Monday 2 September 2019

[cobirds] Re: Likely Red Phalarope in Boulder County

John Vanderpoel sent my photos to Jon Dunn who says the following: "Juvenile Red-necked Phalarope on plumage.  Full juvenal plumaged Red Phalaropes are extremely unusual in lower 48, nearly always molting.  This one is in full juvenal plumage and fits Red-necked well, and the date is good too."

So that settles that!

Carl Bendorf
Longmont, Boulder County

On Friday, August 30, 2019 at 2:39:49 PM UTC-6, Carl Bendorf wrote:
Peter Burke found a phalarope yesterday at Lagerman Reservoir (west of Longmont) that was tentatively identified this morning as a Red Phalarope.  The bird was still present when I left around 11:00 a.m.  The viewing location at Lagerman is from the north side near the parking lot and the bird (and most other species present) was in the west end of the reservoir.  Shore access to the west end is restricted until September 1; until you need to scope from the area around the parking lot.  I've attached a photo digiscoped through a 30X scope.

Second opinions always welcome!

Carl Bendorf
Longmont, CO


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