It was a warm and breezy morning at Chico Basin, and a little on the quiet side, with 24 newly banded birds, 3 recaptures, and 10 total species. But what we lacked in quantity we made up for in quality. We banded the most notable bird of the season to date: a hatch-year Canyon Wren, caught in the very first net on the very first net run of the morning! Not only was it the first-ever banding record of a the Canyon Wren at Chico, but it was the first record of the species at any of the Bird Conservancy's banding stations (and of course it's one of my favorite birds)! This individual wasn't particularly furtive either, as we captured it again a few hours later, and was heard vocalizing near the banding station at the end of the morning.
-- We also had some noteworthy human visitors, with the Colorado State Land Board stopping by for a few minutes. They were treated to a nice male American Redstart, and our first Western Tanager of the season––a female that had narrowly avoided our mist nets earlier in the morning.
A summary of the day's banded birds:
Wilson's Warbler 11 + 1 recapture
American Redstart 2
MacGillivray's Warbler 2 + 1 recapture
Orange-crowned Warbler 2 + 1 recapture
Clay-colored Sparrow 1
Canyon Wren 1 (first station record)
Lazuli Bunting 1 (FOS)
Lincoln's Sparrow 1
Western Tanager 1 (FOS)
Brown Thrasher 2
We are open 6 days a week, closed on Sundays. This week we'll be opening nets at 6:40 AM and closing at 11:40 AM, weather permitting. Visitors are welcome!
Robert Snowden
Bander, Chico Basin Ranch
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies
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