Friday, 6 December 2019

[cobirds] Christmas Bird Count High Counts last year in Colorado

A few bird species and sub-species found on Colorado Christmas Bird Counts (CBC) last winter, were the highest counts for the United States .  I thought some people would be interested in this information.  Thanks to Brent Ortego who compiles this information every year.

Scaled Quail 250 (CO, Pueblo Reservoir)
Dusky Grouse 4 (CO, Steamboat Springs)
Red-tailed Hawk (Harlan's) 13 (CO, Boulder)
Western Screech-Owl 60 (CO, Grand Junction)
Gyrfalcon 1 (CO, Loveland)
Thick-billed Kingbird 1 (CO, Grand Junction)
Steller's Jay 434 (CO, Evergreen-Idaho Springs)
Mountain Chickadee 886 (CO, Evergreen-Idaho Springs)
White-breasted (Interior west) Nuthatch 158 (CO, Denver)
Pygmy Nuthatch 1042 (CO, Evergreen-Idaho Springs)
Townsend's Solitaire 631 (CO, Penrose)
Dark-eyed (cismontanus) Junco 6 (CO, Fort Collins)
Dark-eyed (Pink-sided) Junco 179 (CO, Denver)
Dark-eyed (White-winged) Junco 10 (CO, Denver)
Dark-eyed (Gray-headed) Junco 431 (CO, Denver)
Cassin's Finch 130 (CO, Evergreen-Idaho Springs)

Thanks to all the Christmas Bird Count compilers and observers.  Good luck this winter.  Many counts are next weekend and during the week following that.  Looks like it should be good weather for most of Colorado, over the big weekend of Dec 14th and 15th, when most Colorado counts are done.  Hopefully many of you can join in on counts next weekend, and through January 5th, around Colorado.  We have two new Colorado Christmas Bird Counts scheduled this year, North Jefferson County and Pawnee National Grasslands-East.  Over 40 Official National Audubon Christmas Bird Counts, will be held in Colorado again this winter.  Dave Silverman the compiler of the Lake Isabel CBC, says, this winter will be the 50th Lake Isabel CBC, which is on Dec 28!

A quick note about rarities, please photograph birds that are found on Colorado CBCs, that shouldn't be here in the winter or are rare (like, blue-winged and cinnamon teal, summer sparrows (like Chipping, Vesper, Brewer's, etc., Ospreys, flycatchers, other than Say's Phoebe and Black Phoebe on some counts, warblers, etc).  Last year, a kingbird was photographed on the Grand Junction CBC, which turned out to be Colorado's 1st CBC record of Thick-billed Kingbird (and only the 3rd one ever to be found in Colorado).  ALL Colorado Bird Records Committee (CBRC) review species should documented, please fill out a Rare Bird Form on the CBRC website, and then copy it, and send it to me, so my CBC Review team, can look it over.  I don't like deleting birds from Christmas Bird Counts, though rare bird do need details, photos, drawings, description of what you saw, and why it was that species, and not a more regular species.

Have a great CBC season everyone,

Brandon Percival
Colorado CBC Reginal Editor
Pueblo West, CO

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