick Schottler

Date:          January 31, 2013

email:         rba AT

phone:        303-659-8750


This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Thursday, January 31, 2013, sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.  If you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording by pressing the star key (*) on your phone at any time.  Please leave your name, phone number, detailed directions, including county and dates for each sighting.  It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.

Highlight species include:  (* denotes that there is new information on this species in this report)

Trumpeter Swan (Larimer)
Long-tailed Duck (Arapahoe*, Weld)
Red-throated Loon (Pueblo)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Boulder)
Glaucous-winged Gull (Boulder)
Glaucous Gull (Pueblo)
Great Black-backed Gull (Boulder, Pueblo)
Carolina Wren (Prowers)
Marsh Wren (Jefferson)
Eastern Towhee (Adams*, Prowers)
Swamp Sparrow (Arapahoe, Jefferson)
Northern Cardinal (Prowers)
Rusty Blackbird (Adams)
Rosy-Finches (Grand)
Common Redpoll (Jefferson, Grand, Jackson,  Larimer*)
HOARY REDPOLL (Grand, Jackson, Larimer)


--A female Eastern Towhee was seen along 160th Av. about one mile east of I-76 on Jan. 31 by Walbek. It was seen in front of a house with large junipers in the front yard on south side of 160th.

-- On January 26, Miller reported the small flock of Rusty Blackbirds continues to be seen on the South Platte River in the vicinity of the I-76 bridge; if not here, look upstream - they have been found as far upstream as the sewage plant outflow near Sand Creek. Miller also reported that  one of the two White Pelicans first reported by Goulart on Jan 21 was still present on the river near the I-76 bridge on the 26th.  Barrow's Goldeneyes (both male and female) continue to be seen on the S. Platte between 78th and 88th (opposite the green & white water tank).


--Two  Long-tailed Ducks and a Common Loon were still present on South Platte Reservoir (signed entrance is on Platte Canyon Rd. north of C-470) on January 30.  Seven Greater Scaup were on the small lake ("Blackrock Lake") between South Platte Reservoir and the Platte River in South Platte Park on the 26th.   A Swamp Sparrow found by Henwood and Raker on Jan. 25 along the So. Platte about 100 yds. (estimated) downstream (north) from the east-most parking area here near an island in the river was not seen on the 26th.


--Nunes reported an adult ICELAND GULL at Teller Lake #5 about 8:30 on the morning of Jan. 26; it was not seen later in the morning. Three adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls were also here on the 26th.  Kaempfer reported a 1st cycle Glaucous-winged Gull at Teller Lake #5 on January 24, and on January 18, Vanderpoel reported a 1st cycle Great Black-backed Gull here.  On Jan. 19, the Great Black-backed Gull was seen at Prince Lake #1 by Kaempfer.

-- Mlodinow reported the following birds seen at Valmont  Reservoir on January 27: a Glaucous-winged Gull, 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 12 Tundra Swans, a White Pelican, and one Chestnut-collared Longspur.


--Maynard reports that the ACORN WOODPECKER continues to be present in SW Colorado Springs in the 1804 - 1810 section of Cheyenne Blvd. It was seen again on the 28th.


--On January 18, Filby reported 145 Barrow's Goldeneye at Coryell Ranch in Carbondale.


--On January 18, Filby reported that in Kremmling the feeders in the 900 block of Eagle had 100 Common Redpolls.  60+ Rosy-Finches of all three species were present.  Mlodinow reported >200 redpolls including 3 HOARY REDPOLLs seen in Kremmling on Jan. 27.


--More than100 redpolls, including at least one HOARY REDPOLL, were seen in Walden on January 26 reported by Mlodinow.


-- Erthal reported a Marsh Wren and a Swamp Sparrow seen in the Wheatridge Greenbelt on Jan. 22. Both birds were seen in the marsh at the southwest corner of Bass Lake near the end of the boardwalk. There have been no further reports of either bird.

-- The GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW at the Red Rocks Trading Post, first reported by Henwood on Nov. 26, continues to be seen at least through  January 29. 

--On January 22, Santangelo reports about 8 Common Redpolls, first reported on the 14th, are still coming to his feeder in Wheatridge.  His address is: 3525 Estes St. (two blocks north of Crown Hill Lake and two blocks south of 38th Ave).  You may park in front of the driveway but please do not park in the driveway and please stay in your car to observe the Redpolls.


--The large flock (>100) of Redpolls continues to be seen behind the Discovery Museum in Ft. Collins, located at Cherry and Mason St which is the NW corner of College and Cherry through Jan. 31.  While almost all are Common Redpolls, multiple observers have seen probable/possible HOARY REDPOLLs at this location since December 23, most recently on Jan. 31 reported by Cameron.

--Gillilan reports the two Trumpeter Swans continue to be seen on Lower Hoffman Lake, Loveland, seen on Jan. 25.  


--Leatherman reported the following birds seen in the Lamar Community College woods on January 24: an adult male Eastern Towhee, a Canyon Wren, and several (up to 4) Northern Cardinals. The towhee hangs out in the area near the feeder east of the library.

--A juv. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker was present in Willow Creek Park, Lamar, on Jan. 24 reported by Leatherman.


--Sanders reported the following birds seen at Pueblo Reservoir on January 26: at the South Marina a Great Black-backed Gull, Pacific Loon, and Red-throated Loon; at West Fisherman Point  a 1st-cyc Glaucous Gull.

--Nelson reported that the ACORN WOODPECKER was still present at Pueblo Mountain Park near Beulah on January 16. It was not seen on Jan. 26th.


--Kaempfer reported that the Long-tailed Duck, first reported by Mlodinow, continues at Frederick Recreation Area, Frederick on Jan. 21.


Saturday, February 2: Northeast Raptor Tour

Leader: Joey Kellner (303) 978-1748
Meet the leader at 6:30 am at the Division of Wildlife (DOW), 6060 N. Broadway. Exit I-25 at 58th Av., go west 2 blocks to Broadway, then north 2 blocks to the DOW parking lot on the right. This is a full-day trip - bring water, lunch and snacks.

Sunday, February 3: Chatfield State Park
Paul Slingsby (303) 422-3728
the leader at 8:00 am at the Kingfisher Bridge trail head at the south end of the Park where the road crosses the Platte River. This is a half-day trip ending about 1 pm; lunch is optional. Will be walking 2-3 miles on dirt trails. Please register with Paul if you plan to go on this trip.

Good Birding,

Dick Schottler




[cobirds] Red-a-Poll-ooza! / Hoaries in Ft. Collins

Fairly certain we saw at least three Hoaries in the throngs of Redpolls at the Ft. Collins museum this morning--
One male, bending down into the seed tray under the thistle feeder had completely unstreaked white underparts, though, with his head down, his bill wasn't visible.
One female in the shrubs had a very 'pushed-in' looking bill, though her underparts weren't visible; another male, perched next to a male Common, had a remarkably small bill, compared side-by-side with the bird next to him.
A lurking Kestrel kept the Redpolls sitting in one spot long enough to make such comparisons, though a cruising juv Coopers sent the whole flock packing for a while.  When they returned, it was a smaller flock-- probably 40 or 50-- about half of what was there between 8am and about 9:30.
Dave Cameron

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[cobirds] Eastern Towhee, Adams Co.

My daughter Nicole and I went looking for Snowy Owls north of Barr Lake this morning.  We found no Snowy Owls, but we did find a female Eastern Towhee.  The bird was along 160th Avenue, about a mile east of I-76.  It is in front of a house with several large junipers in the front yard.  The house is on the south side of the 160th.  The towhee flew out of that yard into the brush lining a small watercourse on the north side of 160th.  This is all just east of where 160th crosses that drainage.  We were able to view and photograph the bird from the road.  There are no trespassing signs on the north side of the road, the south side is someone's yard.
Glenn Walbek
Castle Rock, CO

Re: [cobirds] Re: Cobirds and Ebirds reports

Gary & COBirds,
In my old stomping grounds of New Jersey, Sam Galick, who is an eBird regional editor, created a New Jersey map of rare sightings that I believe is linked directly to the eBird database.  Here is a link to the site:

I wouldn't begin to know how to create a map like this, but clearly it exists.  ...anyone know a birder who can code?

Happy Birding!
Peter Burke

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 9:48 AM, The "Nunn Guy" <> wrote:
Anyway to connect the two?  Good database practice says "enter data
once"--also facilitates a better customer experience (not having
customer to enter data in multiple instances).   I would think the
good folks at eBird can "flag" rare birds and send data to this list?
And you would think Google had the facility to be able to import it.

I know "pipe dream" but one can dream ...

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

On Jan 31, 9:26 am, Norm Erthal <> wrote:
> I have been noticing that some really good rare birds have been showing up
> on Ebirds and not Cobirds. There are some problems with this. It is
> difficult to access Ebird sightings after a week while on Cobirds are there
> forever. I would urge reporting the rare nirds to both and continue the
> reporting of regular species to Ebird
> Norm Erthal
> Arvada, CO

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Re: [cobirds] Re: Cobirds and Ebirds reports

I would also like encourage posting rarities to CoBirds even if they are submitted to eBird, however in practice I know this sometimes just doesn't happen, or doesn't happen as quickly as some might like. I myself have been guilty of this! So what's the solution?

I would encourage statewide RBA compilers to consider checking the Colorado Rare Bird Alerts in eBird. It's fast and easy to do, and eBird account holders can even have those alerts sent to their email addresses, either hourly or daily, if they so choose.

Note that these alerts include more than just rarities: they are all of the birds "flagged" for confirmation during the eBird checklist submission process observed in the past 7 days. So all reported rarities as well as reports of unusually high counts and out-of-season birds will appear in these Alerts.

To access the eBird Rare Bird Alert for Colorado, click here:

You can also check county-level Rarity Alerts (and alerts for other states) by going here and typing in the county name to select that county in CO:

Good birding,
Paul Hurtado
Columbus OH and Pueblo CO

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Re: [cobirds] Re: Cobirds and Ebirds reports

No hard numbers to back this up, but in the almost six years since moving to KS I've seen the use of our the state listserv drop steadily as eBird and social media platforms (FB) have steadily increased membership/use.  The big driver is increased smartphone use (  As someone who just finally got on eBird last month and cannot pay to have the internet in my hand, it is frustrating to see the trend, but there are big advantages of also getting on the other platforms for birders.  Given the trends, I'll eventually have to pay up and then find like everyone else I can't live without my smartphone.
If it makes anyone feel better, COBIRDS postings still substantially outnumber KSBIRDS postings most days!
Jeff Witters
Olathe, KS

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 10:48 AM, The "Nunn Guy" <> wrote:
Anyway to connect the two?  Good database practice says "enter data
once"--also facilitates a better customer experience (not having
customer to enter data in multiple instances).   I would think the
good folks at eBird can "flag" rare birds and send data to this list?
And you would think Google had the facility to be able to import it.

I know "pipe dream" but one can dream ...

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

On Jan 31, 9:26 am, Norm Erthal <> wrote:
> I have been noticing that some really good rare birds have been showing up
> on Ebirds and not Cobirds. There are some problems with this. It is
> difficult to access Ebird sightings after a week while on Cobirds are there
> forever. I would urge reporting the rare nirds to both and continue the
> reporting of regular species to Ebird
> Norm Erthal
> Arvada, CO

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[cobirds] Re: Cobirds and Ebirds reports

Anyway to connect the two? Good database practice says "enter data
once"--also facilitates a better customer experience (not having
customer to enter data in multiple instances). I would think the
good folks at eBird can "flag" rare birds and send data to this list?
And you would think Google had the facility to be able to import it.

I know "pipe dream" but one can dream ...

Thanks Gary Lefko, Nunn

On Jan 31, 9:26 am, Norm Erthal <> wrote:
> I have been noticing that some really good rare birds have been showing up
> on Ebirds and not Cobirds. There are some problems with this. It is
> difficult to access Ebird sightings after a week while on Cobirds are there
> forever. I would urge reporting the rare nirds to both and continue the
> reporting of regular species to Ebird
> Norm Erthal
> Arvada, CO

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[cobirds] Cobirds and Ebirds reports

I have been noticing that some really good rare birds have been showing up on Ebirds and not Cobirds. There are some problems with this. It is difficult to access Ebird sightings after a week while on Cobirds are there forever. I would urge reporting the rare nirds to both and continue the reporting of regular species to Ebird
Norm Erthal
Arvada, CO

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[cobirds] Scope repair for stripped mounting threads

My Swarowski scope had the threads stripped for the mounting bracket. I decided to try repairing it first before shipping it off. I bought a  thread repair kit for the 1/4 inch screw. It is pretty simple to do. With the kit came a dozen replacement inserts so I have 11 left. If you ever have the threads get stripped, for a 6 pack of beer, I will repair your scope. It certainly saves time, shipping expense and likely some cost for the repair.
Norm Erthal

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[cobirds] Re: Colorado RBA, Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Long-tailed Ducks (2) and Common Loon were still at South Platte Reservoir (signed entrance is on Platte Canyon Rd. north of C-470) on Jan 30.  Along with a number of other waterfowl both on the Reservoir and on the river!! 
Stephanie Jones
Evergreen, CO

On Wednesday, January 30, 2013 9:42:33 PM UTC-7, Dick wrote:

Compiler:   Dick Schottler

Date:          January 30, 2013

email:         rba AT

phone:        303-659-8750


This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Wednesday, January 30, 2013, sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.  If you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording by pressing the star key (*) on your phone at any time.  Please leave your name, phone number, detailed directions, including county and dates for each sighting.  It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.

Highlight species include:  (* denotes that there is new information on this species in this report)

Trumpeter Swan (Larimer)
Long-tailed Duck (Arapahoe, Weld)
Red-throated Loon (Pueblo)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Boulder)
Glaucous-winged Gull (Boulder)
Glaucous Gull (Pueblo)
Great Black-backed Gull (Boulder, Pueblo)
Carolina Wren (Prowers)
Marsh Wren (Jefferson)
Eastern Towhee (Prowers)
Swamp Sparrow (Arapahoe, Jefferson)
Northern Cardinal (Prowers)
Rusty Blackbird (Adams)
Rosy-Finches (Grand)
Common Redpoll (Jefferson, Grand, Jackson,  Larimer)
HOARY REDPOLL (Grand, Jackson, Larimer)


-- On January 26, Miller reported the small flock of Rusty Blackbirds continues to be seen on the South Platte River in the vicinity of the I-76 bridge; if not here, look upstream - they have been found as far upstream as the sewage plant outflow near Sand Creek. Miller also reported that  one of the two White Pelicans first reported by Goulart on Jan 21 was still present on the river near the I-76 bridge on the 26th.  Barrow's Goldeneyes (both male and female) continue to be seen on the S. Platte between 78th and 88th (opposite the green & white water tank).


--Two  Long-tailed Ducks and a Common Loon were still present on South Platte Reservoir (signed entrance is on Platte Canyon Rd. north of C-470) on January 26.  Seven Greater Scaup were on the small lake ("Blackrock Lake") between South Platte Reservoir and the Platte River in South Platte Park on the 26th.   A Swamp Sparrow found by Henwood and Raker on Jan. 25 along the So. Platte about 100 yds. (estimated) downstream (north) from the east-most parking area here near an island in the river was not seen on the 26th.


--Nunes reported an adult ICELAND GULL at Teller Lake #5 about 8:30 on the morning of Jan. 26; it was not seen later in the morning. Three adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls were also here on the 26th.  Kaempfer reported a 1st cycle Glaucous-winged Gull at Teller Lake #5 on January 24, and on January 18, Vanderpoel reported a 1st cycle Great Black-backed Gull here.  On Jan. 19, the Great Black-backed Gull was seen at Prince Lake #1 by Kaempfer.

-- Mlodinow reported the following birds seen at Valmont  Reservoir on January 27: a Glaucous-winged Gull, 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 12 Tundra Swans, a White Pelican, and one Chestnut-collared Longspur.


--Maynard reports that the ACORN WOODPECKER continues to be present in SW Colorado Springs in the 1804 - 1810 section of Cheyenne Blvd. It was seen again on the 28th.


--On January 18, Filby reported 145 Barrow's Goldeneye at Coryell Ranch in Carbondale.


--On January 18, Filby reported that in Kremmling the feeders in the 900 block of Eagle had 100 Common Redpolls.  60+ Rosy-Finches of all three species were present.  Mlodinow reported >200 redpolls including 3 HOARY REDPOLLs seen in Kremmling on Jan. 27.


--More than100 redpolls, including at least one HOARY REDPOLL, were seen in Walden on January 26 reported by Mlodinow.


-- Erthal reported a Marsh Wren and a Swamp Sparrow seen in the Wheatridge Greenbelt on Jan. 22. Both birds were seen in the marsh at the southwest corner of Bass Lake near the end of the boardwalk. There have been no further reports of either bird.

-- The GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW at the Red Rocks Trading Post, first reported by Henwood on Nov. 26, continues to be seen at least through  January 29. 

--On January 22, Santangelo reports about 8 Common Redpolls, first reported on the 14th, are still coming to his feeder in Wheatridge.  His address is: 3525 Estes St. (two blocks north of Crown Hill Lake and two blocks south of 38th Ave).  You may park in front of the driveway but please do not park in the driveway and please stay in your car to observe the Redpolls.


--The large flock (>100) of Redpolls continues to be seen behind the Discovery Museum in Ft. Collins, located at Cherry and Mason St which is the NW corner of College and Cherry through Jan. 26.  While almost all are Common Redpolls, multiple observers have seen probable/possible HOARY REDPOLLs at this location since December 23, most recently four (2 male, 2 female) on Jan. 26 reported by Hopper.

--Gillilan reports the two Trumpeter Swans continue to be seen on Lower Hoffman Lake, Loveland, seen on Jan. 25.  


--Leatherman reported the following birds seen in the Lamar Community College woods on January 24: an adult male Eastern Towhee, a Canyon Wren, and several (up to 4) Northern Cardinals. The towhee hangs out in the area near the feeder east of the library.

--A juv. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker was present in Willow Creek Park, Lamar, on Jan. 24 reported by Leatherman.


--Sanders reported the following birds seen at Pueblo Reservoir on January 26: at the South Marina a Great Black-backed Gull, Pacific Loon, and Red-throated Loon; at West Fisherman Point  a 1st-cyc Glaucous Gull.

--Nelson reported that the ACORN WOODPECKER was still present at Pueblo Mountain Park near Beulah on January 16. It was not seen on Jan. 26th.


--Kaempfer reported that the Long-tailed Duck, first reported by Mlodinow, continues at Frederick Recreation Area, Frederick on Jan. 21.


Saturday, February 2: Northeast Raptor Tour

Leader: Joey Kellner (303) 978-1748
Meet the leader at 6:30 am at the Division of Wildlife (DOW), 6060 N. Broadway. Exit I-25 at 58th Av., go west 2 blocks to Broadway, then north 2 blocks to the DOW parking lot on the right. This is a full-day trip - bring water, lunch and snacks.

Sunday, February 3: Chatfield State Park
Paul Slingsby (303) 422-3728
the leader at 8:00 am at the Kingfisher Bridge trail head at the south end of the Park where the road crosses the Platte River. This is a half-day trip ending about 1 pm; lunch is optional. Will be walking 2-3 miles on dirt trails. Please register with Paul if you plan to go on this trip.

Good Birding,

Dick Schottler





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Wednesday, 30 January 2013

[cobirds] Colorado RBA, Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Compiler:   Dick Schottler

Date:          January 30, 2013

email:         rba AT

phone:        303-659-8750


This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Wednesday, January 30, 2013, sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.  If you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording by pressing the star key (*) on your phone at any time.  Please leave your name, phone number, detailed directions, including county and dates for each sighting.  It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.

Highlight species include:  (* denotes that there is new information on this species in this report)

Trumpeter Swan (Larimer)
Long-tailed Duck (Arapahoe, Weld)
Red-throated Loon (Pueblo)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Boulder)
Glaucous-winged Gull (Boulder)
Glaucous Gull (Pueblo)
Great Black-backed Gull (Boulder, Pueblo)
Carolina Wren (Prowers)
Marsh Wren (Jefferson)
Eastern Towhee (Prowers)
Swamp Sparrow (Arapahoe, Jefferson)
Northern Cardinal (Prowers)
Rusty Blackbird (Adams)
Rosy-Finches (Grand)
Common Redpoll (Jefferson, Grand, Jackson,  Larimer)
HOARY REDPOLL (Grand, Jackson, Larimer)


-- On January 26, Miller reported the small flock of Rusty Blackbirds continues to be seen on the South Platte River in the vicinity of the I-76 bridge; if not here, look upstream - they have been found as far upstream as the sewage plant outflow near Sand Creek. Miller also reported that  one of the two White Pelicans first reported by Goulart on Jan 21 was still present on the river near the I-76 bridge on the 26th.  Barrow's Goldeneyes (both male and female) continue to be seen on the S. Platte between 78th and 88th (opposite the green & white water tank).


--Two  Long-tailed Ducks and a Common Loon were still present on South Platte Reservoir (signed entrance is on Platte Canyon Rd. north of C-470) on January 26.  Seven Greater Scaup were on the small lake ("Blackrock Lake") between South Platte Reservoir and the Platte River in South Platte Park on the 26th.   A Swamp Sparrow found by Henwood and Raker on Jan. 25 along the So. Platte about 100 yds. (estimated) downstream (north) from the east-most parking area here near an island in the river was not seen on the 26th.


--Nunes reported an adult ICELAND GULL at Teller Lake #5 about 8:30 on the morning of Jan. 26; it was not seen later in the morning. Three adult Lesser Black-backed Gulls were also here on the 26th.  Kaempfer reported a 1st cycle Glaucous-winged Gull at Teller Lake #5 on January 24, and on January 18, Vanderpoel reported a 1st cycle Great Black-backed Gull here.  On Jan. 19, the Great Black-backed Gull was seen at Prince Lake #1 by Kaempfer.

-- Mlodinow reported the following birds seen at Valmont  Reservoir on January 27: a Glaucous-winged Gull, 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 12 Tundra Swans, a White Pelican, and one Chestnut-collared Longspur.


--Maynard reports that the ACORN WOODPECKER continues to be present in SW Colorado Springs in the 1804 - 1810 section of Cheyenne Blvd. It was seen again on the 28th.


--On January 18, Filby reported 145 Barrow's Goldeneye at Coryell Ranch in Carbondale.


--On January 18, Filby reported that in Kremmling the feeders in the 900 block of Eagle had 100 Common Redpolls.  60+ Rosy-Finches of all three species were present.  Mlodinow reported >200 redpolls including 3 HOARY REDPOLLs seen in Kremmling on Jan. 27.


--More than100 redpolls, including at least one HOARY REDPOLL, were seen in Walden on January 26 reported by Mlodinow.


-- Erthal reported a Marsh Wren and a Swamp Sparrow seen in the Wheatridge Greenbelt on Jan. 22. Both birds were seen in the marsh at the southwest corner of Bass Lake near the end of the boardwalk. There have been no further reports of either bird.

-- The GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW at the Red Rocks Trading Post, first reported by Henwood on Nov. 26, continues to be seen at least through  January 29. 

--On January 22, Santangelo reports about 8 Common Redpolls, first reported on the 14th, are still coming to his feeder in Wheatridge.  His address is: 3525 Estes St. (two blocks north of Crown Hill Lake and two blocks south of 38th Ave).  You may park in front of the driveway but please do not park in the driveway and please stay in your car to observe the Redpolls.


--The large flock (>100) of Redpolls continues to be seen behind the Discovery Museum in Ft. Collins, located at Cherry and Mason St which is the NW corner of College and Cherry through Jan. 26.  While almost all are Common Redpolls, multiple observers have seen probable/possible HOARY REDPOLLs at this location since December 23, most recently four (2 male, 2 female) on Jan. 26 reported by Hopper.

--Gillilan reports the two Trumpeter Swans continue to be seen on Lower Hoffman Lake, Loveland, seen on Jan. 25.  


--Leatherman reported the following birds seen in the Lamar Community College woods on January 24: an adult male Eastern Towhee, a Canyon Wren, and several (up to 4) Northern Cardinals. The towhee hangs out in the area near the feeder east of the library.

--A juv. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker was present in Willow Creek Park, Lamar, on Jan. 24 reported by Leatherman.


--Sanders reported the following birds seen at Pueblo Reservoir on January 26: at the South Marina a Great Black-backed Gull, Pacific Loon, and Red-throated Loon; at West Fisherman Point  a 1st-cyc Glaucous Gull.

--Nelson reported that the ACORN WOODPECKER was still present at Pueblo Mountain Park near Beulah on January 16. It was not seen on Jan. 26th.


--Kaempfer reported that the Long-tailed Duck, first reported by Mlodinow, continues at Frederick Recreation Area, Frederick on Jan. 21.


Saturday, February 2: Northeast Raptor Tour

Leader: Joey Kellner (303) 978-1748
Meet the leader at 6:30 am at the Division of Wildlife (DOW), 6060 N. Broadway. Exit I-25 at 58th Av., go west 2 blocks to Broadway, then north 2 blocks to the DOW parking lot on the right. This is a full-day trip - bring water, lunch and snacks.

Sunday, February 3: Chatfield State Park
Paul Slingsby (303) 422-3728
the leader at 8:00 am at the Kingfisher Bridge trail head at the south end of the Park where the road crosses the Platte River. This is a half-day trip ending about 1 pm; lunch is optional. Will be walking 2-3 miles on dirt trails. Please register with Paul if you plan to go on this trip.

Good Birding,

Dick Schottler
