Wednesday 4 September 2019

[cobirds] Lincoln, Cheyenne and Elbert 9-3

Our DFO field trip braved a windy day yesterday, and we had to scrape and peck, and watch so many birds blow away on the breeze as we visited areas of these three counties. But I want to mention, since shorebird habitat is at a premium this season, that we encountered shorebirds at Evilsizer Lake in Lincoln, especially on the south side of CR U. There were not so many (Am Avocet, Killdeer, Stilt, Baird's, Least), but other than 3 Greater Yellowlegs at a small pond nearby, this was all we encountered of shorebirds. It would be worth stopping in to look there. 

The day was highlighted by continual encounters with Loggerhead Shrikes throughout the day. We eBirded 34 of them, and estimate we had a total of 58 for the day. Some were certainly family groups. 

David Suddjian
Ken Caryl Valley
Littleton, CO

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