Wednesday, 1 May 2013

[cobirds] East Boulder County sparrow fallout

Some more on the Black Phoebe at Boulder Creek and HWY 52.  I stopped on the bridge facing west.  To the north west there is a tree with a gate to the west.  On the fence east of the tree the BHPH fly up and perched.  Then bolted across the road to the south, narrowly avoiding a car, then dropping in the scrub on the west side of the creek.  Traffic is heavy heading east, so trying to get to the other side of the road would have been difficult.  I did not see the bird again after it entered the bushes.

Next I made my way to Niwot Rd. north of Panama Res. Vesper Sparrows were thick here.  Also a group of 7 McCown's Longspurs and a lone female Brewer's Blackbird.  Moving north on 115th south of the neighborhood on the west side had Brewer's Sparrows, White-crowned, and Chipping Sparrows.

Oxford Rd was full of more Vesper Sparrows and at least 3 Lark Sparrows.  Heading north on 119th were another 100+ Vesper Sparrows and American Pipits.

After meeting Vanderpoel, Kaempfer, and Dowell (see his earlier post) at McIntosh, minus David we headed to Golden Ponds.  All Swallows were seen flying around.  3-4 Hermit Thrushes, Yellow-rumps and a few Vesper and Chipping Sparrows were on the paths north of the river.

Todd Deininger
Longmont, CO

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