Friday 1 September 2023

[cobirds] Re: Fall Count - Sept. 8-10 (Revision)

Another revision - correcting Rick Crewell's email.

Eight leaders will conduct Fall Counts from Friday, Sept. 8 to Sunday Sept. 10. 

Contact Leaders to participate :

Sept. 8
7 a.m. Barr Lake Periphery (mostly driving):
    Gregg Goodrich 
    303 655 9135
Cherry Creek State Park:
    Cynthia Madsen

Sept. 9
Audubon Nature Center
    Bill Schreitz

Bear Creek State Park - 8 am
    Rick Creswell

Chatfield State Park
    Joey Kellner

Sep. 10
Castlewood Canyon SP - 6:30  am
    Dave Hill
    303 870 4316

Barr Lake SP
    Chris Gilbert

Rocky Mtn. Arsenal NWR
    Charlie Chase




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