Sunday 1 September 2019

[cobirds] Weld and Morgan today

Hello all,

Sabrina Hepburn and I birded Weld and Morgan Counties today. Our best bird was an Ash-throated Flycatcher in a line of Russian-olives just west of Keenesburg. Nice finds at Jackson Lake included a Cassin's Vireo in the campground and a Cattle Egret and a Common Tern on the north shore.

Although shorebirds were one of our targets for the day, we ended up seeing almost no shorebird habitat (and thus almost no shorebirds) until we arrived back at Ireland Reservoir #5 near Hudson, where the actual reservoir was nearly full but a wet ditch on the west side of the road had seven shorebird species.

Dove season opened today in Colorado, so be ready to hear a lot of gunshots in some birding areas on the eastern plains.

Good birding,

Nathan Pieplow

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