Monday 2 September 2019

[cobirds] Crow Valley Campground on Labor Day (Weld)

Started at 7:30am while it was still cool, worked my way along the south creek bed from e to w, went n along west side, then out the gate into to the northeast, ended up at 11am just w of the Work Center, circled back.  Ate lunch at the Picnic Pavilion, came home.  Nothing rare but a nice mix of migrants is building up. Total of 39 species, including a quick perusal of downtown Briggsdale and the football field.  Here are the highlights:

Red-eyed Vireo - (1) in elms in the sw corner
Townsend's Warbler (2)  FOY for me
Orange-crowned Warbler (3-4) FOS at low elevation for me
Yellow-rumped Warbler (1)  very drab individual, FOS for me at low elevation
Wilson's Warbler (at least 15) doing their best to consume mosquitoes
Yellow Warbler (at least 2)
Hermit Thrush (1) s of Picnic Pavilion
Empid flycatcher (1) never got a good look but seemed pretty yellow like maybe a Cordilleran
Western Wood-Pewee (3)
Grosbeak (1) heard squeak
Pine Siskin (total of maybe 15) fairly regular overhead, going n to s
Blue Grosbeak (1 f or I)
Vesper Sparrow (3i)  in trees, live and dead, near the cattle pond n of the Group Area in the nw corner
Clay-colored Sparrow (1) FOS for me
Chipping Sparrow (maybe a total of 10) mostly flying n to s
Lincoln's Sparrow (1)
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (heard 2)
Hairy Woodpecker (1f eastern)
Gray Catbird (2)
Killdeer (family of 6) Briggsdale HS football field

Creekbed is essentially dry, with a few pools and puddles, some leftover from spring, some from recent rain.

Dave Leatherman
Fort Collins

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