Monday 2 September 2019

[cobirds] Bird Conservancy Banding Report - Barr Station, 9/1/19

I want to start today by seconding Dave Leatherman's comment about the education he receives from his university, Grandview Cemetery.  Those of us who spend a ton of time at one birding site find that we are always learning new things and/or wondering why, after years in the same place, we haven't got all the answers!

Yesterday was another hot day, with a relatively moderate number of early fall birds.  Late morning we were treated to a beautiful adult male Nashville Warbler.  And our last bird of the morning was an all too rare "recovery", banding language for a bird that was originally banded at another station and then recaught someplace else.  See below under Wilson's Warbler.

Breakdown of the 37 new birds for the day:

Western Wood-pewee 2
House Wren 4
Gray Catbird 1
Orange-crowned Warbler 3
Nashville Warbler 1
Yellow Warbler 8
MacGillivray's Warbler 1
Wilson's Warbler 15 new, 1 recovery.  We knew right away from the band number that this bird was not "ours" - that it had been banded at another site.  The Bird Banding Lab is now very effectively computerized, and I had an immediate response to my report of this recovery - the bird was banded by Steve Brown on August 27, 2017 at his Clear Spring Ranch station in El Paso County. We would have liked a glimpse into where this bird spent its summer or winter, but any recovery is cool. This bird seems to be pretty consistent in its fall migration route, although a few days behind last year!
Yellow-breasted Chat 1 

We are open 6 days per week, Tuesday-Sunday, weather permitting, through October 13. We are opening nets at 6:40 and should have birds back at the station by 7:20. We will close nets most days at 11:40, with some being closed earlier as long as this heat continues. School groups arrive most weekdays at about 9:30. The best time to visit (fewest people, most birds) is before 9:30 weekdays and Sundays. 

Come visit!

Meredith McBurney 
Bander, Barr Lake Station 
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies

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