Monday, 31 August 2020

[cobirds] Avian Pox (Douglas County)

I have confirmed sightings of at least two different House Finches at my backyard feeders with the wart-like lesions around their bills indicative of Avian Pox. I am in Highlands Ranch (Douglas County) on the east side near the University/Colorado Blvd intersection. I am going to remove all feeders and birdbaths to disinfect them with a diluted bleach solution. I have also advised my next door neighbor to do the same as I watch the birds bounce back and forth between our yards. I know this disease is highly contagious in finches and may spread to other species like goldfinches (both LEGO & AMGO frequent my feeders), so I wanted to let others know and hear if anyone else in the area has spotted finches with the growths.


The timing of this really stinks as I have noticed the birds’ feeding activity has increased with the coming fall migration.


-Barbara Spagnuolo

Highlands Ranch, Douglas County, CO



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