Sunday, 4 September 2016

[cobirds] Wyoming Hereford Ranch (Larimer "Annex" in Laramie County WY) plus Larimer CR5

Hopefully it is OK to post to COBIRDS about the Wyoming Hereford Ranch just east of Cheyenne, WY off Campstool Road Exit of I-80, as this definitely informs events at Crow Valley Campground (Weld) and other point south in CO.  It is practically a Larimer County Colorado "Annex".

I usually bird the ranch itself, then check the WHR Reservoir #2 to the east and then work back west on Campstool Road past the Visitor Entrance Road to WHR to the unnamed road that connects Campstool Road (SR209) with S. Industrial Road to the west, then follow S. Industrial Road northwest to WHR Reservoir #1.  Google WHR and check the map to make sense of this.

At the WHR itself, including the long, cottonwood topped lane leading to the visitor check-in bldg (first structure on the left as you come north on the entry road, and which has a guestbook and clean restroom), the various barns and ranch buildings, and the riparian area along Crow Creek to the north, I had 40 species, with the best being American Redstart male, Northern Waterthrush, Red-eyed Vireo, probable Calliope Hummingbird, a zillion (30+) Wilson's Warblers, 3-4 MacGillivray's Warblers, 2 Orange-crowned Warblers, a FOS at low elevation Ruby-crowned Kinglet, two "western" Warbling Vireos, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Least Flycatcher, 2 Dusky Flycatchers, 2 buntings that were probably Lazuli, a heard only grosbeak, Gray Catbird and 5 lingering Yellow Warblers.  The habitat looks outstanding and I actually expected a rarity or two but it was not to be.  Like Crow Valley Campground, the area has had high water earlier in the summer but is OK now.  There is a wonderful boggy area just down the bank north of the Sale Barn that seems crafted for a Prothonotary, waterthrush (yes, that where the one was), Wood Thrush, stub-tailed wren, woodcock or rare Oporornis.  Surprisingly, very few mosquitoes.

WHR Reservoir #2 had several common waterfowl species plus Snowy Egret.

The unnamed road connecting Campstool Road with S. Industrial Road had a Blue Grosbeak, a few Savannah Sparrows, a few Vesper Sparrows, and about half a dozen kingbirds, both Eastern and Western.

WHR Reservoir #1 usually has good shoreline habitat but was pretty full today.  Solitary Sandpiper and lingering Bank Swallows, plus an early Yellow-rumped Warbler were probably the best birds here.

Total species for the entire WHR complex: 68

On the way home I got off I-25 at the Carr Exit, drove west on Larimer CR92 and then south along CR5 to Buckeye Road.  Best bird was a Cassin's Kingbird in the Round Butte Valley Ranch yard.  In general, however, very few birds on the fenceline or elsewhere on CR5.

Dave Leatherman

Fort Collins

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