Saturday 19 November 2016

[cobirds] Boulder County Lakes

I took a pre-football game tour of NE Boulder County lakes this morning with John Vanderpoel.  We visited Panama, Union (honorary status in Boulder County), Ish, Terry, Clark, McIntosh, Crane Hollow, Clover Basin, Lagerman and Dodd Reservoirs and ended up with a trip list of 50 species.


Of the 8 less common, but highly desired waterfowl species for this time of year (3 scoters, Long-tailed Duck, Barrow’s Goldeneye, Common and Pacific Loon, and Red-necked Grebe) we found zero.   That is, as in none of the above.  Well, we still had an enjoyable morning with lots of individuals and species to keep us busy.  Here are some highlights:


First American Tree Sparrows of the fall at Panama Res.

Terry Res. is full of an incredible number of birds.  Too bad it isn’t more easily viewed, but it had Bonaparte’s Gulls and a fairly large number of American White Pelican still present (also at Union and McIntosh) along with hundreds of other gulls, goldeneyes and mergansers.

Dodd Res. with 2 Snow and one Ross’s Goose.


Finally, I will note that Lark Latch had a hummingbird zip by her yesterday in North Boulder.  This is the time off year to pay attention to hummers as there could be a real wonder out there.  For instance, today there was an Anna’s in Nebraska.


Bill Kaempfer


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