Tuesday 3 September 2019

[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Date:  Tuesday,  September 3, 2019

E-mail:  RBA AT cobirds.org

Compiler:  Allison Hilf; ahilf@me.com

Phone:  303.888.5110

Birders have been helpful by reporting updates to COBirds. Thanks!@

CAPITAL LETTERS denote very rare species, as listed by the Colorado Bird Records Committee at the CFO website.

(*) indicates new information on a species.

For more information on birds seen today, go to cobirds.org and scroll to the bottom for "Recent eBird Sightings".

Rare, out-of-place and out-of-season species include:

Mute Swan (*Boulder)

Solitary Sandpiper (*San Juan)

Red Phalarope (Boulder)

Caspian Tern (Las Animas)


Gray Flycatcher (Jackson)

Eastern Kingbird (*San Miguel)

Canada Jay (Douglas)

Juniper Titmouse(*Teller)

Black-and-white Warbler (*Jackson)

Blue Grosbeak (*Teller)


—On September 1 an immature LITTLE BLUE HERON was reported at Lowell Ponds SWA by James Roberts.


—On September 2 (2) Mute Swan were reported at Swede Lakes/Lagerman Agricultural Preserve by Sue Riffe.

—On August 30 a Red Phalarope was reported at Lagerman Reservoir.  First reported on August 29 by Peter Burke. 


—On August 28 (2) Canada Jay was reported at Experimental Forest Rd (39.157, -105.03) by David Tønnessen.  This is a first county e-bird record for this species.


—On September 1 a Black-and-white Warbler was reported at Cowdrey reservoir by Noah Kahn.  This is a first county e-bird record for this species.

—On August 30 a Gray Flycatcher was reported in Cowdrey at FSR 895 (40.985, -106.272) by Elaine Wagner.


—On August 29 a Caspian Tern was reported at Trinidad Reservoir by Tony Godfrey.


—On September 2 a Solitary Sandpiper was reported at Molas Lake, foraging on the east shore near  campsite #23.  Reported by Eric Hynes.  This is a first county e-bird record for this species.


—On September 1 an Eastern Kingbird was reported at Dry Creek Basin MM41 Pond by Coen and Brenda Dexter.


—On September 1 a Juniper Titmouse was reported at Shelf Road by David Tønnessen.  This is a first county e-bird record for this species.

—On September 1 (4) Blue Grosbeak were reported foraging together at Shelf Road by David Tønnessen.  This is a first county e-bird record for this species.

Upcoming DFO Field Trips...trip details at dfobirds.org

Southeastern Colorado

Tuesday, September 3

4:30 AM - 8:00 PM

David Suddjian ( dsuddjian AT gmail.com; 831-713-8659)

Ouzel Falls, Rocky Mt. Natl. Park

Wednesday, September 4

6:00 AM - 3:00 PM

John Malenich (john.malenich AT comcast.net; 303-359-9456)

Green Mountain Falls-town and lower elevation trails

Saturday, September 7

6:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Chris Gilbert  (chrisgee9 AT gmail.com; 804-214-1508)

Spruce Mountain Open Space

Sunday, September 8

6:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Gregg Goodrich (GreggGoodrich AT gmail.com; 303-655-9135)

Western Colorado

Monday, September 9 - Tuesday, September 10

5:00 AM - 6:00 PM

David Suddjian (dsuddjian AT gmail.com; 831-713-8659)

FALL COUNTS are coming up! Save the dates and pick a place to join groups of eager birders on one of these time-honored birding trips. There'll be seven trips in all during the peak of fall migration, September 13 through 15. 

Sign up now at the DFO website: https://dfobirds.org/FieldTrips/UpcomingTrips.aspx

Details will appear on the Colorado RBA as the dates draw near.

Good birding! 

Allison Hilf

Aurora, CO

ahilf AT me.com


Sent from my iPhone

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