Monday 12 November 2018

[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert, 12 November 2018

Compiler: Joyce Takamine
e-mail: RBA AT 
 Date:  November 12, 2018 
This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Monday, November 12 sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies. 

Note that the RBA is using the new AOU checklist.
Rare and out of range species for the last seven days include: (*indicates new information on this 
species is new)

Snow Goose (Delta, Denver, Kiowa, *Larimer, *Montrose)
Snow X Cackling Goose (El Paso)
Ross's Goose (Kiowa, Larimer)
Greater White-fronted Goose (El Paso, Kiowa, Larimer)
Greater White-fronted X Cackling Goose (El Paso)
Trumpeter Swan (Jefferson)
Tundra Swan (Larimer) Swan (*Arapahoe)
Tundra/Trumpeter S
Blue-winged Teal (*Arapahoe, Denver, *Eagle, Jefferson)
Mallard X Mexican Duck (Hinsdale)
Greater Scaup (Fremont, Mesa, *Montrose, Park)
Surf Scoter (*Jefferson, Ouray)
White-winged Scoter (Kiowa, *Jefferson, Larimer, Moffat)
Black Scoter (Arapahoe, Denver, *Fremont, *Jefferson, Mesa, Pueblo)
Long-tailed Duck (Arapahoe)
Common Goldeneye (Mesa)
Barrow's Goldeneye (Montrose, Park, Rio Blanco, San Miguel)
Pied-billed Grebe (Pitkin)
Horned Grebe (Denver, Montrose)
Red-necked Grebe (Arapahoe, Boulder, Park)
Virginia Rail (*Arapahoe, Bent, Denver)
Sandhill Crane (Boulder, Kiowa, Larimer, Ouray)
American Golden-Plover (Kiowa)
Least Sandpiper (*Larimer)
Pectoral Sandpiper (*Boulder, Douglas)
Short-billed Dowitcher (El Paso)
Long-billed Dowitcher (Jackson) 
Lesser Yellowlegs (Boulder)
Greater Yellowlegs (*Larimer)
Bonaparte's Gull (*Arapahoe, Denver, El Paso, Fremont, Kiowa, La Plata, Mesa, Rio Blanco, *Weld)
Franklin's Gull (Kiowa, Rio Grande)
California Gull (Kiowa)
Iceland Gull (Thayer's) (Kiowa, Larimer, Pueblo)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Kiowa, *Larimer)
Glaucous Gull (Pueblo)
Great Black-backed Gull (Pueblo)
Forster's Tern (Mesa)
Red-throated Loon (*Weld)
Pacific Loon (Denver, Kiowa, *Weld)
Common Loon (Arapahoe, Denver, El Paso, Larimer)
American Bittern (Ouray)
White-faced Ibis (*Jefferson)
Osprey (Boulder, San Miguel)
HARRIS'S HAWK (*Larimer)
Lewis's Woodpecker (La Plata)
Red-naped Sapsucker (Eagle)
Hairy Woodpecker (Kiowa, Prowers)
Peregrine Falcon (El Paso)
Say's Phoebe (Archuleta, *Boulder)
Vermilion Flycatcher (Boulder)
White-eyed Vireo (Jefferson)
Plumbeous Vireo (La Plata)
Loggerhead Shrike (El Paso)
Northern Shrike (El Paso, Larimer)
Pinyon Jay (San Miguel)
Steller's Jay (Montrose, Ouray, Pitkin)
Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay (Jefferson, La Plata)
Clark's Nutcracker (Montrose, Ouray)
Common Raven (Adams)
Northern Rough-winged Swallow (Delta)
Bushtit (Baca,  Jefferson, Kiowa, San Miguel)
Winter Wren (Larimer)
Marsh Wren (Boulder, *Weld)
American Dipper (La Plata, Montrose, Ouray, Pitkin)
Golden-crowned Kinglet (Kiowa)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (*Boulder, Kiowa, Ouray, San Miguel)
Eastern Bluebird (Huerfano)
Western Bluebird (Ouray)
Mountain Bluebird (*Fremont, *Montrose, Pueblo)
Hermit Thrush (El Paso)
Varied Thrush (Kiowa)
Gray Catbird (Boulder)
Curve-billed Thrasher (Kiowa)
Sage Thrasher (El Paso)
American Pipit (*Fremont, *Jefferson, Montrose)
Lapland Longspur (El Paso, *Larimer)
McCown's Longspur (Kit Carson)
Canyon Towhee (*Fremont, Pueblo)
Chipping Sparrow (Larimer)
Clay-colored Sparrow (*Jefferson)
Savannah Sparrow (Kiowa, Park)
Lincoln's Sparrow (Adams, Clear Creek, Kiowa, San Miguel)
Swamp Sparrow (*Boulder, El Paso, *Fremont, Kiowa)
White-throated Sparrow (Bent, Kiowa)
Harris's Sparrow (Kiowa, La Plata)
Yellow-headed Blackbird (Kiowa)
Rusty Blackbird (Boulder, El Paso)
Great-tailed Grackle (Archuleta)
Black-and-white Warbler (*Larimer)
Orange-crowned Warbler (Ouray)
Common Yellowthroat (Boulder)
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon's) (Montrose, Ouray, San Miguel)
Wilson's Warbler (Montrose)
Western Tanager (Boulder, El Paso, Pueblo)
Northern Cardinal (Larimer)

---On November 7 at Rocky Mountain Arsenal NWR Legacy Trail, James Shelton reported 5 Common Raven.
---On November 10 at Metzger Farm OS, Tyler Wilson reported 2 Common Raven (flyover).

---On November 9 at Cherry Creek SP, Ben Sampson reported Blue-winged Teal, f Long-tailed Duck, Red-necked Grebe, 20 Bonaparte's Gull, and Common Loon.   On November 10 at Cherry Creek SP, Michael Lester reported Black Scoter.    On November 11 at Cherry Creek SP Wetlands Preserve, Mary Keithler and her DFO field trip reported 4 Tundra/Trumpeter Swan, Blue-winged Teal,  Virginia Rail, 6 Bonaparte's Gull.                 
---On November 7 at Bufflehead Lake, Ted Uhlemann reported Blue-winged Teal.

---On November 9 on San Juan River Walk, Ben Bailey reported Say's Phoebe.

---On November 7 at Boulder Reservoir, John Vanderpoel reported Red-necked Grebe.  On November 9 at Boulder Reservoir, Peter Gent reported Red-necked Grebe and 24 Sandhill Crane (flyover).  On November 10 at Boulder Reservoir, Joe Chen reported Red-necked Grebe.
---On November 7 at Walden Ponds in Boulder, Chuck Aid and Evergreen Audubon reported Osprey and Pectoral Sandpiper.  On November 8 at Walden Ponds, Mike Hensley, John Vanderpoel, and Nick Moore reported Vermilion Flycatcher and Pectoral Sandpiper; Leslie S reported Pectoral Sandpiper and Lesser Yellowlegs.  On November 9 at Walden Ponds, Norm Lewis reported Pectoral Sandpiper.  On November 10 at Walden/Sawhill, Zhen niu reported Pectoral Sandpiper; Ted Floyd reported Pectoral Sandpiper, Marsh Wren, 5 Swamp Sparrow, and Common Yellowthroat; Peter Burke reported Vermilion Flycatcher; and Matthew Webb reported f Rusty Blackbird.  On November 11 at Walden Ponds, Zhen niu reported Pectoral Sandpiper.
---On November 11 at Walden Ponds, Boulder Creek/Heatherwood Trail, Leslie S reported Say's Phoebe, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and Swamp Sparrow.

---On November 8 at Confluence Park in Delta, Rick Harner reported Snow Goose and 3 Northern Rough-winged Swallow.

---On November 7 at Marston Reservoir, Scott Somershoe reported 2 f-type Black Scoter, 2 Bonaparte's Gull, Pacific Loon, 5 Common Loon.  On November 8 at Marston Reservoir, Dale Pate reported Black Scoter.
---On November 9 at Bluff Lake Nature Center, Jeff Dawson reported 2 Blue-winged Teal, 70 Snow Geese.

----On November 11 at Lake Creek Village Wetlands, Jennifer Prusse reported Blue-winged Teal.

---On November 7 at Chico Basin Ranch, John Drummond reported Loggerhead Shrike, 26 Lapland Longspur, Swamp Sparrow, and Western Tanager.  On November 8 at Chico Basin Ranch, Chris Brobin reported Northern Shrike, 2 Sage Thrasher, and 19 Lapland Longspur.
---On November 7 at Memorial Park and Prospect Lake in Colorado Springs, David Tonnessen reported 2 Greater White-fronted Geese, and apparent hybrid Cackling X Greater White-fronted Goose, 8 Bonaparte's Gull.  On November 8 at Memorial Park and Prospect Lake, Aaron Driscoll and Edward Lewandowski reported 2 Snow X Cackling Geese hybrid, 4 Bonaparte's Gull, and Rusty Blackbird.
---On November 7 at Meridian Reservoir (view from road), David Tonnessen reported 8 Greater White-fronted Geese and Bonaparte's Gull.
---On November 10 at Sinton Pond OS, Jim Merritt reported Hermit Thrush.
---On November 10 at Squirrel Creek Rd Reservoir, Tanja Britton reported Peregrine Falcon.

---On November 10 at Brush Hollow Reservoir, Brad Steger, Lisa Edwards, Mark Peterson, and Jerry DeBoer reported Black Scoter, 2 Greater Scaup, and Bonaparte's Gull.  On November 11 at Brush Hollow Reservoir, Dale and Joel Adams reported Black Scoter, Mountain Bluebird, American Pipit, Swamp Sparrow, and 2 Canyon Towhee.

---On November 7 at Road Canyon Reservoir #1, Eric Hynes reported Mallard X Mexican Duck.

---On November 8 at Red Rocks Trading Post, Frank Farrell and Aaron Shipe reported White-eyed Vireo in Junipers near Swing set and 2 Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay.  On November 9 at Red Rocks Trading Post, Michael Lester and many other birders reported White-eyed Vireo, 22 Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay, and 8 Bushtit.
---On November 8 at Bear Creek Lake Park, Alison Field reported Trumpeter Swan.
---On November 10 at South Platte Reservoir, SW Bay, James McCall, Myron Gerhard, and Mark Chavez reported Surf Scoter and Black Scoter.  On November 11 at South Platte Reservoir, SW Bay, Michael Lester, Reed Gorner, Santiago and Seb Tabares reported Surf Scoter, Black Scoter, and 10 American Pipit.
---On November 11 at Chatfield SP N Boat Ramp, Reed Gorner, Santiago and Seb Tabares reported Clay-colored Sparrow.  On November 11 at Chatfield SP –Deer Creek, Myron Gerhard, Reed Gorner, Santiago and Seb Tabares reported White-faced Ibis.
---On November 10 at Chatfield SP—Audubon Center and Trails, Dustin Murray reported 2 Blue-winged Teal.

---On November 10 at Sheridan Lake (town and playa), Tony Leukering reported Yellow-headed Blackbird.
---On November 10 at Neenoshe Reservoir, Steve Mlodinow and David Ely reported 4 Greater White-fronted Geese, White-winged Scoter, 2 Bonaparte's Gull, Franklin's Gull, 3 California Gull, 4 Hairy Woodpecker, Curve-billed Thrasher, Savannah Sparrow, Lincoln's Sparrow, White-throated Sparrow.
---On November 10 at Neegronda Reservoir, David Ely, Steve Mlodinow, and Tony Leukering reported 110 Snow Geese, 30 Ross's Goose, 3 White-winged Scoter, 5 Sandhill Crane, 4 Bonaparte's Gull, Franklin's Gull, 2 California Gull, 2 Iceland Gull (Thayer's), Lesser Black-backed Gull, Pacific Loon, and Bushtit.
---On November 10 at Upper Queens/Neeskan Reservoir, Steve Mlodinow and David Ely reported 600 Snow Geese, 15 Ross's Geese, 2 Sandhill Crane, 2 American Golden-Plover, 7 Bonaparte's Gull, Franklin's Gull, 3 California Gull, Golden-crowned Kinglet, 3 Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Varied Thrush, 8 Harris's Sparrow, White-throated Sparrow, 4 Lincoln's Sparrow, and Swamp Sparrow.

---On November 7 at Animas River—Huck Finn Ponds and Hatchery Area, Ryan Votta reported Harris's Sparrow.  On November 8 at Animas River—Huck Finn Pond and Hatchery Area,Ryan Votta and Jim Beatty reported Lewis's Woodpecker, Plumbeous Vireo, Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay, American Dipper and Harris's Sparrow.  On November 10 at Animas River—Huck Finn Pond and Hatchery Area, Ryan Votta reported Harris's Sparrow.
---On November 8 at Pastorius Reservor, Susan Allerton reported Bonaparte's Gull and Woodhouse's Scrub –Jay.

---On November 7 at Prospect Ponds NA, Dave Leatherman reported Winter Wren seen at Lynn Hall rustic blind with orange netting.  On .November 8 at Prospect Ponds NA, Josh Bruening reported Winter Wren,  On November 9 at Prospect Ponds, NA, James McCall reported Winter Wren.  On November 10 at Prospect Ponds NA, Ginny Bergstrom and Christine Alexander reported Winter Wren.
---On November 5 SW of Wellington, Steve Martin reported that a f Northern Cardinal has been visiting his feeders for over a month.  If anyone is interested in trying to see the Cardinal, contact Steve at falconridge AT  On November 9 at Falcon Ridge, Andy Bankert, David Wade, Jahy Breidt, Nick Komar, and Walter Wehtje reported Harris's Sparrow, White-throated Sparrow and f Northern Cardinal.
---On November 9 at Timnath Reservoir, Josh Bruening, David Wade, Jay Breidt, and Nick Komar reported 20 Snow Geese, 1 dark morph, 4 Ross's Geese, Greater White-fronted Goose, 7 Tundra Swan, 49 Sandhill Crane (flyover), and Iceland (thayer's) Gull.  On November 10 at Timnath Reservoir, Jay Breidt and Nick Komar reported 6 White-winged Scoter.  On November 11 at Timnath Reservoir, Robert Beauchamp reported Greater Yellowlegs.9
---On November 7 at CSU Environmental Learning Center, Dave Leatherman reported Winter Wren in SW corner of Loop Trail in tangles along old river channel, SW of bench E of "Human Homes" sign.  On November 8 at CSU Environmental Learning Center, Lori Zabel and Christine Sparks reported Snow Goose (Blue morph) on East bank of entrance lake.
---On November 8 at Sheldon Lake, City Park, Fort Collins, Dave Leatherman reported 3 Bonaparte's Gull.
---On November 8 at 2499 Environmental Dr, Fort Collins, Jay Breidt reported Harris's Hawk SE of Environmental/Drake Pond.
---On November 8 at Rigden Reservoir, Guy Turenne reported Common Loon.
---On November 9 at North Shields Pond NA, Kevin McGrath reported Chipping Sparrow.
---On November 10 at Pond E of S CR 21 at Bonnell Drive, Cheri Orwing, Christine Sparks, Denise Bretting, Diane Kristoff reported 4 Tundra Swan.
---On November 10 at Cattail Pond, Jay Breidt reported 4 Tundra Swan (1 ad, 3 juv).  
---On November 10 at Horseshoe Reservoir, Jay Briedt reported 2 Least Sandpiper, Iceland Gull (thayer's), and 6 Lesser Black-backed Gull.  On November 11 at Horseshoe Reservoir, Nick Komar reported Least Sandpiper and Lesser Black-backed Gull.
---On November 11 at 3201 E CR 52, Andy Bankert and Caroline Olson reported 13 Snow Geese and 2 Lapland Longspur.
---On November 11 at Grandview Cemetery, Matthew Webb reported Black-and-white Warbler.
---On November 11 at NE Corner of Horsetooth and Zeigler, Jay Breidt reported HARRIS'S HAWK.

---On November 7 at Colorado River SP, Glenn Pearson reported Greater Scaup and Black Scoter.
---On November 6 at Highline Lake SP, Douglas Diekman reported 2 Forster's Tern.

---On November 9 at WFMC Ponds, Jan Leonard reported Tundra Swan.
---On November 9 at Elkhead Creek Reservoir, Forrest Luke and Jan Leonard reported f-type White-winged Scoter.

---On November 11 at Nucla Water Treatment Plant, Coen Dexter and Brenda Wright reported Snow Goose and 47 Mountain Bluebird.
---On November 6 at Black Canyon—Crystal Dam, Betty Fenton reported 3 Barrow's Goldeneye, 2 Steller's Jay, 7 Clark's Nutcracker, American Dipper, and American Pipit.
---On November 8 at Marine Road Park, Bill Harris reported Wilson's Warbler.
---On November 8 in Nucla (town), Coen Dexter and Brenda Wright reported 3 Yellow-rumped Warbler.
---On November 11 at Otter Pond, Betty Fenton reported 2 Greater Scaup.

---On November 9 at Secret Wetlands, Ridgway, Coen Dexter and Brenda Wright reported American Bittern.
---On November 9 at Ridgway Reservoir and SP, Brenda Wright and Coen Dexter reported Surf Scoter, 19 Sandhill Crane (fo), and Ruby-crowned Kinglet.   On November 10 at Ridgway Reservoir and SP, Jon Horn and Bill Harris reported Surf Scoter Clark's Nutcracker, and 8 Western Bluebird.d
---On November 9 at Ridgway SP—Dallas Creek Area, Coen Dexter and Brenda Wright reported Steller's Jay, American Dipper, 3 Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and 3 Yellow-rumped Warbler.

---On November 7 at Eleven Mile SP, Jerry DeBoer reported Red-necked Grebe.  On November 10 at Eleven Mile SP, David Tonnessen reported 4 Tundra Swan, 3 Greater Scaup, and Barrow's Goldeneye.

---On November 8 at Aspen Center for Environmental Studies, Rebecca Weiss reported 2 Pied-billed Grebe and Steller's Jay.

---On November 9 at Pueblo Reservoir South Shore Marina tires, Brandon Percival reported Great Black-backed Gull.  On November 10 at Pueblo Reservoir South Shore Marina, Brad Steger, Lisa Edwards, and Mark Peterson reported 2 Black Scoter, 4 Lesser Black-backed Gull, Glaucous Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, 2 Mountain Bluebird, and 2 Canyon Towhee.

---On November 8 at Kenney Reservoir, Vic Zerbi reported 2 Bonaparte's Gull and Barrow's Goldeneye.

---On November 9 in Norwood, George Steele reported Osprey.
---On November 9 Boomerang to River Trails, Eric Hynes reported Lincoln's Sparrow and Yellow-rumped Warbler.

---On November 9 at Union Reservoir, Norm Lewis reported 19 Bonaparte's Gull and Red-throated Loon.  On November 11 at Union Reservoir, Steve Mlodinow reported Red-throated Loon, Pacific Loon, 17 Bonaparte's Gull, and Marsh Wren.

DFO Field Trips 
For more details go to the DFO website

Southwest Metro Area
Monday, November 12
6:30 AM – 1:00 PM
David Suddjian (dsuddjian AT; 831-713-8659)

Southeastern Colorado
Wednesday, November 14
5:00 AM – 7:00 PM
David Suddjian (dsuddjian AT; 831-713-8659)

Cherry Creek State Park
Wednesday, November 14
8:15 AM – 12:00 PM
Robert Righter (Rorighter AT; 303-908-1666)

South Platte River Reservoir and River Trail
Thursday, November 15
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Gregg Goodrich (GreggGoodrich AT; 303-655-9135)

Guanella Pass
Friday, November 16
8:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Mark Amershek (mamershek At; 303-329-8646)
This trip is FULL.

Bluff Lake Nature Center
Saturday, November 17
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Colleen Nunn (cnunn6789 AT; 303-520-7496)

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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