Monday 4 February 2019

[cobirds] Re: Ravens

There were groups of ravens flying to and from the hill frequently and with excitement . . . I bet you saw some coming of going.  It was an amazing hill to watch.  I'd be curious how often it happens there!

Skot Latona

From: Ed Baker <>
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2019 7:48:08 AM
To:; CobirdsGoogle
Subject: Ravens

I was skiing across the lake this past Saturday from the Dillon Marina heading for the Peninsula and witnessed about 6 or 7 Ravens on the peninsula wildly and raucously flying around exhibiting the described behavior, which gave me pause.

I stood and watched trying to get a reason for it, i.e., a fox or coyote, but I got nothin.'

They just looked to be celebrating some event, but what?  I HAVE read that they do some sledding on occasions and now we've got proof.

Thanks for the heads-up.

Bonnie Boex
Dillon resident

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