Compiler: Mary Driscoll
Date: Report for Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Date: Report for Wednesday, May 22, 2013
email: rba AT
phone: 303-659-8750
This is the Colorado Rare Bird Report for Wednesday, May 22, 2013 sponsored by the Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory. If you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording by pressing the star key (*) on your phone at any time. Please leave your name, phone number, detailed directions including county, and dates for each sighting. It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.
Highlight species include (* indicates new information on this species in this report):
Neotropic Cormorant (Weld)
Green Heron (Lincoln)
Glossy Ibis (Weld)
Glossy Ibis (Weld)
Broad-winged Hawk (Kit Carson,Fremont)
Black-bellied Plover (Weld)
Piping Plover (Phillips)
Black-bellied Plover (Weld)
Piping Plover (Phillips)
Least Tern (*Bent)
White-winged Dove (*El Paso,*El Paso/Pueblo)
White-winged Dove (*El Paso,*El Paso/Pueblo)
Common Poorwill (Jefferson)
Red-Bellied Woodpecker (Prowers)
Great Crested Flycatcher (Yuma)
Willow Flycatcher (El Paso)
Willow Flycatcher (El Paso)
Eastern Phoebe (*Baca)
White-eyed Vireo (Kit Carson)
Yellow-throated Vireo (Montezuma)
Cassin's Vireo (Jefferson)
Red-eyed Vireo (Douglas)
GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH (El Paso/Pueblo,*Yuma)
Veery (*Boulder,Lincoln,*Morgan,Weld,Yuma)
Yellow-throated Vireo (Montezuma)
Cassin's Vireo (Jefferson)
Red-eyed Vireo (Douglas)
GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH (El Paso/Pueblo,*Yuma)
Veery (*Boulder,Lincoln,*Morgan,Weld,Yuma)
Ovenbird (Douglas, El Paso, El Paso/Pueblo, Washington,Yuma)
Northern Waterthrush (El Paso, El Paso/Pueblo, Jefferson, *La Plata,Lincoln,Prowers,Rio Grande,Washington, Weld,*Yuma)
Northern Waterthrush (El Paso, El Paso/Pueblo, Jefferson, *La Plata,Lincoln,Prowers,Rio Grande,Washington, Weld,*Yuma)
Blue-winged Warbler (El Paso/Pueblo)
Golden-winged Warbler (Yuma)
Tennessee Warbler (Kit Carson)
Nashville Warbler (El Paso/Pueblo, Larimer, Lincoln,Prowers, Rio Grande,*Yuma)
Tennessee Warbler (Kit Carson)
Nashville Warbler (El Paso/Pueblo, Larimer, Lincoln,Prowers, Rio Grande,*Yuma)
Kentucky Warbler (El Paso/Pueblo)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (Lincoln)
Black-throated Gray Warbler (*Boulder,Lincoln,*Weld)
Palm Warbler (Lincoln)
Hooded Warbler (El Paso/Pueblo)
Blackpoll Warbler (*Jefferson)
Black & White Warbler (El Paso/Pueblo)
Northern Parula (El Paso, El Paso/Pueblo,*Larimer, Rio Grande, Yuma)
Northern Parula (El Paso, El Paso/Pueblo,*Larimer, Rio Grande, Yuma)
Chestnut sided-Warbler (El Paso/Pueblo, Washington)
Magnolia Warbler (Yuma)
Palm Warbler (El Paso/Pueblo)
Hepatic Tanager (El Paso/Pueblo)
Hepatic Tanager (El Paso/Pueblo)
Summer Tanager (*Larimer,Lincoln,Yuma)
White-throated Sparrow (Lincoln)
Northern Cardinal (Baca, Jefferson,Prowers,*Yuma)
Northern Cardinal (Baca, Jefferson,Prowers,*Yuma)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Adams,Jefferson, Lincoln, Washington,Yuma)
Indigo Bunting (Bent,Yuma)
Bobolink (Boulder,Yuma)
Bobolink (Boulder,Yuma)
--On May 19, Hudak reports seeing a Rose-breasted Grosbeak at Rocky Mountain Arsenal.
--On May 20, Nelson reports a Least Tern at John Martin Reservoir.
--On May 20, Nelson reports a male BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER at Van's Grove, and an Indigo Bunting at Van's Grove.
--On May 16 Nelson reports a female BAY-BREASTED WARBLER at Van's Grove.
On May 21, De Fonso reports an Eastern Phoebe, and a Rose-breasted Grosbeak (female), at Two Buttes Reservoir.
--On May 20, Heinrich reports a Black-throated Gray Warbler visited his yard in North Boulder. It was also seen on May 21.
--On May 21, Vanderpoel reports a Veery (Western race) at Golden Ponds south of the creek along the concrete bike path, south of the spillway.
--On May15, Minner-Lee reports several Bobolinks seen in the vicinity of the Open Space & Mt. Parks Cherryvale admin. bldg.
--On May 19, Huffstater reports a Red-eyed Vireo and an Ovenbird seen in Louviers.
--On May 21, Ogilvie reports 2-4 White-winged Doves visiting her feeders almost daily in NE Colorado Springs.
--On May 21, Pals reports a Magnolia Warbler along Bear Creek between 21st St. and 8th St. at Bear Creek Regional Park was seen by Vernon.
--On May 18 Pals reported the following birds of interest seen on the Bear Creek Regional Park Spring Count: Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush, Northern Parula, and Willow Flycatcher.
--On May 20, Percival reports seeing a singing White-winged Dove at the Headquarters, Chico Basin Ranch, fee.
--On May 15, Percival reports the following warblers at Chico Basin Ranch (hereafter CBR) (fee area): Ovenbird, No. Waterthrush, Chestnut-sided, Nashville, No. Parula, and western Palm among others. Also seen was a White-throated Sparrow and Bobolink.--On May 16, Walbek reports a Blue-winged Warbler seen near the banding station at CBR.
--On May 16 Brown reports the following among birds banded at CBR: 2 Ovenbirds, 2 Black-and-white Warblers, and a Gray-cheeked Thrush. A male Black-and-white Warbler was banded on the 17th.
--On May 19, Hinds reported the following birds seen at CBR: Hooded Warbler and Black-and-white Warbler at the banding station and Kentucky Warbler and Hepatic Tanager in the HQ area.
--On May 2, Moss reports seeing the Broad-winged Hawk flying about a half mile east of where she saw it on May 19.
--On May 19, Chavez reported the following seen at Belmar Historic Park, Lakewood: Cassin's Vireo and Common Poorwill (rare here).
--On May 19, Hudak reports seeing a Blackpoll Warbler at Main Reservoir, which is in Lakewood.
--On May 19, Hudak reports seeing a Northern Waterthrush at Bear Creek Greenbelt.
--On May 16, Schottler reports that the male Northern Cardinal, first reported on May 10 along the Tree Bridge Trail south of Clear Creek in the Wheatridge Greenbelt, was still present. The trail starts roughly 50 yards W of the footbridge over Clear Creek at Prospect Park.
--On May 19, Percival reports an adult Broad-winged Hawk, and a Northern Waterthrush at Straton; an ALDER FLYCATCHER at Siebert, White-eyed Vireo at Burlington,
an adult Tennessee Warbler at Burlington Cemetery.
--On May 21, Sallerton reports a Northern Waterthrush on the east side of Pastorius Reservoir (near Durango).
--On May 21, Meyer reports a Black-throated Gray Warbler, and an Indigo Bunting in a Peachleaf Willow Tree in Brooks Canyon at Bobcat Ridge Natural Area, which is closed to the public.
--On May 20, Edwards, in northwest Fort Collins, reports a first spring male Summer Tanager around their suet feeder for several hrs., it is still coming to her feeder on May 21.
--On May 21, Sparks reports hearing the Northern Parula, first seen on May 19, singing as he was biking to work. It was in some European Poplar trees at the Fort Collins City Farm.
--On may 19, Cropper reports a Nashville Warbler seen at Big Thompson and Wilson Av. in Loveland.
--On may 19, Cropper reports a Nashville Warbler seen at Big Thompson and Wilson Av. in Loveland.
--On May 18, Percival reports a MOURNING WARBLER (male), Black-throated Blue Warbler (male), Black-throated Gray Warbler, (female), Palm Warbler (western), Nashville Warbler, American Redstart, 9 Northern Waterthrush, 7 Rose-breasted Grosbeak, a Summer Tanager, 2 Veery, a White-throated Sparrow, a Yellow-billed Cuckoo, and a Green Heron at a private ranch.
MONTEZUMA COUNTY:--On May 18, Komar reported the following sightings from CFO Convention field trips: On May 17, a PAINTED REDSTART was seen briefly north of Mancos. It was not relocated later. On May 18 a Yellow-throated Vireo was found in Yellow Jacket Canyon.
--On May 20, Dowell reports a Veery (2) at the Jackson Reservoir inlet canal.
--On May 15, Linfield reports a Piping Plover on a small pool between CR 41 and the Holyoke airport.
--On May 15, Linfield reports a Piping Plover on a small pool between CR 41 and the Holyoke airport.
--On May 21, De Fonso reported a RED-SHOULDERED HAWK at the Lamar CC woods.
--On May 19, De Fonso reported a Nashville Warbler and a Northern Cardinal seen in the Lamar CC woods.
--On May 15, Leatherman reported 2 Glossy Ibis seen with White-faced Ibis at Crom Lake (CR 31 1/2 mi s. of CR 90).
--On May 16, Mlodinow reports that a Neotropic Cormorant was seen along the entrance road to St. Vrain State Park.
--The DFO field trip for Saturday, May 25 is to Rocky Mountain Arsenal. The leader is David Rhoades (303-424-8633). Space is limited - you must call David to reserve a space and to get directions.
--A second field trip for Saturday, May 25 is "Creative Ways to Learn Bird Sounds" led by Alison Kondler (303-973-3959). The meeting place is at Roxborough State Park Visitor Center at 0730. Space is very limited - participants must pre-register during office hours. State Parks Pass or day fee required.
--On May 19, De Fonso reported a Nashville Warbler and a Northern Cardinal seen in the Lamar CC woods.
--On May 20, Kaempfer reported a Northern Waterthrush on the Del Norte riverwalk.
--On May 16, Rawinski reported a Nashville Warbler and a White-winged Dove at Home Lake SWA near Monte Vista.
--On May 20, Dowell reports seeing an Indigo Bunting (male) and a Rose-breasted Grosbeak (female) at Last Chance.
--On May 19, M.Miller reported a Northern Waterthrush at Last Chance.
--On May 17, Kellner's group reported male Chestnut-sided Warblers at the Washington County Golf Course Park in Akron and at Last Chance. An Ovenbird was seen at Prewitt Reservoir SWA.
--On May 21, Dowell reports the Black-throated Gray Warbler continues at Crow Valley Campground, it was in a Juniper Tree, in the southwest part of the birding area. Dowell also saw a Veery along the dry creek bed in the southeast part of the campground.
--On May 14, Chavez reported a Veery and Northern Waterthrush at Norma's Grove.--On May 16, Mlodinow reports that a Neotropic Cormorant was seen along the entrance road to St. Vrain State Park.
--On May 21 Walbek reports a CAPE MAY WARBLER (female) near the southern most pond at Hale Ponds SWA.
--On May 20, Dowell reports seeing a Nashville Warbler in the lakeside trees near the parking area at Stalker Lake, which is near Wray. Also seen were continuing Northern Cardinals. At Sandy Bluffs SWA Dowell saw a couple of Northern Waterthrush at the upper end of a beaver pond, where two trees had fallen into the marsh.
--On May 20, Walbek reports a Gray-cheeked Thrush, Nashville Warbler, Summer Tanager, Indigo Bunting, PAINTED BUNTING (female) feeding with the buntings and
American Goldfinches, at Wagon Wheel Campground at Bonny SWA.
--On May 19, Peterson reported a Veery, a Bobolink, and an Ovenbird were seen at a private ranch.
--On May 19, Percival reported a Northern Cardinal, Indigo Bunting 4 males, 1 female, at Wagon Wheel Campground, Bonny,(mostly dry) Reservoir.
--On May 19, Percival reported 2 Great Crested Flycatchers, and a singing Ovenbird, an a female Rose-breasted Grosbeak at Hale.
--On May 19, a Northern Parula was seen by D. Maynard at a private ranch.
--On May 18, Mlodinow reported a Golden-winged Warbler at Stalker Lake SWA (just west of Wray).
--On May 18, Kistler reported a Magnolia Warbler seen at the Yuma cemetery.
--The DFO field trip for Saturday, May 25 is to Rocky Mountain Arsenal. The leader is David Rhoades (303-424-8633). Space is limited - you must call David to reserve a space and to get directions.
--A second field trip for Saturday, May 25 is "Creative Ways to Learn Bird Sounds" led by Alison Kondler (303-973-3959). The meeting place is at Roxborough State Park Visitor Center at 0730. Space is very limited - participants must pre-register during office hours. State Parks Pass or day fee required.
--The field trip for Monday, May 27 is to the Pawnee Grasslands. The leader is Chris Owens (home: 303-772-6048; cell: 970-481-7271). Meet leader at 0530 at the RTD Park-N-Ride on the southwest corner of I-25 and highway 66 (exit 243). Please call Chris if you plan to go.
--(Note: that there is no field trip scheduled for Sunday, May 26.)
--(Note: that there is no field trip scheduled for Sunday, May 26.)
Please consult the DFO website: , for information on the field trips and the leaders to call.
Good Birding,
Mary Driscoll
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