Tuesday, 3 December 2019

[cobirds] 75th CBRC Report


The Fall 2019 issue of Colorado Birds that is now available online contains the 75th Report of the Colorado Bird Records Committee. The highlight of the report documents 4 new species that have been added to the state list, which now stands at 511 species. They are:

Pink-footed Goose:  The bird was found by Steve Mlodinow last December east of Longmont, and spent most of the winter at Milavec Res in Frederick. This bird was seen by many observers, or the mob !!

Barnacle Goose:  A bird seen on and off also at Milavec Res. in Frederick (photo by Ben Sampson) for 10 days in mid-January 2019, first identified by Klarissa Lawrence.  Also accepted was a report of a bird briefly seen at Aurora Res. only on 9 January, 2018 by Steve Mlodinow.

White-tailed Kite:  A bird was briefly seen and beautifully photographed on 27 May, 2019 by Jill Smith a few miles northwest of Holly in the SE corner of the state. It was good to finally document this species in Colorado, which had been expected to occur here for some years.

Yellow-green Vireo:  A bird was briefly seen only on 25 June, 2019 by Mark Peterson at Two Buttes dam, which is between Lamar and Springfield in southeast CO. This species was unexpected in CO because usually it is a rare visitor only to the southern tier of US states.

Full details on these sightings, and 105 other reports, can be seen by looking at the new Colorado Birds issue now online. 

Peter Gent.
Boulder, CO.

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