Thursday, 23 May 2013

[cobirds] Minor Night Flight (Boulder County)

I just went outside to listen (NW Longmont residence), and heard a bunch of thrush calls.  Over a period of 8 minutes I had 40 thrush night flight calls (mostly identified as Swainson's Thrushes).  This is a weird weather pattern to be hearing so much night flight calling.  The culprit seems to be the thunderstorms currently in Texas making mid-level outflow and driving the birds down to less turbulent air.  Usually one would expect to get a decent night flight during low clouds/overcast, but this is crystal clear skies.  Many birds easily heard.  

Had only two non-thrushes, but they were both upward "tseep"s that I wouldn't dare make a call on.
Bryan Guarente
Instructional Designer
The COMET Program
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Boulder, CO

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